
66, Female

Divide, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
I'm here to...
connect with other Christians, provide encouragement, and seeking fellowship with other believers.
Spending time in God's word, reading, cross-stitching, and hiking.
I'm passionate about...
spending time with God, and in His word, Seeking to grow in Christ. Finding and staying in His perfect will for my life.
My story with God
I was raised in a single parent home. With a mother who professed to being a Christian, but never seemed to practice it in real life. Looing back I can see the spirit of addiction had an all consuming hold on her life. However, my grandmother always made sure I went to vacation bible school each year. When I out grew that I strayed very far from the Lord. God finally brought me to a point where I realized I could not go on without him. My husband and I were both in the Air Force and we had a young child. We met some wonderful folks in Germany and started attending church again. Then I was selected for a very good job in a field I had little to no experience, competing as a support officer with many male pilots. I was alone in a hotel room in Salt Lake City, dead tired from jet lag and over whelmed wiht my job. When I realized I would not succeed if I did not have God's help. So I invited Him to take control of my life. After many years of church and sunday school I am now striving to "deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him."
Other stuff about me:
I am married, have two wonderful girls, two dogs, and 1 cat. Love the Lord, and desire with all my heart to have a closer more Spirit filled life.

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  • Nienie

    Dear Sue
    I am so glad to hear that you are in a place where you can have fellowship with people close to you, and the best thing is that you go back to the word as you said. when things are so terrible and you dont know how, where and when, and everything seems bleak and dark.... it is only the Word of God who keeps us strong and capable to go on.
    We will pray for Skip and Allen that GOd will work in their hearts so that they will come tot the LOrd and accept HIm as Savior and live everyday for Him.
    We will pray for Tom as well that Father wil provide work for him and that your financial situation will take a turn, i know exactly the worrries and the feeling of no self worth when you cant provide for your family. Will pray for you!!
    I am praising the LOrd for HE is the One who keeps me strong and gives me grace evevery new day, without Him my life would be empty and without meaning.
    Take care my dear friend and keep in touch! would like to hear how you are doing and how you grow in the LOrd!
    Blessings Nienie
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • RoseMary Broussard

    Red Ribbon