All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

My reason for living is twofold. I live so that I may die. I die so that I can make room for my offsprings , Without death there can be no life. You see I am a firm believer in death, Is there a life after death, I don't think so. Where did we come up with this immortally belief ? We try so hard to be like God, we invent things to make us feel important, relevant , immortal even godlike. Before the tribe of Israel there were the Babylonians. They were captive of this tribe for years before time of Abraham. Little is known of their life in captivity, They were either released from their imprisonment or escaped , no one knows because the records were lost, what we have or Narratives written by the Greeks, The bible is just such a book.We do not know how the earlier Hebrew scriptures were preserved when the people were taken captive. Did the archives survive ? Who preserved the writings ? Who did the first compiling ? We do have the accounts of Genesis , but that to is a copy of and even earlier copy which where copied from a Greek text known as the Septaugant , and of this there is only copies of copies available.
With the passage of time there came to be variations in the manuscript, This was then made into a standard text by a group of Hebrew scholars known as the Massoretes in the seventh or eight centuries B.C. The New Testament were written during a much shorter period, from the last half of the first century to the end of the second century.
The research into biblical history is full of loop hole and traps that with the passage of time the real meaning is lost. Why ? Man . Man has been the creator of all things good and bad. He takes the greatest creations of God , the universe and uses it to lift himself up above all things that God has made. At first the world was flat, you could be or in some cases burned at the stakes for believing that the earth wasn't the center of the universe. You look at all the races of people on earth and they say that they all came from two people, That can't be true. Remember people back then didn't know that the earth was round and that across the oceans where people just like them. living and dying without knowledge of each other. The framers of the Hebrew scriptures were only concerned with their people and the people that held them captive. The didn't know of the Native American, the tribes of Mesa and South America, the people of the South Pacific. There were only Babylonians, and Hebrews, that was their world. They were a tribal people back then, Small bands of family members who only link they cared about were their own. Where did the Babylonians come from ? The Egyptians, Greeks, and later the Persians , did they all sprang from Adam and Eve and they only surviving son Cain. Who did Cain marry when he was exiled to the land to the east of Eden. Some people say it was his sister, how can that be , Genesis didn't mention a sister,there was only three people. That is all that was in the records of The book of Genesis. I have so many questions and so few answers, I believe in God , I know there is a God, but which one , the God of the bible , the god of man, the Persians ,Greeks or the Babylonians.
Now back to my beginning, I die so that other may live, there is no immortality , life after death, or any of those so call man-u-factored beliefs. Thats what it all boils down to, man just don't want to think he is not just what he is another creature in this universe created by God, That die and replenishes the earth our immortality is in our offsprings, our sons and daughters , grandchildren and great grandchildren through them we live forever . There is no pie-n-the-sky . I know a lot of people will think I am a non believer , that is further from the truth as you can get. I believe in God to the end of days, if He see fit to grant me what ever He so desires then it's all God,not something I made up to control people. I don't believe that God will punish people simply because they were born on the other side of the planet, without knowledge of Him or Jesus. Most worshiped a God, some had more than one, some had human sacrifices, some were cannibals , they were just blind looking for and answer to the simple question , why or we here ? Who put us here ? Will God do that to something He once call GOOD. Just like any parent he gave His life for His children , why do we dishonor Him with the hate we show toward each other all in the name of God. There is only one God and His name is YHWH.

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Comment by Leonard T on September 30, 2010 at 3:09pm
David P.,

In your previous blog you said that God wanted you to be with Him. What does that mean to you? Do you think God only wants you for this life and that's it? Or does God have a greater plan beyond this life? You also said in one place that your eyes have been opened and yet you are denying the Word of God as being true.

God is calling you. Come to Him and find peace and assurance. Matthew 11:28-30

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