All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

What do we do when our friends, family, co-workers, sister, brother in the Lord, pastor or anyone we confine in or look up to, fails us. We look to hills from which comes our help, our help comes from the Lord(Psalm 121). We have to realize that man is a human being and human beings make mistakes at times. They are not "all knowing" or "everywhere at one time," only GOD is. We need to stop expecting man to fill the shoes of GOD and stop expecting God to fill the shoes of man. What I mean by that is that we expect too much out of our spouse, children, parents, friends, church family, etc. sometimes. Not realizing or respecting the fact that they are not GOD. When they tell us they are going to do something for us and don't come through; we get upset, disappointed, and all out of character. But remember they are not GOD! When our brothers of sisters in Christ fail and miss the mark we ridicule them and put them down, instead of lifting them up in prayer or words of encourgement (offering them charity). But remember they are not GOD! Even GOD doesn't put those types of stipulation on man that we sometimes do. But when God speaks to us in our dreams, words of wisdom, words of knowledge or prophetic we fail to believe Him and we allow doubt to come in. Remember He is not man! He is a God that cannot lie, His word will not return to Him void, He is a GOD of covenant. He is going to look out for those in covenant with Him! Why do we doubt GOD? Why do we try to blackmail GOD? Why do we try to proposition GOD? Why do we try to jive GOD? Why do we try to hide things from GOD? Why do we try not to expose our dirt to GOD? Why? Why? Why? ..... Remember He is not man! He knows and sees all and there is nothing done in the dark that is not revealed. Let's stop treating man like GOD and GOD like man!!! We can trust GOD because all we have to do is look at His reputation...has He failed any of us yet? No! Has He forsaken any of us yet? No! Has He not given us what He promise He would do for us, or at least we know that it is coming! Look at man's reputation vs. GOD's reputation. Who can we trust? GOD. Love man, but trust GOD! Don't get bent out of shape when people disappoint you, mistreat you or fail you. Just know that they are not GOD and that you will only be judge according to what you do to them and not what they do to you. But they will be judge according to what they do to you and not what you do to them. Every man is held responsible for his own actions and not others reaction. GOD is a covenant GOD and as long as you are in convenant with him and living according to the doctrine of Jesus Christ and operating in your preisthood using the tools of the new convenant(praying in tongues, spirtual sacrafices of charity, reading and studying the word) GODwill take care of you! He told us not to worry because we are worth more than two sparrows and if they don't worry, because they know they will be taken care of, then why should we worry! (parapharsing Matt. 6:25-33). Rely on and trust in GOD, because He is our source.

Love your sister in Him!

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