All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

The goal of this discussion is to share ideas on how to discover God's will in out everyday lives. How have you discovered God's will for your life? How do you know it is God speaking and not the world or satan trying to get you off track?

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I once thought that the will of God was very restrictive, but Have come to understand that there is alot of room when it comes to the will of God. What I am saying is that God has set up boundries with the word of God and if we stay in those boundries we can expearence living in the will of God.
Example: Finding a mate, the word of God has clear boundries when it comes to marraige. To fit into the boundry the person must be a believer, because the Word says not to be unequally yoked to gether with unbelievers. So one way in seeking out the will of God is to know the boundries he has set up for us In the Word.
Great advice. In most cases the boundaries are very clear. What are your thoughts on the details of life? For example; should I go in a particular ministry, engage in a particular line of secular work, how does God want me to spend my time, etc.
I believe that as long as we stay in the boundries set by the word of God we have lots of freedom. Jerimiah 6:16a is one way to find the will of God. In summary; When you stand at a crossroad and you have like 4 choices to choose from, Ask which is the best road and walk in it and you will live in peace.
I heard this example given on Focus on The Family once; They took a group of children and set up some play ground equitment in a huge field with no boundries and let the children play, they would not venture from the equitment, then they set up a fence about 50 ft around the eqitment and the children felt more secure and venture out to the boundries set.
This really helped me to understand how boundries are not bad, but can bring security into our lives.
Our temptation is to push the boundries set by the word of God, example; I have a friend who went outside the boundries clearly set by the word of God and got envolved in fornication. He stretched the boundry by saying that they were spiritually married. He ended up in a lot of trouble in his life that has taken a long time to overcome.
hi fellow believers i am glad to be part of your journey if you will let me for i too get lossed in the world sometimes and need friends who are going my way to pull me out (POINT ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION) for the kingdoms sake i have in my heart this desire also, mary
it is good to see that i am not alone and that there are others who are on the same journey and having some of the same problem, i am sure if we push on toward our goal the LORDS SPIRIT WILL HELP US AMEN
No I have not How do I discover God
One of the ways to discover God's Will in our lives is to follow your heart.
When I first came to The Lord and was fairly desparate he said two things to me very clearly in my mind.
1 Start going to church, and 2 Join a "small Group"
After a year or so in the church I joined the parish council. Many tasks came up for
members of the parish council which I bypassed until the "New Christians outreach" was
formed and I knew in my Heart that that is what I wanted to do and I knew I had a heart for and
strong desire to work in this outreach and so I did for the next 5 years or so.
Currently I am very aware or sensitised to The Lord's will in my life and I want to know hear him more.
I read and pray and worship and pay attention to the little nudges in my life...hey the computer has failed (again)
...The Lord wants me reading this book that has been around for 2 years and which I have not opened.
i'm currently trying to discover God's will for my life. I keep praying to God about his will for me, and trying to align what I want for my life with his will. I'm having trouble discerning his voice and his leading... sometimes I pray to God regarding something and then I follow what comes to my mind. I dont know if it is his leading or just my own mind telling me what to do.,,


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