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julz's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
great britian
community mentor
I'm here to...
learn more about JESUS and to make christian friends
love reading, walking, swimming, love prayer meetings. love JESUS, my kids,also the children i work with
I'm passionate about...
JESUS, my children also the children i work with. passionate about the rhondda valleys and im desprately seeking God to move here
My story with God
life has been hard sometimes, i was in an abusive marriage, i have a very low self esteem, hardly any confidence, somehow i lost myself because of my childhood and then the marriage, i havent seen much beauty in my life but when Jesus found me, he changed my life and my thinking,HE has delivered me from so many things, HE has brought people into my life they are showing me HIS love, and the beauty of the LORD
Other stuff about me:
im a single parent, i have a good sense of humour, very soft hearted and gentle woman

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At 9:38am on April 26, 2010, trevor gave julz a gift
At 8:44am on October 9, 2009, Michael Anjello Jothi Rajan said…
Dear Julz,
Nice to have a sister like you.
At 3:12pm on May 24, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello julz!!!
Just checking on on you. I have been thinking of you and womdering how you are. You are loved by the Lord and the body of Christ around you. remember that. I have to all the time. Well, sister, have a great Memorial Day weekend, and do something good for yourself! You deserve it!!
God Bless!!
At 1:28pm on May 24, 2008, Cyril said…

Perhaps you are faced with a disease or terminal illness and you are looking for healing prayers. You desire to cry out to God for healing! It is usually our hopelessness that compels us to seek a supernatural source to alleviate our serious illness or disease. For most, it is a pattern of self-sufficiency, medical technology, and ultimately a cry for God to heal us miraculously.

The Glory of GOD is a prayer group working for God’s people from October 2006, started with the small group of people from our home’s drawing room and now we have a large number of people in this prayer group more then 2 hundred regular members. We are charismatic by the grace of God and we conduct daily healing prayers from morning till evening with limited resources and sharing God’s blessing with others.


We work in the geographical area of Lahore Pakistan and situated in Kot Lakhpat Lahore. We have a small drawing room which we use for prayer meetings, bible study and some time for health related seminars with community and youth

The locality is not a rich and the Christians in Pakistan is a minority and get less chances to be a part of main stream of the country’s growth and economy.


We have a God gifted power to heal the people of God; we have a large group of believers, people from different parts of Lahore city and rural areas near to Lahore city. We are running the following through self help bases:

1. Healing Prayer Meetings (daily bases)
2. Bible study for Youth
a. Career Counseling
3. Health Care facilities
o Primary Health care (PHC) & Reproductive Health services
o HIV/AIDS Prevention through awareness &Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) for HIV, Hepatitis B and C
4. Volunteers

1) Healing Prayer Meetings

We are arranging daily prayer meetings from 11 am to 8 pm for individuals, families and group of people. We are serving God’s people and up-till now we serve hundred and thousands of people through our team members we have more then two hundred regular members who visited us on alternate time, but due to shortage of space we are unable to attend all the believers that hurts us a lot

2) Bible Study for youth

We have Volunteer trained Youth ministers who spare some time for the Bible study on weekly bases this is our new initiative and we recently started this activity and we are looking forward for more youth to join us in this activity. We rent place or request some community members for their place for bible study on weekly bases

Under this Bible study we have also the facility of Volunteer Psychologist who guides our youth in their Career planning

3) Health Care Facilities

i) Primary Health care & Reproductive Health services
We have a qualified lady doctor (Gynecologist) and paramedic staff that run our dispensary and generate some funds from that dispensary to share the cost of medicines. We charge very low fee from clients who can pay most of the people are not able to pay the fee

ii) HIV/AIDS awareness Program
We are affiliated with an organization named savoir-faire (non-profitable organization) working on HIV/AIDS, VCT Services. They are working with us as a sister organization; savoir-faire is a faith based organization and provides us following free of cost:
a) HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Hepatitis B and C, Sexually and Reproductive health Awareness
b) Capacity building of our volunteers and staff
c) Voluntary Counseling and testing for HIV, syphilis, Hepatitis B and C

4) Volunteers

We have a small group of 10 professionals and motivated God’s soldiers, who believe in Jesus and his glory

What we need?

From October 2006 we are running all the expenses though community contribution and self help bases and at the beginning the number of people who came for prayers are very less, but now the situation is different due to increase in number of members of Glory of GOD’s group we need more space for the prayer meeting (through this building we plan to run office, Prayer Centre, Bible study centre and PHC clinic), utility bills and administration cost to run the office of the Glory of GOD


Sunday school
Bible awareness through Religious Program / Schools

This is our email address
At 5:15am on May 24, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 4:19pm on May 23, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

At 7:03pm on May 19, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello julz!
I forgot to tell you that in High School I had a really good friend named jewel and I would call her Julz/ Funny. I just remembered that. She was kinda crazy though. Far from being a Christian, but then again, I wasnt no angel either.
Honey, I didnt get to see your video, Im sorry. You can send it to me if you want and Ill check it out. My personal email of you want it is You can email me there anytime. Thank you for your kind words and cute little messages. I love the bear. Isnt "Christian Glitter" great? I love to use thier graphics form time ot time.
You take care, I love you sister. Keep up the great faith you have, and dont let anyone make you feel bad. The only one you have to impress is God, and you dont even have to strive to get Him to love you because He already does. he is already pleased with you and all you do. It doesnt matter what anyone else thinks. You are GODS GIRL!!!!
God Bless you!!
At 4:16pm on May 19, 2008, Pastor Bob B said…

You should check out some of the groups and forums. A good group to get started with is building a sure foundation for Christian Growth. If you have a question just start your own group and put out your question. This net makes it really fun to grow in the Lord and there is tons of music, prayer groups, support groups, etc.
The interaction is great, after a while it is just like an extention of your own church.
Have a great day (or evening) here it is 6:15pm.
God bless!
At 1:38pm on May 19, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hey Julz!!!
How are you doing? Just thought Id stop in and say hello. How are you? What has the Lord been doing in your life? He is always working in me I can tell you that!!!
Im glad you are here and its a pleasure to know you!!!

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