So, my pastor asks me today why I haven't been baptized and I told him that I'm still searching God and still navigating my way through Christianity. For those who know me through the few years I have posted on this site, I have a LOT of questions and I'm somewhat skeptical, which I don't find anything wrong with.
I was saved when I was younger, but it didn't mean anything because I was a kid and I didn't know what the heck anything meant. As an adult, I have asked God to save me and I repented. One of the struggles I have is not "feeling" anything. I wanted to feel God so I asked him to save me (just in case it didn't count when I was younger).
So, I told my pastor that I haven't been baptized because I want to feel more certain or it's not going to mean anything. You want to love someone before you stand at the alter and marry them, right? So then, he proceeds to ask me, "how long have you been involved in witchcraft?" Really??? Then he says that most satanists and wiccans will deny it when asked. Um, yeah, because I'm not a wiccan or satanist. What. the. heck?!?
THIS is what turns me away from God. People who turn everything into a religious issue and say insane stuff like that. He wants to talk to me after church on Sunday. I'm dreading this. Why can't I question something? Why am I a satanist because I don't feel God?
Very sound advice. Kayla, I hope you will take careful note of this and proceed accordingly.
If I ask him, he's going to tell me to talk to him after the service tomorrow so that we can "discuss" it. I don't want to go there tomorrow. I have a chip on my shoulder still.
Yes, I have seen entire ministries that were/are consumed with an unhealthy preoccupation with the power and influence of demons. The inevitable result is that they take the focus off of Christ, the power of God's grace, and our personal responsibility for the bad choices we make. At the other extreme, I've known people that have suffered as a result of taking an interest, even to the extent of dabbling, in the occult--naively, unwittingly and even recklessly thinking such practices and beliefs to be harmless. We need, as always, to have a healthy and balanced, which is to say, biblical, perspective on such matters as demonic influence/possession.
LT, isn't that the healing ministries & others like that? They have to anoint their big toe because a demon made them stump it or something?
Under the umbrella of healing and/or deliverance ministries there is a wide range of beliefs and practices. Some are well meaning, some are misguided and some are simply dangerous.
Hey Kayla, i realize this has been answered, but it's a topic that is very close to my heart, so I hope you will indulge me to give you my perspective. You see, when I was a youth, I did get involved in demonic activity – unwittingly and it caused me great trouble, but I had no idea that it was demonic activity until after I became a Christian. I understand how they work and this is not a trivial topic. But the answer isn't to be terrified of the evil ones; the answer is to seek God and obey His word faithfully. Demons work to deceive and distract you from your Savior. The solution is to remove the deception and the distractions, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The point with Spiritual things is that it doesn't matter what you label them, anymore than it matters what you label chemicals – you will get the same results when you play with dangerous things. You can light a match next to a can of gasoline and get an explosion, whether it's marked “gas” or it's marked “milk”. In the same way, a bitter and faithless Christian is just as likely to die alone and unhappy, as is a bitter non-believer. A person who dabbles in occultic practices and thinking will experience demonic interference, even if they call themselves a Christian or are afraid of demons. In fact, Satan likes to use fear to keep you in bondage. It is also true that “Rebellion is as the spirit of witchcraft”, meaning that our fleshly desire to make our own form of godliness is not Godly at all, but rather it is fleshly and sinful, leading us to unbelief and demonic activity.
Over and over again, the Bible gives us the remedy for spiritual warfare: Worship, the Word and the Wisdom of God. These things will draw you closer to Jesus and free you from any spiritual bondage. Worship God, hear/read His word and apply the wisdom he teaches you. This gives you power over the evil one. This gives you freedom of soul and spirit.
In my opinion, the pastor is right to be concerned and his statement about obedience is 100% valid, but his manner (as you describe it) lacks grace and compassion. Yet, it may be that the Holy Spirit was prompting him to make you aware of something – that you may be troubled about finding the right church and about being baptized because a deceiving spirit is working to keep you in confusion. It's something to consider and pray about. God promises to give you wisdom when you ask Him.
Now, the first part of your question: what about baptism? I believe that you will be ready for baptism when you are confident that the Holy Spirit has led you to the church where He wants you and you begin to understand the truth that He gives in His Word. In my opinion there are certain groups or denominations that will be better than others. But, what you really want is God to lead you. Ask Him. He has a place (a Christian family or “church”) and He has a plan for your life. Baptism IS important; but it's not something that will cause you to lose your salvation by seeking the right community. And ultimately, the point of baptism is to make a public declaration of faith – and that happens in the context of a faithful community of believers. This church may be the right community, or it may not. Seek God for that answer then do what he shows you. (It's best to pray for this with your Bible open and start reading where He leads and then keep reading and praying until you are certain the Holy Spirit has spoken).
Here's my quick action points: You should be in Church, scripture makes that very clear, and you should be baptized which scripture also makes clear. But, the most important thing is that you are learning to love and follow your Savior. Seek Him, in the context of his Word and I promise you that He will guide you faithfully. He will teach you as you listen to Him and study his Word. When you know that you have committed yourself to the Lord, He will motivate you to be baptized. When you are baptized, you will find that your commitment and love for Him grows much stronger.
God bless :)
There is Nothing wrong with asking questions, or seeking answers. Many when they don't get the answers they are looking for, will just put labels on it to make one think what they are thinking is really true. If ithings aren't done the way some think it has to be, the outcome is always evil. this is not always true.
If your minister is assuming your a witch, because of his own ideas, thoughts or whatever. it is probably best to keep searching for answers before making commitments. there are many who have waited before getting or being baptized. Its Important to know for sure that your being baptized for all the right reasons. not being pressured into getting baptized to give a minister or his church accountability numbers to post or broadcast for a baptism that isn't real.
As for Feeling the Power of Christ, when there is a conversion, it is in God's Power. some have gone several years, with focusing in God's word and studies, Before Gods power was evident, even though it was there the whole time. This Comes from Learning, understanding and Living Through God's Holy Word.
Even Jesus Disciples Were supposed to be under the influance of strong drink, Because they were high in the Spirit, and Speaking in tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance.
God Is Love, NOT undue Pressure to get baptized. When the time is right, God will let you know.
Hello Kayla, I went through that phase where I wanted to make sure I was total sold out to God.ANd I back slide and then on the third one.I told God that i wanted him to be my savior. And I did not automatically feel the results.Because I was going by feelings instead of believe in what God says concerning me to be save.You see you are not save by feel ings you are saved by believing in your heart. And yes demons do like to hinder people from coming to the saving knowledge .But what you need to hear is that you are saved by grace and not by your works.Or the work of water baptism.You are saved because you believe Jesus is Lord.ANd then the Lord will lead you to get baptist.But do not walk away from God because of the Pastor question you. He might be discerning something.But you call upon the Name of the Lord and believe.Don't leave Jesus because of uncertainties in your life.You are not a satantist.Only when you worship willing that beast.You should know that.But I pray that God's grace will change you.And if you are not comfortable with that church .Maybe you should find another one.ANd ask God to lead you to one that preaches only the word of God.
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