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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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Finding out the truth about my responsibility as a christian duties towards God so that, I will not miss Him but that I will be with him in eternity. I'm intrested in helping others, I love children. I love to watch good movies, spending time with my husband, family and friends. myspace graphic comments
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I'm passionate about...
Ministering/witnessing to sinners, who are lost and have no hope without Christ. Also, christians, who are living a traditional and religious life because they have the form of godliness, but deny the power. Which they will miss God just like any sinner will if they don't come to know the truth that is, the true doctrine of Jesus Christ.Those in need especially little children who neglected by their parents or care givers. myspace graphic comments
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My story with God
I was first save at the age of 13. I backslid a few times and I decided in my early 20s that if I ever got save again, that I wouldn't leave God again. Well, I gave my life to Christ again at the age of 23 and I am now 27 and I haven't looked back since. I have a relationship with God and I acknowledge Him in all my ways. I believe that there is always room for an even deeper relationship. I am working on that now; with having a deeper relationship with God. I am now studying the original doctrine of Jesus Christ and it is nothing like the religion and tradition that I was brought up in. It is teaching me that a lot of things that I learned in the past were in error. And now I am in the process of renewing my mind to embrace the truth, that is the the original blueprint Jesus gave his apostles. I am a student of Second 8th Week University. Google the word second 8th week university and you will find the school, if interested. Also, you can go directly to the website by typing in to begin to study the transistion of the church. It will enlighten your mind and get you OFF of the path of a never-ending search for deliverance, wholeness, and liberty. Let me warn you to please have a open-mind when you visit this school. Because if your mind is close and if you are unwilling to change then this school will not benefit you because you will just judge the school and not try the spirit by Spirit and discern the school for what it is! This school challenges the things that we have always believed to be true, holy and spiritual. Christ is going to come back for a church without spot or wrinkle, with no blemishes. And I don't want to labor here thinking that, I am doing what God wants me to do only to find out that on the Day of Judgment that I was a worker of iniquity....That will be very devastating, but too late to change! Do you think that all the people that God told to depart from me you workers of iniquity seriously knew that they were workers of iniquity? No! Some of them probably thought that their religion, worship, praise and etc. was the correct way. God said my people perish for the lack of knowledge, because they have REJECTED knowledge. Don't let knowledge come your way and you miss out simply, because you are stuck in your own ways and refuse to change! I can only witness, but the decision is YOURS!
Other stuff about me:
I am currently a student at a local community college. I have been married for two years and we have no kids. We definitely want to have some--that's in the making! I am planning to finish my second associate degree in December 2008, then I will transfer to a four-year college to get my BSN. My ultimately goal is to become a Pediatrician. myspace graphic comments
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Posted on April 21, 2008 at 8:30am 0 Comments

I forgot to post this last Friday. But yes Lavita it is Thank God I'm Save (TGIS)!!!!! Good job.....I will do it, how about you? myspace graphic comments
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??? TGIF ???

Posted on April 11, 2008 at 9:30am 0 Comments

This something that I thought would be neat to do instead of just saying "TGIF" on Fridays. We should say something like "TGIS" every day, because every day we wake up is a blessing! So let me know what you think "TGIS" means and I will reveal the meaning of this acronym next Friday! Go ahead and be creative and tell me what you think it is?… myspace graphic comments


What Do We Do When All Else Fails?

Posted on April 4, 2008 at 9:30am 0 Comments

What do we do when our friends, family, co-workers, sister, brother in the Lord, pastor or anyone we confine in or look up to, fails us. We look to hills from which comes our help, our help comes from the Lord(Psalm 121). We have to realize that man is a human being and human beings make mistakes at times. They are not "all knowing" or "everywhere at one time," only GOD is. We need to stop expecting man to fill the shoes of GOD and stop expecting God to fill the shoes of man. What I mean by… Continue


Posted on March 28, 2008 at 9:27am 1 Comment

Take a few minutes and write down all of the good things in your life. The things that you know you did not make happen, but it had to be God. Now write down the things that are going wrong in your life right now and also make a side note if it is something that you cause or if it is just life! And when you see how the good outweighs the bad; give God thanks and don't complain. When you find yourself getting ready to complain remember what you wrote down and cut-off the complaining and give God… Continue

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At 12:12pm on July 15, 2010, Prophet Craig Smith said…
May God continue to hold your hand and bless you daily.
At 2:39am on January 2, 2009, Nana Boadi said…
thank you dear. Is my Prayer that this year 2009 will be th ebest year fro you and the family. God be with you all in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ. Amen.

At 5:02am on December 26, 2008, Nana Boadi said…
many , many, many returns to you and your family. May God bless you to see the next year ahead of you.

At 10:22pm on November 29, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Girly Comments & Graphics

Hello girl!!
I am soo happy for you! You are going to adopt and have biological children? Wow. and it seems that school has been going well for you and that you are planning on contimuing your education. Good for you. I think that is really neat. You have such passion for others,your work, and the Lord. I envy that. I struggle still, just not as bad as I did. This time of year is a little hard on me because my uncle,closest uncle took his life last July and it has totally broke our family. My grandparents have now lost two sons to suicide. One at age 27, and one at age 50. Can you imagine losing two sons to suicide? Well, anyway, there are other issues too in the family that really seem to come out strong this holiday season that I wish wouldnt, but what do I do? I want to be happy and enjoy this time of year, but both my moms side and my dads side are not saved, and are not close to my kids at all. My dad died of alcoholism years ago, and my mom has a whole new life. She is blessed with a lucrative job,house and husband. I want her to be happy, but she has shut me out of her life and doesnt make much effort to see my kids,her only grandkids. Oh, oops, Im sorry....there I go again. Im venting and dumping on you. Im sorry. I want to live better,love better, and shine the love of Christ, but its soo hard sometimes. Please keep me in prayer, ok? I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving. You are missed. Im not here as much as I was because me life is a little crazier, but I still moderate here and hang out here from time to time. I pray that the Lord shine His love and light upon you as you soo delightfullyy serve Him. God Bless you!!
At 1:05am on November 27, 2008, Paige Robertson said…

Hello long lost friend!!
Soo much has happened since I last talked to you. I left for a while during the summer because I had alot of things that took priority in my life at the time, but I have been back the last few months and I sure have missed you and all the rest of the All About God fellowship. So, what is going on with you? How has school been? Let me know the latest. Can you believe that it will soon be Xmas? I cant. I am not ready for all this. I swear as a christian, my life is never dull. Especially when you have 2 toddlers grabbing your pantleg all the time like I do. My daughter turned 1 last August and my son will turn 4 in December. crazy huh??!! Kids kids kids, they grow like weeds!! Anyway, sister, Ill quit rambling on but please keep in touch. I hope you are doing well, and have a great thanksgiving! God Bless you and yours!!
At 8:33am on May 5, 2008, Moomins said…
Hi, just to let you know there is an organized chat on in the womens group today at 10 am mountain time, hope you can join us
At 3:24pm on April 22, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hey girl!!!
Been thinking of you and I didnt realize how long it has been since I have heard from you!! My goodness! Time flies when you are in Christ!
How are you doing? What is God doing in your life lately? How is school going? I think that is soo cool that you are going to be a pediatrician! What a blessing that is. God sure has given you a love for children. When do you think you will have one? Well, when you are pregnant you better tell me. I would love to know and send you a baby gift. I love baby stuff. My babies are pretty spoiled with all thier little baby stuff, but my son is 3 and my daughter is 8 months so they are not soo much little babies anymore. Its sad, they grow like weeds right before thier very eyes!!!
Im doing ok lately. I could be better and could be worse. Still trying to deal with the terrible "3"'s and the adjustment of a new home,new area, and a new church. Its taking me longer than I expected to get used to it, but Im really clinging on to God through this. I have never been good with change so Im trying to just stay as close to Him and His promises.
Anyway, miss you and I hope you are doing well!!!
At 4:22am on April 12, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello sister
How are you doing?
As you can see, its pretty early in the morning over here, but having a 8 month old can guarantee that youll be up early a few times. Yes, a few times and then some.
I just wanted to thank you again for our friendship. I have had a few hard days, and could not put my finger on what was wrong, but Go showed me that I need not to look upon my feelings, because they are fleeting and deceptive. They are just feelings, not the truth. If I can bypass this fleshy emeotional mess, I think Ill do better. All my life,before Christ I was my own God. I thought I was "all that". But now I know that Im not "all that" without Him and His strength. because living inmy own strengh just didnt work. I failed miserably. Dont you find you deal with the same thing? That sometimes you get in the way of God and what He is trying to do in your life? I tell you. I get in the way all the time and my feelings take over. Next thing I know Im emailing my friends here and bugging you all about my pitiful emotions. So, I am sorry about that. I thank you for hanging in there with me. I need to spend more time in His word and rely on Him more. That is why I really like what you talked about above. It really struck a cord with me. I have put my trust in, and relied on man more than God. I hate to admit it but it is soo true. I should know by now after 35 years of life that I cannot expect man to fill the voids in my life. I have been hurt too many times. I thank you for sharing that above."My help comes from the Lord". "The maker of heaven and earth".
Thank you my dear friend!!!
At 12:13pm on April 9, 2008, Nana Boadi said…
can i be a friend? I am George from Ghana and i am in Bible school. i just need friends who will help me to understand the mearning of the work of God.
At 11:38am on April 9, 2008, Paige Robertson said… myspace graphic comments
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Hello sister!!! How are you?
I was going to leave you a message yesterday again. but I didnt want to bother you or make you think that Im some "stalker" or something. (just kidding) I just luv ya. U r my goof freind and sister. I have a good connection with you, and that is CHRIST!!!! We have alot on common that way I think.
I relly like your page. Good job girlfriend!!! I still need to do mine. I did that when I first started back in August. I was like the 40th member then. Now we are up to over 1,050. Isnt that crazy? So, I need to give my page a major overhaul!!!Im just too busy talking, so I better start working!!! I still cannot figure out how to get a music playlist on my page, and it is driving me nuts!!! I am totall y "music person" I have played the drums all my life, and love all kinds of rythemns! I wanted my page to have some cool rythemn tracks, but Im a computer challanged person!!!Help???
Anyway, sister, I am soo glad you like it here. I just wish you and all my other firends could meet from here and go hang out or something. I cannot believe how far apart we are!!!
Well, I dont want to write you ear off, so Ill let you go for now. I love you sis, and thanks for thinking of me.
God Bless!!!

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