singing, music, horses, pets, gardening, drama, online research, Bible study, learning new things, meeting new people, business, helping people
I'm passionate about...
TRUTH, loving the unlovely, forgiveness, not judging, standing your ground, holding on to the fire and my beliefs, marital fidelity, growing up godly children, taking care of the poor in our midst, meeting needs in our own community before we go to the worlds needs, the US not policing the world but making this country economically sound, a haven for true refugees, and the persecuted and getting rid of citizenship by birth of illegals, securing our borders, throw out all non citizens who threaten out government, catching online predators, the right of children to be safe from sexual harrassment & abuse, and most of all JESUS!
My story with God
I was raised a Catholic and had a knowledge of God but it was of a JUDGE who was not very happy with me because as hard as I tried I never felt worthy of HIS love. After my first young marriage fell apart all the pain and suffering up to that point in my life came to a head and I found I did not want to live anymore. Jesus came into my life with the help of my younger sisters prayers and quiet witness. I found a wonderful church family of people who just loved me just as I was and was there to guide me and give me support to follow my dreams. I went on to attend a Christian recovery program called Teen Challenge, then to Christian college for three years, remarried a Christian man who ended up leaving God and me and again I found my faith was shaken. I went through three or four years of wilderness and then a couple of years later I was reunited with a child I gave up for adoption who was now 17 and reacquainted with her biological father all miraculously and I ended up marrying him. My husband of almost 20 years has been such a blessing to me and I only wish we had married all those years ago when he first asked me. We went on to raise two of his younger children with alot of challenges but now we have seen the results of our labor they both love the Lord and we see our work was not in vain. We are now raising one of our grandchildren who is almost 12 and totally sold out to JESUS. My ministry is to reach out to those who society usually forgets about, and I have friends all over the worldcountry more than I could have anticipated in a lifetime.
Other stuff about me:
I love to laugh, make people laugh, can be very philosophical, can't stand it when people twist the truth, lie and cover their lies up, am usually very forgiving but sociopaths get little trust from me, hate injustice, fight against sexual predators who commit crimes against children, believe that many innocent people are wrongfully convicted, would like to see RON PAUL for president, am loyal and honest to a fault!
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Wow!1 loved your statements,loved your ideas and ideals,loved everything you had to say.I too would like to see Ron Paul become president,but if the media ignores him....but all things are possible with God.Could we become friends? I just got here.
Hi Christian! And Welcome! Won't you come join a terrific new social group here on AAG.Net, called Family Health Act, #208? The group focuses on healing prayers. We'd love for you to join and begin receiving the imminent blessings generated only through total devotion and prayer. This is a new group, just planting its roots, so come and be one of the first to enjoy the fruits of our services to the Lord! I can't wait to meet you there! Just enter this link and poof, you're there...
First I must apologize! You commented on my page back in April, and I didn't reply right away because I wanted to put some thought into it... and then it left my mind entirely! (happens far to often) I saw your pic on my friends list today and then I remembered!
First, I want to tell you that my husband is from Mississippi (McCall Creek). All his family still lives down that way.
Your life story is awesome, it is amazing to see how God has worked in your life!
And I guess the most pressing reason I wanted to reply to you is that we both share a passion for helping children who have been exploited by sexual predators. I am working closely now with a ministry in Mexico called Breaking Chains, which is all about rescuing children from forced prostitution and human trafficking. I am working on my degrees in Spanish and Psychology so that I can eventually enter in ministry to serve these children. I'd be very interested in talking more with you!
Wow your story touched my heart deeply. Please check out the following groups that i think you could be a blessing to and be blessed from; Support for those facing divorce, separation, or Loss of a spouse, How healthy is your church? There must be a greater yes. God bless. BobBu
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God Bless!
First I must apologize! You commented on my page back in April, and I didn't reply right away because I wanted to put some thought into it... and then it left my mind entirely! (happens far to often) I saw your pic on my friends list today and then I remembered!
First, I want to tell you that my husband is from Mississippi (McCall Creek). All his family still lives down that way.
Your life story is awesome, it is amazing to see how God has worked in your life!
And I guess the most pressing reason I wanted to reply to you is that we both share a passion for helping children who have been exploited by sexual predators. I am working closely now with a ministry in Mexico called Breaking Chains, which is all about rescuing children from forced prostitution and human trafficking. I am working on my degrees in Spanish and Psychology so that I can eventually enter in ministry to serve these children. I'd be very interested in talking more with you!
God Bless You!

Wow your story touched my heart deeply. Please check out the following groups that i think you could be a blessing to and be blessed from; Support for those facing divorce, separation, or Loss of a spouse, How healthy is your church? There must be a greater yes. God bless. BobBuView All Comments