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Anna Nicole Gregory
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  • onesmus   m  taj
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Anna Nicole Gregory's Page

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Stay at home mom
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singing, bowling, learning more about the bible, spending time with family and friends.
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My story with God
When I was youger I thought I was saved and had a relationship with Jesus but I was living a sinful life. I would go out with boyfriend and friends and do ungodly things and sing on sundays mornings at church. Would hang around the wrong crowd. I was living my life the way I wanted to and thought everything was ok. Cussed like a sailor and got mad at everything. My parents divorced when I was nine and they remarried other ppl and my step parents didn't want me around. I was from my moms, dads and then stayed with my grandma's. I developed a lot of angry at of all of it and still trying to deal with my anger. I meet my husband in 2005 and we got married in 2006 and then I became pregnant. I lost the baby at 8 weeks. I went into deep depression cause the baby had been dead in my womb for 2 weeks and I didnt really know it, had to have a D & C and when I woke up I couldn't breath I thought I was dying. When I finally was discharged from the hospital I still went into depression and tried to kill myself with pills. I would never forget when the preacher came to my house, I thought I was ok but he told me I wasn't thats when I realized if I didn't come out of this I was going to die and go to hell if I didn't give my life to Jesus and when I went to church that sunday morning its like I couldn't stay in my seat, when the preacher called for an altar call like he did every sunday morning I knew then and there that I needed to go up. and oh when I went up and got on my kness and prayed to God is like all this hurt that I had been feeling from losing the baby had been lifted off my shoulders and I cried and weep for a long time. I have become a different person. Instead of battling the sin of the world, I'm battling the spirtual life. It feels so good to be walking with Jesus everyday. Can not say that its easy cause its not. I have to deny my flesh everyday and follow him. Satan tries to stand in my way a lot of times but I'm a child of God so he can't mess with me. I would like to witness to ppl about my life, especially these young ppl out here that are living a sinful life. Its just not worth all the pain. Thank you for letting me share my story with you. God Bless!!!
Other stuff about me:
I love Jesus Christ

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At 2:04am on May 24, 2013, rosary flasius gave Anna Nicole Gregory a gift
At 4:06am on September 19, 2012, Sathish Kumar ( Dan) gave Anna Nicole Gregory a gift
wow , Great testimony , Really moved me , God will use you and let his light shine on you and you will be a blessing to millions . God Bless You
At 5:43pm on August 28, 2012, rosary flasius gave Anna Nicole Gregory a gift
dear beloved, blessings in our Lord jesus,
At 5:22am on July 26, 2012, onesmus m taj said…

Hello sister. thank you for adding me in you friend list .may God bless you in you business and home.

At 10:16pm on July 24, 2012, David Velasquez said…

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