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Speaking out against the Florida Revival!

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is heavy on my heart to write about the so-called Florida revival. It has been all the rage in my church, as we’ve all been hungry for the Spirit of God to move in our community. I think we all wanted it so bad, we’ve all allowed ourselves to be deceived.

My friends, these are strong words, and I would never speak them unless I was entirely convinced and convicted. I believe the Florida Revival and many of the local “revivals” it has spawned are FALSE. It makes me so sad to declare that, because believe me, I wanted it to be real.

Some of you know I came out of the darkness of the occult. I recognize demonic activity when I see it, because I’ve been there.

For there shall arise false christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matt 24:24

Todd Bentley is demon possessed. (He actually admits that he has “manifested demons”.) Dear friend, can a true Christian be demon possessed? He admittedly doesn’t preach Christ. He said that God told him “you have to get people to believe in the angel…the people already believe in Jesus.”

But even if we or an angel from Heaven preach a gospel to you beside what we preached to you, let him be accursed. Gal 1:8

Todd Bentley is constantly calling on his “angels” to “bring the fire” to “come down” to “be released from heaven”. Friends, this may sound benign, but it is paramount to calling forth demonic powers. In the occult they call this “evocation”. This is powerful and dangerous. What chills me to the bone is the fact that Bentley leads the crowd to participate in what I can only describe as a mass evocation ritual. No spirit should indwell the believer but the Holy Spirit of God. Hundreds of thousands of sincere Christians are being led astray.

I need not continue to poke and prod at Bentley’s false theology. Brothers and Sisters, you need only observe his “revivals”. Listen closely to what he is saying. Listen to how he is speaking. Watch what he is doing. Is God an advocator of violence in His name? Do you really believe that God himself would tell Todd Bentley to kick an elderly woman in the face as she was worshipping at the alter? Would God tell a man to kick someone in the stomach, leg-drop a pastor, body slam a man so hard his tooth pops out?

Envy thou not the man of violence, and choose none of his ways. Prov 3:31

Listen to his speech, and you will hear him say some decidedly Ungodly things. He mixes it in with spiritual sounding non-sense, but when you examine it in the light of scripture, you will see it doesn’t jive. The thing that strikes me the most about Todd Bentley’s revival is that it completely LACKS a gospel message. He does not preach Christ, repentance, and salvation. He preaches angels, power, healing, dreams and visions. He speaks the Lord’s name in vane. He uses ungodly humor at inappropriate times. He often manifests strange voices and hisses or breaks into maniacal laughter. To me, brothers and sisters, this is not an expression of uncontained joy… it is an evil laughter which raises the hair on my arms and makes me think that the demons are laughing gleefully over this whole sham.

In the occult, there is a name for his “style of ministry.” It is called Kundalini. Dear friends, I will not take up your time by giving a lesson on this yogic occultist spiritual practice. If you have a computer you can Google it yourself. I bring it up now only to point out that it parallels Bentley’s spiritual practices entirely.

I know that I will probably be shot down for voicing my beliefs about the Bentley revival. I know I will probably be seen as the “enemy” for speaking against a man some consider “anointed”. Let me say in my defense that I BELIEVE in miracles. I BELIEVE in prayer. I BELIEVE in the power of Jesus Christ. I have experienced great healing miracles. I don’t need any “angels” to teach me about the supernatural. I am not caught up in “churchianity”, I don’t consider myself legalistic. Call me a Pharisee if you want. Todd Bentley is a FALSE PROPHET.

Mat 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders; so much so that, if it were possible, they would deceive even the elect.

My dear friends, do not be deceived!

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Comment by Victoria on July 6, 2008 at 8:42pm
It sounds like the angel he is speaking of is Satan.
Comment by CHRISTIAN PI on July 6, 2008 at 7:53pm
I am thinking about all this myself. I just posted a long post, and it deleted. I guess next time I will put it on a separate notepad and transfer it.
Comment by Ramona P. Jacobsz on July 6, 2008 at 8:04am
My dearest Friend and Sister in Christ
Thank you for pointing out the dangers of false prophets. I did an article when I first joined but I did not get any answers about e.g. T.B. Joshua and others...

I hear what you are sayng and I am going to investigate... and we will pray together that these false prophets and demonic people will not impress true Christ followers or put them on the "wrong path".

We follow Jesus Christ and He is our only salvation. It is our duty to warn each other and even admonish each other - as long as it is not self-serving or self-righteous. And I think your warnings are being done in love and concern.

Bless you for your thoughtfulness... and also for being straight forward and to the point.

God bless you and your loved ones
Ramona P.

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