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David L Patterson
  • Male
  • Portland, OR
  • United States
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  • John
  • Ibrahim Alexandre Rahim
  • Evating Cabrera

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Red Ribbon From Mary Munsey

David L Patterson's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
United States of the Americas
Food Service
I'm here to...
Give glory to the God of Abraham,Isaac,& Moses
Preparing good meals to about 250 guest at our mission here in the City of Roses. It's not about me anymore, It's about service to those who needs it the most. Christ if I might be so bold , was the ultimate Homeless Man. God provided for his every need. In order for me to be Christlike in my walk , I have to be Christlike in my action, " what you do for the least of us, you do for me"
I'm passionate about...
Doing the things that will make me grow closer to that place where God after He finished His work , he rested , Genesis.,chapter 2 .
My story with God
He has opened my eyes to the projected lies that Satan projected into my whole life, No one loves you, you're no good, you or a black man in America, you will aways be that.Around those projected lies I erected my Wall of Jerico. It's not that I don't trust nobody, I just don't trust nobody. do unto others , before they do unto me ( My survival lie )
Other stuff about me:
I/m 61 yrs old. single been clean and sober for over 2 yrs, a intern here at the rescue mission here in Portland Or. I use my God given talent to provide a good hot meal for about 65 residents and staff here , and breakfast and dinner for about 250 to 300 guest as we like to refer the people who has no other place to go.

David L Patterson's Blog

My reason for living

Posted on September 30, 2010 at 3:52am 1 Comment

My reason for living is twofold. I live so that I may die. I die so that I can make room for my offsprings , Without death there can be no life. You see I am a firm believer in death, Is there a life after death, I don't think so. Where did we come up with this immortally belief ? We try so hard to be like God, we invent things to make us feel important, relevant , immortal even godlike. Before the tribe of Israel there were the Babylonians. They were captive of this tribe for years before time… Continue

When I speak will you listen.

Posted on July 31, 2010 at 9:20pm 0 Comments

When I speak to you , how will you receive me ? When I come to you , what will you see ? When I reveal to you the coming glory, whay will be your answer ? When that truck fell on you and you didn't get injured , who do you think was holding it off your neck, When you droved that truck in Vietnam off that road to Danang, who kept you from being tossed out ? That blade of grass that saved you from falling off that cliff as a child , who put it there ? Now look back David there was… Continue

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At 2:20am on October 25, 2010, Talugende Robert said…
David my Father and brother, I call you father becouse my late father was called David,almost in the same age blacket. Thank you for the profile questions.... You speak of me... Oh God!... it like that you know me. all round! "When that truck fell on you and you didn't get injured , who do you think was holding it off your neck, When you droved that truck in Vietnam off that road to Danang, who kept you from being tossed out ?" I went through hard moments in the moto accidents and i was not hurt. This was God. surely David its....... allaboutGod..... whoever started this net work and choose this name... God spoke through him or her.
am doing some thing for the Lord to support the rural community in Uganda. Every body can do something, any thing to encourage and letting God shine into someone's life. a mere love card to an orphan or widow..... David you have said it all. We need your prayers for growth and esatbulishement. Evanglism through acts of good deads.
I love you posts.
keep in touch.
At 4:39pm on August 2, 2010, Joleen said…
There are many here who I think didn't have a good childhood. I am 51 years old. I think my personality if like a child is because I just cant let go of that child I was. it would be like I myself was abandoning and abusing her. She needs to be healed first. I know that seems dumb to say but even so I cant let her go. I am beginning to realize this is my problem.

David V is another member here. He is semi cool. I was just funning in hopes of in case he paged hopped he would read that I was smacking him. I was joking. He didnt see the joke but anyway david I think if you meet him you would think him not scary too. He had a bad life too. Maybe you and him can share sometimes. He has his testimony on his page I think you will find it to be interesting.
At 1:13am on August 2, 2010, Joleen said…
Hello David. No you didn't scare me away. If David Velasquez can't scare me away you certainly cant. The David Velasquez is comment is just a joke. Seriously I am glad your daughters welcomed you. I wouldn't have welcomed my male parent. I would have been glad he was gone. Im not saying if he done the things you did Im saying because i didn't like him. You were blessed , there are many sons and daughters who wouldnt welcome there parents after they have been abandoned. I views are different about going to church. I would prefer being able to go into a church and being with folks who love the Lord . Around folks who have the love of God shining through them. I am not in a church now but maybe someday. I do understand about how some teach fear though. Thank you so very much for telling me such a happy reunion. I wish you could have gotten your first meeting on film and shared it here for us. What an awesome day that had to of been for you. Thank you for the friend request.
At 11:39am on August 1, 2010, Joleen said…
Thank you for sharing this testimony David. This must have been awful to carry such tremendous burden. I needed this today.. this testimony of yours gives me a glimmer of hope I hope I am able to hang onto it. I dont know if you are a new member or not but am glad to have found you here.
At 10:29pm on July 31, 2010, Joleen said…
I am wondering how you started 'knowing' these were lies? If the wall was removed ? Then how? Just curious. I wont get offended if you dont want to answer.

My story with God
He has opened my eyes to the projected lies that Satan projected into my whole life, No one loves you, you're no good, you or a black man in America, you will aways be that.Around those projected lies I erected my Wall of Jerico. It's not that I don't trust nobody, I just don't trust nobody. do unto others , before they do unto me ( My survival lie )
At 10:11am on July 29, 2010, Ibrahim Alexandre Rahim said…
thanks for your comment and am very ple
At 1:42am on January 26, 2010, kathleen aldea said…
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At 9:42am on January 3, 2010, Pastor Bob B said…

At 5:48am on December 20, 2009, kathleen aldea said…

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