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If I am experiencing a recurring sickness/problem and had been prayed over but I am still experiencing it. How would I know for sure that this sickness/problem is not some 'sickness spell' that person who knows how to make spells, has cast over me? And how can deal with such a situation?

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Greetings to you in Jesus Name. I just want to say thank u all so much for the comforting words and especially the prayer.
I pray for God's blessings to shower upon u today & always,

Your sister in Christ,
I was just reading here, and this has nothing to do with the original post, but is for Linda. I was just wondering if you have tried Black Walnut Extract? You can make it yourself this time of the year. Just pick about 20 or so black walnuts when they are big and fat and shiny green. (before they turn black and dry) Go to the Liquor Store and buy a bottle of Everclear, It is pure grain alcohol about 200 proof.Put the Walnuts in a glass jar and cover with the alcohol, put in your cupboard for about two weeks untill the alcohol is bright green. About 3 times a day use 3 droppers full. You can dilute it in a cup with hot water and wait till the alcohol evaporates. Tastes like crap, but it is supposed to be great for intestinal parasites.
This link has som info. I knew someone years ago that tried one of these 'zappers' along with the Black Walnut. She had a book that had a simple wiring diagram and I was able to make it with a few parts that are readily available at Radio Shack.
Greetings to you Linda in Jesus Name,

Your reply is quite an eye opener for me coz I thought since it is God's Will to Heal us, if we pray for healing it will certainly come. But if not then it just might be that there is an unconfessed sin in my life that the devil has taken hold of and is using it to justify his right to put the recurring problem/sickness in my life. And it just might be a sort of 'ancestoral sin' that the devil is using as his legal right to cause sickness in my life...
But yeah, as I said, this is an eye opener for me...

Thank u and God Bless & Keep u today & always,

Your Sister in Christ.
Yes, I also belive it is God's will to heal us. But i also think that if we are live healthier and find ways to balance our diets and our health, we should do that and not just ask God to 'heal us' after we have caused damage to our temples. There are also instances where some people are not aware of any way that they are abusing their health....(tempting God/requiring miracles). Many people eat a good diet, do not have vices and still have health problems. These people are one of those very controversial subjects. Why does God allow people to suffer who come to Him in every way they are able to understand, and do not abuse their temple? I t is certainly something I do not understand. body is fairly worn out in many ways from years of abuse before I founf the Lord and truely appreciated life. I could certainly use a few miracles, and I believe with all my heart it is possible. But as Paul, with His "thorn in his side"......I might have to put up with some of these things untill the 'resurection'. But.....there is the point. There WILL BE a resurrection, some to life, some to death. When the roll is called up yonder...I pray the Lord that I will be amongst those who he keeps by His side.
This earthly life is very very special. But it is as a flickering moment in eternity. It will pass, but if 'we' love the Lord...'we' will pass into something extrordinary...with no aches and pains. In fact, I think the only 'aches and pains' that I will have is 'remembering' those who I did not speak to about the Lord. I think that if there are any tears in heaven, this wil be the reason.
Linda, it is all so beauiful, so perfect. Sometimes I feel a little achey. But I see the sun coming up, the moon in all it's beauty, the seasons...spring rain, a fresh snow, children laughing and playing....I could go on and on. We have been given 'eyes to see' amazing that cannot be seen without faith in God. We see this beauty even through our my case, if my back aches or my feet hurt etc..... I can still see the wonders of God all around me. When we 'look to Him', He is there. Some people curse God when they have afflictions, they blame Him. Some people are always thankful for what beauty they are able to see. I think this is the meaning of grace. Two people standing side-to-side..and one sees beauty, the other sees a living nighmare. I do not know if I have chosen to see the good, or if 'God' chose me to see the good. I have been accused of being arrogant in the past...but if someone thinks I am arrogant for 'blindly believing' 'that God loves me'......I cannot cave-in to these doubts. He does love us. I would rather die believing in Him, than live in doubt.
The point I am making....I think is clear to you. It is not a point that I have to convince you of, or prove. I feel in my heart it is something you already see completely. I would like to just encorage you.
PS. I apologize for somewhat hijacking this topic. But Sheena...I believe this also applicable for you. God loves you. All that stuff is just stuff. It has no power over our Lord and Saviour. Just keep turning to Him. Speak the Name of Jesus over every doubt and those nasty little devils will slither back under their rocks.
All the ailments are not as a result of a spell. We should ask of the Lord and He will let us know the reasons for ailments and how to tackle them. The Lord is generous and He gives to those who ask for it is written (Matt 7:7-8)
Mary, I so enjoy your testimony. The Lord be praised.
I read thru the whole post, and I did not see anything written by Linda... did I miss a post, or has one been deleted?
Everything happens for a reason, God knows the reason and He ain't talking. I have come to realise that we have little control of our lives save our God given gift of free will. Nothing happens to us that God doesn't know about it is up to us to change our way no matter the outcome.
It is up to us to keep up our strentgh and pray thaat either the sickness will be cured and whatever demon cast the 'spell' will be dealt with or you will get sicker (I pray not). We are to love one another as we would love ourselves, turn the cheek, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Hang in there and trust in God.


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