
Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Turks & Caicos Islands
Finance Administrator
I'm here to...
make friends, Fellowship and Spiritual Guidance
I love talking about God and his awesome love and never ending grace that he constantly bestows on us. I'm also interested in the culinary arts especially cake baking and would like to own a cafe that caters to this interest someday soon, and with the help of God.
I'm passionate about...
I'm passionate about God and telling others about him and his great love for us. It totally blows my mind when I think of how he loved us so much that he sent his beloved son the one who knew no sin down here to live among sinful man like us. So that we can know him and his true nature throught his son Jesus Christ. Guys he didn't stop there he left us breathless and utterly amazed when we see him suffering and dying on that cross for our sins to bring us back into a relationship with the father. There is no words to describe when I think on how the grave could not hold him he rose again on the third day giving us (all who would believe in him)salvation, hope, joy and faith that will never die. He is in heaven now our high preist constantly pleading and making intersession on our behalf and watching over his sheeps 24/7. WOW WE SERVE AND AWESOME GOD.
My story with God
I grew up in a christian home. When I was a little girl I was always eager to learn about the lord and enjoyed going to sunday school and church with my Grand dad and when I was about 6 years old I asked Jesus to come into my heart.

As I became a teenager I began to draw away from church and the things of God I wanted to follow my friends and in my mind be like the other kids my age. I would thoroughly resent it when my parents would make me go to sunday school and I would lie in bad thinking I can't wait until I'm old enough to get out of here and do what I want to do. I stilled prayed but not as often as I used to. Then one evening my cousins and I were discussing God and Blaspheming. We always heard that it was the unpardonable sin but we didn't know what it was exactly and was confused as to why he won't forgive it. That night after they left I thought about what we discussed and I committed what I thought was the unpardonable sin.

Automatically I felt guilty ashame and most off all terrified and condamed. I cried and prayed all that night asking god to forgive me but thinking he didn't because he could not forgive that awful sin. I felt like my life was over and like there was no hope for me I was domed to hell. I felt like God had stop loving and caring for me. But I continued to pray although it seemed useless to me. I was constantly afraid thinking that Jesus would come and I would be left behind or that I would die and have to face eternity in hell. So over the years I tried to block Jesus out of my mind because I couldn't face where I was heading and I guess somewhere in my subconcious I began to convince myself that he didn't exist and lived my life accordingly. But I was never happy and always longing for something but never quite getting it. I tried to find it in relationships its like I was desperate to be loved. One day my sister ask "Kandy why do you look so sad do you pray and ask for guidance you know he loves you and if you seek him you will find true love and joy in him". Looking back at that know I realise that it was God reaching out to me through her. But of course it sounded like foolishness that she was telling me.

Then there was a major disturbance in the middle east which was in the news constantly. I realized then that more prophecies were being fulfilled it really dawned on me that hey Jesus is comming what are you going to do? You don't even know if you believe in him anymore. That night I beg and pleaded with Jesus to forgive me. But I felt like even if he could over look the blaspheme there is no way that he is going to hear your prayer if you don't know if you believe in him anymore.

At that time I was to afraid to Live and to afraid to die, I almost completely stop functioning and was living in torment. All the sins that I had ever committed was constantly bombarding me making me feel guilty and helpless. I prayed to God to help me to keep my sanity because I felt like I was loosing it and my family and friends were all worried. He helped me to keep my sanity and directed me to a church nearby where I got spiritual guidance and help. I learned that there is no sin so great that Jesus blood cannot blott out. I learned that the unpardonable sin is when when one dies and never came to faith in Jesus. I learned that when we become saved our minds doesn't change right away we have to change it and line it up with Gods word. But most importantly I learned Jesus Loved and cared deeply for me . No one can love me the way he can. He knew me before he formed me in my mothers womb he knew me and approved me as his choosen instrument. I know now that gods grace is sufficient for all our sins. I wasted a lot of years being a slave to Satan. Know I want to serve Jesus with all that is me for the rest of my life. He gave me his best its only resonable that I give him my all.


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  • Eric Johnson Jr.

    Praise the Lord. God bless you. Smile Jesus loves you. Philippians 3:13-14.
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href="http://bit.ly/dg4vGg">http://bit.ly/dg4vGg</a>
  • Eric Johnson Jr.

    Praise the Lord. God bless you Kandy. Smile Jesus loves you! Philippians 3:13-14