All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

...I'm self-preservative...
That's what I use to tell my brother when he accused me of selfishness. Now I'm thinking, "hey he might have had a point there". Maybe I'm selfish, or at least self-centered. (whatever the difference may be) I've been so wrapped up in my own emotions, my own feelings lately that I seem to have forgotten, " dudette, there are people around you"

I don't think God wants me to forget though, I've been finding myself in these weird situations lately, on the days that I just want to go home, get in bed, watch a movie, something dumb, total and complete mindless entertainment, have some crunch chocoalte bars, some cheetos and just have some me time, some me moment, some me, me, me, me, me matters, me, me, me, me, me, me is the only person in the world who has feelings and emotions and issues and stuff, (imagine high-pitched whiny voice here)

Truth is there is always someone else who could use a hand, a call, a prayer, or a hi-how-are-you-been-thinking-about-you...
(Unless you're that person)there is always someone else who has more "stuff " (whiny voice again) going on than ya...

My prayer is that we would be more sensitive to our brothers and sisters; the good word says to love our neighbors as ourselves. AS YOURSELF, not above nor beneath, but just as...

It's a tough command God, but I bet YOU already knew that

BTW Father, I still think I deserve my mindless-I’m-the-only-one-in-the-world-who-matters night, but YOU already knew that too.

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