Paige Robertson

51, Female


United States

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I'm here to...
join,getinvolved & connect with other christians
I love to excersize and enjoy the outdoors. I love to socialize and
fellowship with my christian friends. But most of all, I am an artist. I have been blessed with oppurtunities to paint murals in alot of churches and in homes. I also do custom art and design. God gave me a gift and he gives me the work.I also love music and dance.
I'm passionate about...
Im passionate about art and painting. I currently am painting murals in alot of churches. I want to produce more religious art and seel them to the public. I love drawing and God has blessed me. I hope that my art will bless and encourage others in thier faith. I also am compassionate towards young womedn and would really want to help them with eating disorders. I had that and want to help those who struggle with it. I am there for those who have it. I want to help.
Other stuff about me:
I love to pray for others and get prayer. I love to write letters and encourage others. I am married and have 2 small children. We have a nice home in a quiet heighborhood. I love my klids and love to paint childrens murals. I hope to homeschool or put my kids in private school.

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  • Sherlyn Marquez

    Would you like to receive Jesus Christ as your savior? If you would, you can pray a prayer like this:

    “Jesus, I need you. I repent for the life I’ve lived apart from you. Thank you for dying on the cross to take the penalty for my sins. I believe you are God’s Son and I now receive you as my Savior and Lord. I commit my life to follow you.”

    Did you pray this prayer?
  • Charlene

    Hey Paige, I pray Peace a nd Blessing over your life, I am so glad to hear from you, dont worry about that its typical in that age range of 3-5 to wanna knock em out lol, we just got refrain from doing so LOL but yea they are always jumping into this or the next i kno our daughters are close in age so i can just image what your lil one is getting into with her big brother LOL BIG FUN!!UH OH! and dont worry about not getting time to be with the Lord while you paint, start praying while you paint and just bask in His presence, imagine His light shining on you as you paint revitalizing every muscle and organ in your body:) I love you Paige muah we will chat soon!
  • Theresa

    Hey Paige,
    i wanted to show my daughter's friend your page, they both said how beautiful you are and your family pictures, your page is full of love, awesome praise ans worship, bless God. Anyway, I have been thinking of you, wanted to stop by and bless you my dear friend in the name of Jesus. Hope and pray all is well you!!!!
  • Tikkie

    I am Tikkie from India and I am a Christian.Your paintings are really good , your hus is handsome and the kids very beautiful and cute. Are you a Mormon because I have heard that the majority in Utah are Mormons.I would like to hear from you and talk about faith and other topics.Hope you will reply.May GOD Bless You and Guide You
  • Manga

    hellow my sister!
    yes, all the way from Kenya, i am here to share the love,peace, joy,and all the good things of God. i joined AAG 3 days ago and i am glad to be here.
    thanks for your message. God bless you sister.
  • Tikkie

    Hi Paige,
    I am very Happy to get your comment and many thanks for is really nice and sweet of you to give such a detailed reply.There is no Mormon church here but I met some Mormons in bangalore.As I said earlier I am Tikkie from India and I am a Christian.. I am 46 years old, un married and in travel trade field.I live in kerala, a state in India.Trivandrum is the Capital and I live in trivandrum.The native language is malayalam but English is widely spoken and understood here.Tourism is being promoted in a big way here and many tourists from europe, America, Aus trailai and other places come here.Beaches and back waters are the unique tourism products of Kerala.Kerala there are lots of Christians but not the majority.Christians run very good schools, colleges, hospitals and other establishments here and also in many parts of India.As you might be aware in some parts of India Christians were persecuted but they stood firm in their faith..Despite all this many are coming to the LORD JESUS and accepting HIM as their LORD and SAVIOUR.It is really a miracle..I would like to be your friend and talk about faith and other matters.My e-mail id is
    You can contact me through this site or directly to my id.Hope to hear from you. My regards to all members of your family.I can hardly paint or draw so I admire you a lot.May GOD Bless You and your family.May HE Bless You and Guide You.
    with regards
  • Desree

    Hello sis!!!
    God Bless you!How are you?
    Hello sweety, god bless you and your family as well hon. im doing soso, but ok thank god. still looking for work . but summer almost here and i run a small biz at cooney island amusement park , i make and sell pina coaldas . come bye one day this summer if u in n yc and come have a drink with me virgin of course.
    lol your choice.

    I pray that you are doing good!!!
    im doing soso.

    I thank you for all the great and encouraging emails you send me.
    aww im glad u enjoy them . as many email me and tell me they do too amen im so happy they lift up your spirit. amen

    Your faith amazes me and your love is wonderful. I have never met you but I still love you my sister!
    awwww thank you so much sweety. i love u more. amen in jesus name.

    God is good and He loves you too!
    yes indeed. i love him too very much. amen hes my everything .

    I thank Him that He has provided me with a friend like you who sends me daily encouraging words to help me in my walk with Him.

    aww thank you sis, praise god alleuia amen and amen

    Thank you very much and may He continue to bless you with such passion for Him! That is a real gift! I hope to hear from you again soon. You are cherished in the beloved!
    thank you sweety you too are cherished. god bless u. love sister des.

    (pic look familiar?)
    YES IT DOES. lollz.
  • Dianne

    Hello Paige .pleasent day to u in the holy name of our Lord ....
  • Dianne

  • Kandy

    Hey Sis,
    How have you been? Hope everything is well with you. Will you be online tonight I'd love to chat miss you loads
  • rowena

    i am very glad to hear from you, and thank you for the compliment with regards to my page...
    you have beautiful children and a very busy mom! : )
    I believe God used your full potential for His glory...
    Its nice to know you here...
    Tons of blessing to you and your family!
  • Manga

    Hy, my sister, i am more encouraged every moment i read comments from you.
    its wonderful and joyous to share the love of God with others and also to trust in God in every situation that may come our way.
    thanks and God bless you my sister!
  • Tikkie

    I am very Happy to get your comment.Yes, there are a lot of nice places here to visit but most of them are not kept in good conditions.I really LOVE MY LORD JESUS. Without HIM I would be nothing.HE LOVES ME DESPITE MY SHORTCOMINS AND FAILURES.GOD" LOVE FOR MAN WHICH WAS SHOWN THROUGH JESUS IS THE GREATEST BLESSING AND HOPE FOR MAN.Other wise Human race would have been doomed long ago. I am really happy to get your message..You can e-mail me directly or through this site.Hope to get your reply.may GOD Bless You and Your family.May HE BE WITH YOU and GUIDE YOU
  • Desree

    God bless you mysister paige. love you.
    we ok. for now . still trying to make ends meet but itsall coming in slowly , thou ineed it tocome in a little faster , amen
  • journeyman

    Hello Paige! How have you been? Busy Im sure. Just wanted to say Hello and May God Bless you my friend.
  • huzooma

    hi how are you?
    I have seen a dream jesus i saw.
    he came to talk people but people wont listen him
    .he went back again..
    than i wake another dream there ..that is who is taught
    me jesus they came to see me in my dream again
    than I thought thts jesus i saw because thay are cuming top see me
    .then i really wake.m happy because I see jesus
  • Theresa

    Hey Paige,
    It is always sooo good to hear from you my sister in Christ.
    I have been busy too with kids, work but listening to God's word and reading what He says is thankfully my first priority, bless His name.
    Creflo Dollar MUST be heard by me every day and if I missed him cause of sth, I know right away there is sth missing, oh my Lord, I owe this man of God thanksgiving to God for giving him to the body of Christ, I am very very careful not to place Creflo on a pedestal, God forbids, but the Word spoken through him by Christ is a treasure I do not ever want to lose.
    Please know you are in my prayers and I thank God at the remembrance of your name.
  • Theresa

    Someone at work told me this story yesterday, thought of you now, want to share it.
    This mom had two boys, 8 and 10 , very very naughty boys and the mom did not know how to deal with them, she heard of a preacher that knew how to deal with children, she asked him to help, he agreed and asked to see the 8 year old first, the boy came to the office, sat down and the preacher asked him sternly: Son, where is God? the boy did not answer and the preacher asked him again and this time louder: where is God? the boy ran from the office as fast as he can and hid in his closet, his brother saw him and asked him: what happened? the 8 year old replied: we are in touble this time, big trouble, God is missing and they are blaming us.
    I hope I made you laugh and may you laugh all weekend. I am still laughing!!!!!
  • Lauren

    hey!!! i haven't been on here in SO LONG! i need to delete my MYSPACE and just come on here...I get WAY to addicted on that!! I'll just sit down to check something "REAL QUICK" and it'll be 2 hours late...So i know exactly what you mean about getting side i read ur message it was sweet thank u for thinking of me :) makes me happy! and as i was reading it i was agreeing with everything u were saying, we think a lot alike from what i've 'read' :) I will email you i check that more then this page...My daughter actually got bit by a dog last night and today her face was so swollen!! i took her to the doc and it's infected and the dog hasn't had shots in a few years!! :O I said prayers for her, will you pray for her please..i know rabies is rare but it still makes me nervous and the infection on her cheek...but besides them i'm ok i can't wait to be done with this semester i have a huge math test coming up monday i need to study for this weekend...About my graphics i just google stuff like "christian graphics" and all these different things will pop up or i take them off other's people page on Myspace or here lol Anyways enough about me! how are you doing? to bad we don't live near each other I NEED CHRISTIAN friends here! and you are so RIGHT it is so hard sometimes being a christian in this world...ok well it's almost 3 AM!!! i need to go to bed and get ready for my kids int he morning, i wake up to "Mommy I want Waf Waf's" from my daughter alot lol (waf waf=waffles) haha she still hasn't mastered the English language yet...or seeing my son stand up in his crib and getting super excited when he hears his bottle shaking he will literally just crack up and smile non stop when he see's his bottle it's funny he knows what it means...i just sent you and email so now u have mine n we can prob. talk more there :) take care and hope all is well for your family! May God Bless you all!

  • empress

    I would love to visit you paige Your always in my heart I feel so good when I talk to you.Your not judgemental.Please keep me in your prayers.I love you Can't wait to meet you and your beautiful family!
  • Carla

    hello my dear.. I am just stopping by to say hello.. I have thought of you often and wanted to call but I can't find your number.. It's been way too long since we have talked. I miss you... and I am lifting you up to the Lord....and your beautiful family.

    Love and Blessings, Carla
  • kathleen aldea

    Soul food for the Day: The CENTER...

    The center chapter of the BIBLE is Psalm 118.. there are 594 chapters before and after Psalm 118
    And if we will add this we will get 1188... in which the center verse of the BIBLE is PSALM 118:8
    What is the significant of Psalm 118:8 in God's perfect will for our lives?
    It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.-- Psalm 118:8
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    When things get tough, always remember faith doesn't get you around trouble..
    it gets you through it!
    When you relinquish the desire to control your future you obtain happiness...

    Father God, bless my friend in whatever it is that you know he/she may be needing this day....
    May their life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have closer relationship with you. Amen...

  • Cat

  • God'sgirl24

    hey paige! So good to hear from you1 we are okay. If you feel led to homeschool do it1 Do what God tells you to1 You can do it if you are led. I plan on homeschooling mine all the way with the help of God but it isn't easy1 love and miss u too!
  • Rori

    where are you????
  • Rori

  • Theresa

    He is alive again, the stone been rolled away
    He is alive again, He is no longer where He lay
    He is alive again, I can hear the angels say
    let all the earth rejoice, He is alive.
    Blessing you and your family this day and always. May you sense the presence of the Lord and His joy always. Have a blessed day!
  • empress

    Hi Pagie how are you my sister,I am going through a lot what we talk about in private chat.Please pray for me
  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Dust if you must.
    But wouldn't it be better to paint a picture,
    or write a letter, bake a cake, or plant a seed.
    Ponder the difference between
    want and need.
    Dust if you must.
    But there is not much time,
    with rivers to swim and mountains to climb!
    Music to hear, and books to read,
    friends to cherish and life to lead.
    Dust if you must.
    But the world's out there
    with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair, a flutter
    of snow, a shower of rain.
    This day will not come round again.
    Dust if you must.
    But bear in mind, old age will come
    and it's not kind. And when you go, and go you must,
    you, yourself, will make more dust.
    a house becomes a home when you can write
    "I love you" on the furniture.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • Sue

    Not sure where time goes. As you can tell I have been out of touch for awhile. But there is nothing like a two day snow storm in the Rockies to give you time in the house to catch up on things.Started snowing at 4pm yesterday (Thursday) and is expected to continue until Saturday afternoon. But being in Utah, I guess that might not be so unusual for your area.

    Lord is continuing to work in very strange, but positive (as always) ways. All is well with us. Lot of hard work to keep our store growing the way the economy is right now. Husband got laid off, but through a family friend got a job the same week he got his last severance check, God is good. Youngest daughter is settled in college in Flordia. Oldest got marrined in August in Texas and will graduate from college in May.

    Glad to hear things are good with you. Children are a true blessing from the Lord. They grow so fast. Seems like just yesterday mine were the age of yours. Cherish the times you have with them. Remember God is along side of you and if you let Him, He will help you shape them into great kingdom worriors. No that time not mean there will not be struggles as they grow, but it means you will be able to look back with great memories.

    Have a blessed day and stay in touch. I will try to get better with checking in. You are a great friend in Christ.
  • Mariam

    Hi paige,
    Just knw that i miss u en
    love lots.
    Regards to d kids.
  • Mariam

    Hi paige,
    Just knw that i miss u en
    love lots.
    Regards to d kids.
  • Carla

    Hello Dear sister.. I am praying for you.. and trying to call you.

    Love, Carla
  • Carla

  • Carla

    Hello and Good Morning dear sis...

    Read Hebrews 11:27...... Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
    Love in Christ, Carla
  • Carla

    Hi me again.. Are you getting sick of me yet? I called you again tonight around 9:30pm my time.. I think that's like 7:30pm your time.

    Okay,.....,......,......, now I'm being a pest right! That's okay.... That's my job!

    Love you, Carla
  • Nienie

    Dear sis
    You are in my prayers, thoughts and inmy heart!!
    Take care, hold on tight, stand on His promises although sometimes it seems if you are going nowhere, for we cant see where God is working!!
    Love you
  • Carla

    hi ... I just wanted to stop by to let you know I miss you and would love to hear from you. Let me know how you are..

    Lots of Love, Carla
  • Nienie

    Hello my sis
    how are you? trust you are okay?
    please pray for your sister over here... you know the wothless feeling and dark empty space thats trying to swallow us... having trouble with it lately... struggle is hard as you know...
    Keep you in my prayers
    Love you Nienie
  • AAG Netguy


    Just wanted to check in and see if you are doing ok. Love from all of here at!
  • Carla

    Hi Paige,

    How are you? Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful Mothers Day! I hope your
    family spoils you. Take care. Get enough rest. Love you, Carla
  • Jenlynn

    Hey Paige. Believe it or is me. Life has just been crazy. I haven't had time too read all of the posts. Just wanted to say thanks for keeping us in your thoughts. As of now, Bill has a 5th cancer. I know..crazy huh? The docs wanted to do more chemo...he said no way. Anyways...just wanted to let you know I am still alive. God Bless
  • Patricia Bird

    Hello Page, I just joined and found you. I too love painting and have painted murals in chruches and for passionplays and other dramas.
    I just started a group for artist and would love to have you join. you can find it at

    I started home educating my children in the mid 80's and just moved 2 years ago to a town where that wasn't nessasary (every teacher my kids have are Christian, most all in the school system are.) great place to live, even in this "new changed" America.
    enjoy today,
  • kamal gharti

    Hello Paige
  • empress

    Paige how are you sister? Did you forget about me I am worried about you I tried calling you but never got a response from you I miss you.
  • Theresa

  • Theresa

    Please know you are missed and loved so much by me. I am trusting God all is ok with you and looking forward to hear from you soon.
    God bless you my friend!
  • huzooma

    please Pray for me
    I have lot of problem at home
    who came to studying staying wiht me she is havin evil problem
    she is having fear with it b/
    she is showting screaming...
  • Theresa

    I miss you Paige, hope and pray to hear from you soon.
    God is awesome!
  • huzooma

    Please peray for me
    I have lot of problem
    I think my home there is evil also
    one night one girl who is staying with me she got mad
    now she is ok........

    but my children always sic
    still tryn to find a house ....couldnt find what i like the place
    I got failed 1 subject also
    I'm trying to do make up exam
    but children r sic very difficult study ...
    muhsin is my husband.he also have problem
    he sell his shop,he didnt tell me before he sell that
    problem is he couldnt get money .....that person is given to him
    empty check
    now he is trying to get money.....but that person tald him he doesnt have money