Started this discussion. Last reply by Seek Nov 12, 2013. 5 Replies 0 Likes
I was doing some research on the King James and some are saying that it's not the oldest version. Once again, I'm confused. What is the oldest version?Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by ScribeD Nov 13, 2013. 5 Replies 0 Likes
I'm searching for a church that uses a KJV, but is somewhat contemporary in their preaching/worship style. I attended a Baptist church today, but churches that aren't non-denominational sometimes seem dull to me. Maybe I have the wrong expectations…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Seek Nov 12, 2013. 21 Replies 1 Like
I am exploring some of the denominations of Christianity and I have a few questions.Now, this is my opinion, but I have decided to stick with the King James Version just because it is the closest to the original and because some verses in the other…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Tawny Ealy Jan 18, 2014. 64 Replies 0 Likes
So, my pastor asks me today why I haven't been baptized and I told him that I'm still searching God and still navigating my way through Christianity. For those who know me through the few years I have posted on this site, I have a LOT of questions…Continue
Hi Kayla. I'm Also from Shippensburg/Carlisle. Nice to Meet You
If you inbox me your address, I'll be more then happy to help you find a local church or one in your area hun. Just don't put it here please.
Something I believe you would enjoy. God loves you dear.
hi how are you?
iam pastor from india.
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