All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

I feel like when large groups of people pray rather than one or two people, that the prayers are much more successful.  I know that there are starving children in Africa, people blowing up in the Middle East, and people dying of cancer all over the world, but I really need prayer for something that seems pretty minimal compared to all of that. I need to be emotionally "free" from someone who I can't have. Basically, I feel an emotional attachment/infatuation for someone who I will never be with. I believe a lot of my pain is self-inflicted and I'm going to remove him from my life, but he's in my thoughts 24/7 and it's hurting, haunting and destroying me. He's not a bad person and he's done nothing wrong. It's my fault for allowing myself to fall for him knowing nothing would ever come of it. I want to be healed and free.  I want that aching feeling to go away. I've been "in like" with him since last summer so this has been going on for quite some time. Please pray for me!


Also, I'm not feeling close to God. At all. I'm starting to doubt the existence of God and I'm struggling to embrace who God could be if I would believe in Him. I'm very much a skeptic and a lot of things do not make sense and do not feel real. I go through periods where I believe in Him (but feel resentful because I don't "feel" Him and everyone else seems to have this "connection") and then I go through periods where I believe in a higher power, but I'm unsure of who/what this higher power is. There are so many religions out there. Which one is true? Are any of them legit? Are we all missing the point of life...The "secret?" There are too many possibilities and too many what if's for me to settle for just one. I've asked God to give me signs and I never feel or see anything. Given that I do not feel God, it makes it very hard for me to believe.  I attend church every Saturday night and I love the church I attend. I log onto this website everyday so obviously I'm actively seeking God, I'm just not finding Him (if He exists). I feel lost, afraid, and depressed. Extremely depressed. If God is real and He is the God that the Christian Bible paints, then I can say for sure that He has turned out the lights and shut the door on me. I ask Christians "how do you know God is who your Bible says He is" or "how do you know Christianity is the true religion" and all I get is quoted scriptures. That doesn't help. I can pick up a Bible and read scriptures. That doesn't show me anything. That's not what I'm asking. I had one person say, "well, Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we can be saved." Yes, I know that. I've read that in the Bible. But how do you know that the Bible wasn't a made up story? How do I know that's true or not true. I know there's nothing magical anyone can say, but I wish there was something. Religion, no matter which one, is just a giant leap of faith. You either choose to believe or you choose not to believe. I just don't understand why it has to be so complicating. I don't understand why God can't reveal Himself. Why we can't all worship the same God. Why is it that God isn't universal like the laws of cause and effect and the laws of polarity, mathematics, etc and etc? That is understood in every country on every continent, but yet WHO created them and WHO controls them are not understood. They are not universal. We all accept and understand the mathematics and science behind everything. We just disagree on Who set this all up.

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HI Kayla, you r in my prayers''''dear sis you will get over the ache''like when the body is going through a flu''  Jesus''is your healer & your man for life''''''lots of huggies kaya

Hi Kayla,

As far as you feelings for this other person and your struggle with your beliefs, I would suggest focusing on your faith first. That struggle is far more important that your feelings for someone. I believe if you focus on God first, other problems will take care of themselves.

Everyone, even seasoned christians, have and will continue to have times of doubt and fear. It's what we do in those situations that is important. Keep asking and praying to God for your answeres. I take the first 15 minutes of each day, after I get a cup of jo, to read the Bible and spend time with God. Ask God to show you his wonders and He will. Don't do what I did. I expected a big sign. I kept looking for something that would leave no doubt,like the clouds parting and my name being called. That would have been cool, but it also would no longer required me to have faith. I did find it was little things like my son teaching me how forgiveness worked or a kind word just at the right moment.

I have never met you. I ,just at this very moment, thought of something.

As I read your post I became sad. As I type this tears fill my eyes. I feel deeply for you and am concerned for you. If there is no God,why would I care so much for someone I have never met?

Please don't give up on God. Keep seaking Him, you will find Him and He will ease your pain. I promise.

With love and prayer




Thank you.

The facts are: God is who he says he is because "He Is" and always will be God and always been.....and doesnt change.....yes the bible is true "God Breathed" Holy Spirit inspired.


Again, how do you know this? You weren't around when the Bible was created. How do you know some Joe Schmoe didn't write all of this? Or a bunch of drunk men? Or imaginative people?

When you receive Christ as your savior, only then will you be able to understand that the Bible is Spirit, life and truth. Until then you will always have questions and statements such as this.


The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them for they are Spiritually discerned. For he that is spiritual, judges all things……

Just speaking the truth in love,



When you accept Christ as your Savior and Lord, you are given the strength to believe what God says in His Word. You need to pray as you read, asking God for understanding.  Satan doesn't want you to understand and he will send doubts at you. You, as a born-again believer, have the right to send him packing. He will have to get out of your face at that time. He will continue to try to mislead you, but you will know when he's doing it and just send him packing once again.

Once you accept Christ as Savior, you will *see* truth in all His Words. Prayer will guide you. Your mind (soul) will also try to deceive you as it is doing now, because it will try to take it's own way. It will try to use your own intelligence against you, but you will be able to overcome that as well. Satan is wily and he will use all his weapons against you to keep you from Christ and following Him. If you listen to him(Satan), your condemnation is a sure thing, if you are NOT a born again believer.


My prayer for you is that you will accept Christ as your Savior, and you will go about renewing your mind to get it into right thinking with God and about God. I ask this in the Name of Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior....

I also pray that you develop a thirst for His Word...

Blessings to you as you seek the Face of Christ...


Hey Kayla, 

I understand where you are coming from. I used to ponder a lot of questions in my mind also. To this day, I ask God to help me, reveal things to me, give me wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and help me through my circumstances. We believers grow with God daily. We can't understand God in just a day, we need to seek him daily, and in His time, he will reveal himself to us in his way. I'm still growing and learning who God is as I seek him in his word, and by going to church. God speaks to each individual differently. By his voice, by our surroundings (people who are around us), by signs and wonders, by his word, and many more ways I could ever think of. It's all on God on how he wants to reveal himself to you. God uses my surroundings to speak to me, music, mind (conscience),  and his word (bible) when I ask him questions. I used to ask God why can't I hear your voice? Everyone else seems to hear it around me, why can't I? I just didn't know that through my circumstances, he was talking to me and all I did was ignore the fact. It had to take my Pastor's Sermons when I realized why I was going through things, and why I've been though difficult situations in my past. God developed my character, made me strong, independent, and so much more. I had thank God for what he has done in my life, although it was a rough road that I had to go through, out of it came blessings, wisdom, and knowledge. We have to take things step by step before reaching the next level. God reaches out his hands to us, but we're the ones who turns away from his help. We may not do it on purpose, but he's there calling us. In His word, it says I will never leave you nor forsake you. I've learned things happens for a reason. It's not time yet, or it's just not what's right for us. There's a season and a purpose for everything. People we've come across with, friends we've had and left, relationships that we've been in, everything was for a purpose. It was to help us through that season, or to help others in that season. 


I know you've mentioned that larger groups of people are more successful in prayers that one or two. What I've learned is that one or two is also powerful. It's the belief of that one person, whether or not they believe in their heart that it will come to pass for what they pray on. God knows your heart and he just wants you to believe, so long what you pray on is for the good. God is available 24/7. A simple prayer from the heart is what it takes. 


Emotional attachment to this friend of yours. I know how it feels. I've been through something similar to it. I've been in a relationship and we both knew that we couldn't be together because of the signs we've been getting from God. Trust me, I was angry, sad, and confused on why God didn't let us be together. I was trying to think of things on why couldn't it be? It came down to trusting God. When we love something so much, God will sometimes test us to see if we are willing to let go. When it boils down to that, we just need to trust God, even though it hurts, because God has something better for us, and he knows what's best for us. My motto I go by now is, "Let go and let God." It was a mutual thing when we said our good byes to our relationship, but it was hard getting used to. I know it's hard to forget about him, especially when he's a friend and you both shared great memories together. I know that even though you may not be thinking about him, he would pop into your mind. That was always the case for me, and I could only wonder what he was doing, who was he with, if he's thinking about me, if I should call him, text him, and all the other what if's questions. I got to a point where I couldn't handle it, I felt weak, and I just wanted to be with him, but I decided to lift it up to God by prayer. I asked God to help me from my weakness, help me to be strong, because i'm seriously weak and I can't handle this. Give me strength. I was totally being honest with God. I told him what I felt just like talking to a friend and I didn't hold back anything. Tears were pouring like heavy rain, and then I said God I know you have a purpose in my life and his, so I surrender him to you and I surrender my life to you, because he's your child and you know what's best for him and I. Let your will be done, in Jesus name, Amen.  After that prayer, I felt so good that I didn't feel week anymore. I felt my heavy burden lifted,  at peace, and I knew it was God who took it away. As time went by, I kept myself busy with work, church, friends, and doing activities that I loved to make me not think about him. When I didn't see him, it made me better off, because no feelings or attachment were there. It's easier when you're having fun doing things you love with friends. There were times when he would pop up in my mind, and I would just lift him up in prayer and ask God to help him in whatever he needs help in. 


Hope this helped you.

to be continued...


Don't feel like you're not close to God. As many questions you have, you're seeking him and want answers. Most times we just need to have faith and believe that he is God and he is near. We want to feel him, we want to feel something tangible, the way someone hugs us, or just that warm touch feeling, or whatever the case maybe to validate that God is near. Just because you can't feel him doesn't make you further from him or not close to him at all. God is near us all the time. He's the one who protects us from harm and danger, who helps us through our day, who gives us strength, air to breathe, a new day, etc. God is always present with you where ever you go. It's about believing that he's near. 


Because of so many religions out there, you don't know which one to believe in. No one can tell you which is right or wrong, and you would just have to find out for yourself, but here we have God our Lord and Savior who we believe in on this site.  I pray that God will be able to give you his truth, direction, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and guidance. It's the truth you live by that will help you. Everyone grew up with morals and different beliefs. God knows the heart of a man. If a man who didn't know God at all, never heard of God ever before, but was taught by his family in what's right and wrong, and he walked and did what was right, righteously, then God will judge him by that truth. God is the one who will judge us, and if anyone judges you they will be judged. 


I don't know if this will help, but I thought I would share this with you. Maybe it will show that God does speak to us if we only listen and trust Him.

A couple of weeks ago I was reading my Bible in the morning as usual. On my way to work I was thinking about my day and having some casual prayer time. I had this thought if being baptised, so during the rest of my drive to work I contemplated if I should look at getting baptised.

A few days later, I had the same thought enter my mind. I remember thinking, I should talk to pastor about it.

Last Sunday, Pastor Sam gave his sermon. It was on adult baptism and how we are told to repent and be baptised. Pastor went on to say that we should be baptised as adults. Strangly enough Sam went on to say that he had a different sermon he was going to give, but felt he needed to preach on baptism instead.

After his sermon I spoke to him about it and plan to be baptised at our church picinic.

I was telling my wife all of this on the way home. I told her of the two time I had the thoughts and how the sermon seemed rather timely. Gerogene told me that she had been talking to my mother who had told her that I was not baptised as a child.


Could all of this been a coincidence? maybe. I believe it was the Holy Spirit letting me know I needed to be baptised.

God bless





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