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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Sheena Odogari
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Sheena Odogari's Friends

  • John
  • Mabilogho,Matthew Oghenevwegba

Sheena Odogari's Discussions

Overcoming Sins of the Tongue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sheena Odogari Aug 1, 2011. 4 Replies

As the Bible says, the tongue is but a little thing but it can cause destructive results... And I believe this refers to the sin of Gossiping, Murmuring, Complaining, Backbiting, Negative…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Penny Toman Sep 25, 2010. 12 Replies

If I am experiencing a recurring sickness/problem and had been prayed over but I am still experiencing it. How would I know for sure that this sickness/problem is not some 'sickness spell' that…Continue

Backslidden Christian

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sheena Odogari Aug 5, 2010. 11 Replies

1. Is it natural for Christians to backslide than return to God only to backslide again?2. How can a backslidden Christian return or re-ignite his/her first love to God, & Jesus?3. How many times…Continue


Sheena Odogari's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
Solomon Islands
Assistant Engineer Security Systems
I'm here to...
Be Encouraged by what other Believers in Jesus Christ are experiencing & to Share my experiences too
ID Production, greeting card production, photography, designing of anything on the computer
I'm passionate about...
My story with God
I made my first commitment to Jesus Christ when I was in the sixth grade. However, I did not understand it much and over time, I drifted out from the relationship. Over the years that has been the ususal trend in my Christian walk with; drifting into the world then back. But not really experiencing the Spirit Filled, Victorious living that I read in some of the Christian Magazines(BVOV) and other articles online. At the moment, a really BIG question is on my mind, Is it God's Will for me to be saved or am I doomed for Enternal Damnation?
Other stuff about me:
I am married to the most lovable man I have come across & I praise God for the man's life. We have four charming children, two boys and two girls whom I continue to thank God for. Though life here in the Solomon Islands is very expensive, I thank God for blessing my husband & me with jobs, which is very difficult to find especially in the capital city of the Solomon Islands, Honiara. With our salary, small as it is, we support our immediate nuclear family as well as our extended family, our relatives, as is the culture in all South Pacific counteries. Through it all, I thank God for my unique cultural heritage as well as this unique spiritual heritage that I have now become part of.

Sheena Odogari's Blog

Desiring to Live according to His Will

Posted on November 3, 2011 at 9:09pm 0 Comments

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank You for this day & especially for the gift of life in me & for putting in me the desire to Obey You, Love You, live for You and Fear You according to Your Will (Eph 1:3-5). Heavenly Father, I know it is Your Will that I pursue Love, desire spiritual gifts, especially to prophesy and to interpret tongues (1 Corinth 14 1- 18). So Father in Jesus' Name I ask You for this You Will to be Done in my life to the Glory of Your name for the edification of… Continue

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At 1:46am on October 13, 2010, mario apalit said…
At 11:31am on August 16, 2010, Mabilogho,Matthew Oghenevwegba gave Sheena Odogari a gift
At 6:37am on August 16, 2010, Amenamen said…
Coloss 1:15

And HE (Jesus Christ) IS The Image of The invisible GOD,

the First-born of ALL creation
At 8:56pm on August 15, 2010, Pastor. C S SIMON gave Sheena Odogari a gift
At 2:20pm on August 10, 2010, Julia - Woman's Group Leader said…
Thanks for requesting an invite to the "For Women Only" Group. You should be able to access the group now. Let me know if you have any problems accessing the features or if you have questions. Welcome!
At 10:07pm on August 6, 2010, Pastor. C S SIMON said…
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
dear thanks for great gift. May God bless you. Grace be with you.
At 6:27pm on August 06, 2010, mario apalit gave Sheena Odogari a gift
At 6:25pm on August 6, 2010, mario apalit said…
Thanks for the gifPhotobuckett sheena,
At 11:37pm on July 26, 2010, mario apalit said…
SHALOM Sheena, Welcome to our friendship with GOD .Bless you morePhotobucket

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