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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  • 66, Female
  • Divide, CO
  • United States
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  • Prophetess Rowena Welch

Sue's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
United States
I'm here to...
connect with other Christians, provide encouragement, and seeking fellowship with other believers.
Spending time in God's word, reading, cross-stitching, and hiking.
I'm passionate about...
spending time with God, and in His word, Seeking to grow in Christ. Finding and staying in His perfect will for my life.
My story with God
I was raised in a single parent home. With a mother who professed to being a Christian, but never seemed to practice it in real life. Looing back I can see the spirit of addiction had an all consuming hold on her life. However, my grandmother always made sure I went to vacation bible school each year. When I out grew that I strayed very far from the Lord. God finally brought me to a point where I realized I could not go on without him. My husband and I were both in the Air Force and we had a young child. We met some wonderful folks in Germany and started attending church again. Then I was selected for a very good job in a field I had little to no experience, competing as a support officer with many male pilots. I was alone in a hotel room in Salt Lake City, dead tired from jet lag and over whelmed wiht my job. When I realized I would not succeed if I did not have God's help. So I invited Him to take control of my life. After many years of church and sunday school I am now striving to "deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him."
Other stuff about me:
I am married, have two wonderful girls, two dogs, and 1 cat. Love the Lord, and desire with all my heart to have a closer more Spirit filled life.

Sue's Blog

Women and Their Roles in Church

Posted on September 13, 2008 at 5:12pm 2 Comments

I have been stuggling for sometime with the role of women in God's Church. And would appreciate others thoughts on this subject.

I come from a bacground where women were indirectly forbidden from holding leadership roles. Sunday school teaching of 4th grade and below, social women's ministiries, etc. was all. I even found this to be true teaching in a Christian middle and high school. I could teach but that was it. Since my husband and two wonderful daughters were in this same… Continue

Struggling with Thoughts on a Bible Passage - Mark 4:35-41

Posted on September 13, 2008 at 4:56pm 0 Comments

Mark 4:35-41

“And other little boats were also with Him.”

As I was reading this passage, the pharase “And other little boats were also with Him.” Jumped out at me. As soon as I finished my devotion I had to write these thoughts down. But now I am not as sure that I was coming to the right conclusions. It is the first time I have had this experence so I want to make sure it is God woring and not Satan creeping into my devotion time as he has done in the past.

Is this… Continue

Snatching from God’s hand

Posted on July 22, 2008 at 7:23am 0 Comments

Received this in email and thought it was worth sharing.

Snatching from God’s hand

By Jon Walker

“… We have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the Word of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:2 (NIV)

With a quick glance, it’s easy to assume Paul is referring to the sinful behavior that occurs before we become Christians. That is, we announce our dependence upon Jesus and we renounce the sinful methods we once used to make… Continue

His Finished Work

Posted on March 17, 2008 at 9:11pm 0 Comments

His Finished Work

Revelation 12:9--11:

"And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who was called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, 'Now the salvation and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been… Continue

Unfamiliar Experience

Posted on March 11, 2008 at 5:00pm 1 Comment

Ezekiel 27:33--34:

"When your wares went out from the seas, you satisfied many peoples. . . . Now that you are broken by the seas in the depths of the waters, your merchandise and all your company have fallen in the midst of you."


Tyre was a great financial center on the Mediterranean coast. Immensely prosperous, her King Hiram had provided men and materials to help construct David's temple. But a succession of… Continue

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At 9:36am on May 09, 2011, RoseMary Broussard gave Sue a gift
At 11:53am on September 24, 2009, Nienie said…
Dear Sue
I am so glad to hear that you are in a place where you can have fellowship with people close to you, and the best thing is that you go back to the word as you said. when things are so terrible and you dont know how, where and when, and everything seems bleak and dark.... it is only the Word of God who keeps us strong and capable to go on.
We will pray for Skip and Allen that GOd will work in their hearts so that they will come tot the LOrd and accept HIm as Savior and live everyday for Him.
We will pray for Tom as well that Father wil provide work for him and that your financial situation will take a turn, i know exactly the worrries and the feeling of no self worth when you cant provide for your family. Will pray for you!!
I am praising the LOrd for HE is the One who keeps me strong and gives me grace evevery new day, without Him my life would be empty and without meaning.
Take care my dear friend and keep in touch! would like to hear how you are doing and how you grow in the LOrd!
Blessings Nienie
At 12:36pm on May 5, 2009, Nienie said…
Dear Sue
A long time since i heard form you .....
Are you okay and whats been happening to your family lately?
How are Skip and Allens health conditions? and your finances, any change?
ARe you and your hubby okay?
I place you in the hands of our Lord Jesus, He will take care of you!!
Love and blessings Nienie
At 1:42pm on January 19, 2009, Barbara said…
At 8:03pm on December 18, 2008, Ruben said…
Sorry for not responsive for many months, yes because of the work that matters the soul of a person. Thank you for the encouragement. please continue keep us in prayers. your prayers matters a lot for the lost soul back to Christ. pray also for our christmas needs for the children before the year 2008 ends. Thanks
At 11:28pm on November 11, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Sue!
I just thought Id drop by to say hello> it has been quite a while since we chatted. I remember talking with you quite regularly up until I left for a while to concentrate on some other things in my life that needed my attention. Well that was taken care of, and now Im back and ready to roll. So, how are you doing? What has the Lord done in your life lately? How is the family? We are good. my daughter turned one in August already! I am loving my new church and all the new friends I have met there. Im painting again which is really haelping me feel like I can be used of God again and it helps with my depression that I struggle with from time to time. My son has finally got over the hitting stage however he is still argumenative quite a bit. Oh well, I guess that is a given when they are 4,right? The weather is changing into a chilly fall season here in Utah. We should have snow here anyday. I cannot believe that it will be December soon. I am soooo not ready!!! Anyway, please keep in touch and let meknow how you are. You are missed!!
At 5:14pm on September 13, 2008, prophetisrael said…
go to my prof
At 1:46pm on August 6, 2008, Nienie said…
Guilty as charged sister!!! Thanks so much for you prayers, appreciate each one! It is been a few hectic months! i got a new full time job and working evening till about 6 or 7, prepare dinner and do chores. But God is good HE provides the strength every day to do what is needed to be done.
But nothing more about me tell me how are you?You and your hubby's relationship? Skip and Allens health conditions? Are your financial status improving?
Never lose faith dear Sue for God is faithfull just stay close to Him seek His kingdom and HE will be there for you!!
BLessings to you still in my prayers!!!
At 11:18pm on August 5, 2008, brateng said…
Hi Sue,

I am okay my friend...and Christ's ministry under our stewardship is doing great save for the usual challenges. Sue, you just dropped out of the picture...and I rarely see you nowadays online here at AAG. I hope all is well for you and your business too.

Can you please fill me up in greater detail how everything is shaping up? May God continue to be gloried in your lives and activities!

In Christ's love-Pst. Bernhard C.

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