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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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Amanda's Discussions

What happens to people when the physical body dies?

Started this discussion. Last reply by June Raven May 3, 2020. 4 Replies

What information does the Bible offer us about the state of the soul and/or spirit when people die? What can we biblically conclude about that information? Continue

What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Carla Feb 28, 2020. 5 Replies

Is it ok to reject a friendship of someone who is a member of your church?If so, can you still fellowship together as Christians?Continue

Is the Good News by itself enough to remind unbelievers of what they really already know but are suppressing—the knowledge of God Himself?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Amanda Dec 15, 2019. 12 Replies

It’s commonly said that Christians are not of this world but are in the world. The world tries its utmost to suppress the knowledge of God and to keep God out of their thinking. The world is in…Continue

Do we who live in the States and Canada fully appreciate the access we have to the Word of God?

Started this discussion. Last reply by JB Jun 2, 2019. 2 Replies

How were copies of the canon of scriptures made before the printing press was invented? Were people killed for printing and distributing the published Bible and are they considered as martyrs for the…Continue


One of my favorite quotes is, "You're not brave, if you're not scared."

Latest Activity

Amanda replied to June's discussion Untitled
"We become easy and vulnerable targets to Satan and his minions for several reasons. Some are weak in faith; some are not well instructed in righteousness, some have erred from the Truth; some don’t yet know how to make peace; some aren’t…"
Aug 6, 2020
Amanda replied to Carla's discussion COVID-19. Living Life Interrupted!
"Not much changed in my home. My husband and son are essential workers and have been working the whole time. Things changed for them at work such as being required to wear masks. I have continued caring for my grandkids through it, too, since their…"
Aug 2, 2020
June Raven replied to Amanda's discussion What happens to people when the physical body dies?
"Hi  I JUMP in. First in reality or in our world the ressurection is only by means of heart-beat awaken or awaken of Brain-sleep or dead or the movement of tiniest cell as Life. Then actuality a Creature is being Born. How in the world we will…"
May 3, 2020
Amanda replied to Amanda's discussion What happens to people when the physical body dies?
"Understanding the written word is challenging for sure. We need Holy Spirit and the Bible together but even then some things stay very gray. Our blessed hope is the Resurrection and the eternal life Jesus promises. Jesus mentioned Paradise to the…"
May 2, 2020
Tammy replied to Amanda's discussion What happens to people when the physical body dies?
"That was the easy part - copying & pasting the Scripture. Now, translating them is a different picture altogether but this is a start."
May 1, 2020
Tammy replied to Amanda's discussion What happens to people when the physical body dies?
"12 Now if Christ is proclaimed as raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. 14 And if Christ has not…"
May 1, 2020
Amanda posted a discussion

What happens to people when the physical body dies?

What information does the Bible offer us about the state of the soul and/or spirit when people die? What can we biblically conclude about that information? See More
May 1, 2020
Amanda replied to thewatchman's discussion Why is this statement always thrown out about.....with people who claim to be Christians???
""His peace is lost when we look away from Him. When we fix our eyes upon our worries, it is the things of the next world that grow strangely dim. A sad fact, because, as C. S. Lewis said, 'The Christians who did the most for the present…"
Apr 29, 2020
Carla replied to Amanda's discussion What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?
"What a beautiful response HandMaiden.  I look forward to hearing from you more on here. Blessings, Carla"
Feb 28, 2020
HandMaiden replied to Amanda's discussion What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?
"Correction: He Loves (not lives) us all"
Feb 28, 2020
HandMaiden replied to Amanda's discussion What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?
"It’s the mystery of unity in the fellowship of believers. God wants all kinds before the Throne He lives us all but we are different we want what we can appreciate. There will always be differences forever. We will instantly love all who Love…"
Feb 28, 2020
Carla replied to Amanda's discussion What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?
"I just reread your question, and I realize I didn't really answer it.. :-) Yes, it's ok to reject a friendship of a church member.  Yes, I believe you can still fellowship.  There is still something to always learn... and to…"
Feb 28, 2020
Carla replied to Amanda's discussion What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?
"Hi Amanda, Another thoughtful question. To me there is intimacy in both, but with friendship it just may be a bit more personal.  My friends are the few people I confide in.  They are the ones who get to hear the nitty gritty of life and…"
Feb 28, 2020
Amanda posted a discussion

What are the differences between Christian friendship and Christian fellowship?

Is it ok to reject a friendship of someone who is a member of your church?If so, can you still fellowship together as Christians?See More
Feb 14, 2020
Shelly liked Amanda's blog post Watercolors
Dec 15, 2019
Amanda posted a blog post


I’ve been trying to learn to paint. These are watercolorings. I watch YouTube videos about painting for beginners. I’m self taught but it’s good therapy. Art therapy of sorts.  I’ve found, anyway, that it’s somewhat therapeutic for me, helps me deal with emotions like anger and sadness, distracts my mind, even soothes my soul. Plus, it’s fun!…See More
Dec 15, 2019

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I'm here to...
Can people love someone whatever is true about them? I want to know that people will love me whether I'm tall, short, smart, dumb, well, sick... I want to learn to love like that, too.
I'm passionate about...
God, my husband, children, grandchildren

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Amanda's Blog


Posted on December 15, 2019 at 2:08pm 0 Comments

I’ve been trying to learn to paint. These are watercolorings. I watch YouTube videos about painting for beginners. I’m self taught but it’s good therapy. Art therapy of sorts.  I’ve found, anyway, that it’s somewhat therapeutic for me, helps me deal with emotions like anger and sadness, distracts my mind, even soothes my soul. Plus, it’s fun!…


Be Reconciled to God

Posted on June 30, 2019 at 9:52am 0 Comments

Since the very moment that the Fall of mankind occurred, God began fulfilling His plan to bring people back from it and from being separated from Him. It's called The Ministry of Reconciliation and is described in 2 Corinthians  5:11-21. God wasn't surprised when Adam and Eve sinned. A divine plan was…


There’s no getting rid of the stigma.

Posted on May 15, 2018 at 8:19am 2 Comments

It’s said that people will turn to the church and to God first for help and answers to the problems of daily life (especially those who are experiencing mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression) because professional help is so expensive but they turn away from the church because their problems aren’t always well received there and they don’t feel welcome in their…


Through Him, I have been forgiven, declared righteous, and am precious in God's eyes.

Posted on August 25, 2017 at 6:27am 0 Comments

The piece of text on the image said, "I'm not what I ought to be. I'm not what I wish to be. I'm not even what I hope to be. But by God's grace and Jesus' love I'm not what I used to be."

All of us do things or have things in our lives that God doesn't want. None of us live in sinless perfection, but does that mean we shouldn't talk about God or share the gospel of Christ until we do?

I want to please God with my life, but I know I fail in many ways. My failures don't mean… Continue

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At 12:32pm on December 4, 2019, Carla said…

Hello my Beautiful sister In Christ.  Just stopping by to say 'Hey'.

Have a great day!!!  

Blessings, Carla

At 12:09pm on June 30, 2019, Carla said…

It's very strange.. not sure why it's doing that. is secure, and when I clicked on the link from that website to come here, this website is still not secure.  I'll notify the owners.  It's not like we're using credit cards here, or anything like that, but it definitely should be looked into.  Thanks for letting me know.  Blessings, Carla

At 10:14am on June 29, 2019, Carla said…

Hi Amanda,

Yes, I get the same message.  You can change the http message in the address bar to visit a more secure version of the page.  Here's how:  

  1. Select the address bar.
  2. Delete http://, and enter https:// instead.  If that doesn't work let me know.  You can contact the owner, or I will if you want me to and advise them.  Keep me updated.  Blessings, Carla
At 2:02pm on March 2, 2018, DOROTHY said…

At 8:33pm on August 17, 2017, Tammy gave Amanda a gift
At 2:56pm on August 12, 2017, Tammy said…

So awesome to see u back girlie. Luv u

At 7:09am on August 12, 2017, JB said…

Can people love someone whatever is true about them?

Yes! by the renewing the mind.

The UN-renewed Mine!!

#1. An UN-renewed mine is always waging war against unbelief.

#2. Ever praying for faith, but never arriving.

#3. Talking unbelief, yet struggling to get faith,

#4. Confessing failure, at the same time, confessing faith in the Word, yet denying it in action,

#5. Trying to believe, yet never acting on the Word.

 This is the attributes of Love, "God's kind of love" that we are to have as a Christian.

1 Cor. 13:4-8 Amp. Affirmation

God is Love

Because I walk in love, and love lives in me

#1. I endure long

#2. I’m patient and kind,

#3. I’m never envious, nor do I boil over with jealously

#4. I’m never boastful or vainglorious

#5. I never display myself haughtily

#6. I’m not conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride

#7. I’m never rude, or unmannerly, and I never act unbecomingly

#8. I never insist on my own rights, or my own ways

#9. I am not self-seeking

#10. I’m never touchy, fretful, or resentful

#11. I take no account of an evil done to me

#12. I pay no attention to a suffered wrong

#13. I do not rejoice at injustice, and unrighteousness

#14 But I do rejoice when right and truth prevail

#15. I bear up under anything, and everything that comes

#16. I am ever ready to believe the best of everyone

#17. My hopes are fade-less under all circumstances

#18. I endure everything without weakening

#19. For the love in me never fails, never fades out, becomes obsolete, or comes to an end 


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