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I have an interview Friday for an investigator position for a paranormal society group in my area. How does that play in with Christianity? I've been fascinated with the paranormal since I've been little. I feel like it would be really awesome to help alleviate families who are being haunted by unseen forces and to help bring their lives back to normalcy. I wouldn't be playing with a ouija board or anything like that. I'm not interested in dealing with demonic spirits and I understand the severity of dabbling in such things. I do not, however, believe that all spirits are demonic. Any thoughts?

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Does the Bible say that we shouldn't be interested in the paranormal? Or help people who are bothered by them?

The Bible warns us that this is dangerous territory and one needs to be perpared. The difference here is that you are looking at a group, unless I missed something, that are not Christians doing spiritual warfare, but seekers into the unusual. What you or they may find they will not be prepared for if they come across a true demon.


The Bible speaks regarding spiritist, and this comes very close to that if not actually fitting that bill. Spiritual warfare seeks to dispell the enemy. Most paranormal groups see it as an exciting thing to be sought out. To very different approaches.

Dear Kayla.


You said this:  I'm not sure if I could talk to them about God because I'm still figuring out where I stand myself.

Since you are just figuring out where you stand yourself, this is another reason to make sure that you are on the right path.  These temptations are designed to move you away from the Lord rather than draw you closer to Him. 

Blessings, Carla

I think the evil spirit are the spirit of the (nephilims??) because they are not part of this creation.. and they were not judge until the greatest judgement.. so they roaming around and restless..


>>I'm not interested in dealing with demonic spirits and I understand the severity of dabbling in such things. I do not, however, believe that all spirits are demonic. Any thoughts?


Many thoughts - There is nothing around us, but living humans who are dead in their trespasses and sins, the walking dead, born again believers in victory or beat up by sin and holy and fallen angels, nothing else. You would be strictly dealing with demons and even mature Christians need to be led by God to rebuke fallen angels/demons.


First - what is paranormal activity according to the dictionary? The most common definition is: not scientifically explainable : supernatural.

Let's set a firm and biblical foundation before continuing on with this topic.
The main claim to paranormal activity is the existents of "Ghosts."

Main Entry: 1ghost
Pronunciation: \ˈgōst\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English gost, gast, from Old English gāst; akin to Old High German geist spirit, Sanskrit heḍa anger
Date: before 12th century
1 : the seat of life or intelligence : soul
2 : a disembodied soul; especially : the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness
3 : spirit, demon4 a : a faint shadowy trace b : the least bit
5 : a false image in a photographic negative or o...

Do "Ghost" truly exist? Yes and No!

Definition #2 - a disembodied soul; especially: the soul of a dead person believed to be an inhabitant of the unseen world or to appear to the living in bodily likeness. Is this accurate according to scripture? Nope! We have only two cases (as far as I can remember, please correct me if I am wrong) in the bible where a ghost, according to the aforementioned definition, are mentioned.

The first one is the prophet Samuel being conjured up by a local medium.

1 Samuel 28:
[ Saul Consults a Medium ] 3 Now Samuel had died, and all Israel had lamented for him and buried him in Ramah, in his own city. And Saul had put the mediums and the spiritists out of the land.
11 Then the woman said, “Whom shall I bring up for you?” And he said, “Bring up Samuel for me.”
12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice. And the woman spoke to Saul, saying, “Why have you deceived me? For you are Saul!”

15 Now Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” And Saul answered, “I am deeply distressed; for the Philistines make war against me, and God has departed from me and does not answer me anymore, neither by prophets nor by dreams. Therefore I have called you, that you may reveal to me what I should do.”

The Christian family has never been in agreement whether this was really Samuel or just a demon/fallen angel impersonating Samuel.

The other appearance of dead people among the living was during the Transfiguration:

Mark 9:4
And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus. 5 Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”—

The first case of "Ghost" is very debatable and the second here on the transfiguration of Christ is a very unique occasion.

All that to say this - We can safely state that there is no such thing as "REAL GHOST" THE WORD SAYS:
Philippians 1:18-22
21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell.

WHY is it gain to die? BECAUSE:
2 Corinthians 5:6
So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

THERE are no Real Ghosts. It is appointed for us to live and then to die and then the judgment. No room in scripture for roaming spirits.

So how do we explain the humongous paranormal activity that has been recorded throughout the ages? Extremely simple:

The priority of demons is to get our focus off the truth, as long as we are preoccupied with fables, tales, superstitions etc. they are succeeding in their job. They keep humanity entertain in anything other than God.

So what about all the reports around the world, the reports of people seeing relatives etc. Well demons are familiar with our lives. A third of the angelic host felled along with Satan. We don't really know if that is millions or billions or a greater number but there must be a huge amount of them on the earth.


Any ways fallen angels/demons are familiar with our lives and can impersonate a person and have us thinking that is grandma Chony going hahaha around the house or when a person goes to a medium to ask for uncle Chui hahaha to be conjured up and uncle Chui appears and it's telling them facts about his life or their lives, what is going on then?

Demons that are familiar with those folk’s lives impersonate them to kill, still and destroy the truth and keep people confused


Check out this discussion. It has info that might interest you.


So what about all the reports around the world, the reports of people seeing relatives etc. Well demons are familiar with our lives. A third of the angelic host felled along with Satan. We don't really know if that is millions or billions or a greater number but there must be a huge amount of them on the earth.



Again, I've been researching the paranormal for a very long time now and I've heard thousands of stories (some personal) of peopling seeing relatives or just seeing a spirit, but that relative nor that other spirit has ever bothered them or frightened them. I respect what everyone is saying here, but I just don't believe all spirits are evil....I understand the Bible talks about it, but there's a lot the Bible leaves out I believe. I don't believe we're the only living beings either....There's a lot I'm skeptical about....Again, I'm new with all of this, but I am open and I'm not saying that I may never change my mind...But I feel that I need to go out there and explore before coming to my own beliefs and conclusions. It's hard to adopt everyone else's beliefs when you have that innate curiosity to explore what's outside the box. 

Food for thought:

Do you think Eve might have asked herself similar questions before partaking of the forbidden fruit? Did her curiosity take her outside the box? I say this not to pick, but because I am concerned about you and what you are considering doing.




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Question: "What does the Bible say about ghosts / hauntings?"

Is there such a thing as ghosts? The answer to this question depends on what precisely is meant by the term “ghosts.” If the term means “spirit beings,” the answer is a qualified “yes.” If the term means “spirits of people who have died,” the answer is “no.” The Bible makes it abundantly clear that there are spirit beings, both good and evil. But the Bible negates the idea that the spirits of deceased human beings can remain on earth and “haunt” the living.

Hebrews 9:27 declares, “Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” That is what happens to a person’s soul-spirit after death—judgment. The result of this judgment is heaven for the believer (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23) and hell for the unbeliever (Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:22-24). There is no in-between. There is no possibility of remaining on earth in spirit form as a “ghost.” If there are such things as ghosts, according to the Bible, they absolutely cannot be the disembodied spirits of deceased human beings.

The Bible teaches very clearly that there are indeed spirit beings who can connect with and appear in our physical world. The Bible identifies these beings as angels and demons. Angels are spirit beings who are faithful in serving God. Angels are righteous, good, and holy. Demons are fallen angels, angels who rebelled against God. Demons are evil, deceptive, and destructive. According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” and impersonating a deceased human being definitely seem to be within the power and abilities that demons possess.

The closest biblical example of a “haunting” is found in Mark 5:1-20. A legion of demons possessed a man and used the man to haunt a graveyard. There were no ghosts involved. It was a case of a normal person being controlled by demons to terrorize the people of that area. Demons only seek to “kill, steal, and destroy” (John 10:10). They will do anything within their power to deceive people, to lead people away from God. This is very likely the explanation of “ghostly” activity today. Whether it is called a ghost, a ghoul, or a poltergeist, if there is genuine evil spiritual activity occurring, it is the work of demons.

What about instances in which “ghosts” act in “positive” ways? What about psychics who claim to summon the deceased and gain true and useful information from them? Again, it is crucial to remember that the goal of demons is to deceive. If the result is that people trust in a psychic instead of God, a demon will be more than willing to reveal true information. Even good and true information, if from a source with evil motives, can be used to mislead, corrupt, and destroy.

Interest in the paranormal is becoming increasingly common. There are individuals and businesses that claim to be “ghost-hunters,” who for a price will rid your home of ghosts. Psychics, séances, tarot cards, and mediums are increasingly considered normal. Human beings are innately aware of the spiritual world. Sadly, instead of seeking the truth about the spirit world by communing with God and studying His Word, many people allow themselves to be led astray by the spirit world. The demons surely laugh at the spiritual mass-deception that exists in the world today.

Recommended Resource: The Truth Behind Ghosts, Mediums, and Psychic Phenomena by Ron Rhodes.



Demons deceive..  That is their purpose.  They aim to kill and destroy.  for anyone who has allowed an open door for this type of thing to happen, it will be much easier for them. There is something called 'familiar spirits'..  Here's an article about that:


Question: "What are familiar spirits?"

The word familiar is from the Latin familiaris, meaning a "household servant," and is intended to express the idea that sorcerers had spirits as their servants ready to obey their commands. Those attempting to contact the dead, even to this day, usually have some sort of spirit guide who communicates with them. These are familiar spirits.

Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27; and Deuteronomy 18:9-14 refer to “mediums and familiar spirits” and forbids being involved with them, as they are an abomination to the Lord. The medium was one who acted as a “go-between” to supposedly contact or communicate with the dead, but in reality they were contacting demons who convinced the mediums that they were “familiar” and could be trusted and believed. The practices associated with mediums and familiar spirits were banned in Israel, and the punishment for practicing such things was death.

To this day, familiar spirits (demons) are under the control of their master, Satan. They influence people to spread lies and deceit in order to thwart the kingdom of God. Knowingly opening oneself to the work of demons is an evil thing: "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [a] fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD" (Deuteronomy 18:10-12a).

Some avenues through which demons, a.k.a. "familiar spirits," can gain entrance into a person's life are divination, transcendental meditation, visualization, necromancy, witchcraft, drugs, and alcohol. These are all activities that believers are exhorted, commanded even, to avoid. Instead, we are to be filled with the Holy Spirit, with love, with joy, and with the fullness of life that comes from Jesus Christ. We are also to be on guard, "for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Ephesians 6:12).

Recommended Resource: Angels: Elect & Evil by C. Fred Dickason.



One of the most beautiful things any human can learn in this life is that they do not have to experience the pain and hurt some of us have gone through to acquire knowledge and wisdom. You are not the first Christian nor will you be the last one that is intrigue by the supernatural. By God's grace and for His glory I had a strong foundation in the word which helped me tremendously to know when to act and when not to act, when to be quite and when to stand up and speak what God wanted me to, when I got into researching the supernatural. I did it during a time that I was not walking in God’ will for my life and hence my insanity. I paid people for interviews, demon posses people, folks who worship Satan and had been dedicated to Satan from childhood, these folks had horrible demonic tattoos on their body's and had the ability to turn into hideous things, the ability to move objects and other things etc. I was almost posses myself as I would watch them do their rituals, they were conjuring up demons to posses me and I did not know it until I had to fall to my knees pleading with my Lord not to allow it. As I was seeing my body change, God, who is amazing and so faithful would make me vomit until all the demonic stuff would come out. Sister we are not ignorant of what is out there and there are no Ghost etc out there, nothing but demons doing what they can to get people like you interested in aliens and ghost. If they accomplish that, than they have done their job. We are not ignorant o f the ways of the enemy and his hosts. Some of us have gone way out there, outside the box and we do not want to see others suffered as we did. It took months for the oppression to leave my house, months of not being able to sleep. All because I am David and I use to do things my way even if it cost me my life. I had no problem with that. God taught me not to be so silly and instructed me in righteousness. I learn from the experiences of others now and acquire wisdom through the study of the word - ha-ha its beautiful beloved. I have what I always sought without putting my Lord's name to shame.


You do what you feel you have to do, but there are consequences to our actions. You have to establish first and foremost in your life whether every word in the bible is true or not, for it appears that you are not sure. The bible is The Word of God and nothing else out there comes close to it, nothing - Brilliant men throughout history have come to that conclusion over and over again. Demons are very good at what they do, they been at it for a long time. You been around for a minute, they been here for thousands of years, they know what we are curious about for they are behind it. To us though, the people of God, their deceit is obvious and we do not fall for the okey dokey, but if you are like I was, that you have to go through the pain to learn, than beloved - God be with you and may He keep you.

Dear  Kayla, you r a born again christian right? well please do not mess with para- [not normal] to me spiritual things any thing anti- GOD'''' to dib & dab leaves a door open for the enemy to invade in your life spiritually give him no place, cover yourself in prayer  the blood of JESUS"""these forces can pull u in decieve u, u need nothing to do w/ such evil take no job offer either, GOD has plans for u do not have a cup of tea w/ the devil'''it may seem appealing, to the eye but, do not go on any interview, let it go! take these christians advice here it can save u alot of trouble, a cat has curosity i have a cat u are not to bel ike a curosious cat!!!ok sis i want u to listen to JESUS''''what the word of GOD Says if u want to talk im here add me as a friend, love & huggies
Haha okay well I already had my interview and I joined. I just don't believe all spirits are evil, but I respect everyone's opinion. I don't get a negative feeling at all so I don't know. Thanks though :)


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