Mark 4:35-41
“And other little boats were also with Him.”
As I was reading this passage, the pharase “And other little boats were also with Him.” Jumped out at me. As soon as I finished my devotion I had to write these thoughts down. But now I am not as sure that I was coming to the right conclusions. It is the first time I have had this experence so I want to make sure it is God woring and not Satan creeping into my devotion time as he has done in the past.
Is this correct interruption?
Jesus is on a journey. In this case illustrated by crossing the Sea of Galilee. And the “other little boats” refer to His believers traveling on a journey through life trying to follow Him the best they can. They are not yet strong enough in faith and their relationship with Him to be in the larger boat with Him. And they all are caught into a storm of life which Jesus is able to still. But what happens to the “other little boats” for they are not mentioned again. Did they sink? I don’t think so, rather I think they were stilled as well. Because Jesus would have calmed the entire Sea of Galilee. Perhaps the “other little boats” continued to sail with Him on through the journey with their faith and belief increased. But more likely they merge with His boat in a deeper relationship with Him.
Maybe the “little boats” represent people who are just hanging around Jesus and the church, but don’t want to become involved. And after the storm they jut wonder off.
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