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William's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
United Kingdom
I'm here to...
communicate with like-minded people.
Dog-walking, swimming, cycling, reading (particularly on spiritual matters), canoeing (I live afloat).
I'm passionate about...
Improving my prayer life.
My story with God
I have been struggling for most of my life to strengthen my faith. A few months ago, after I had been debating with a friend about Richard Dawkins and his book, "The God Delusion", I decided that Dawkins was missing something. Something clicked for me, largely no doubt due to my renewing my acquaintance with Padre Pio and deepening my knowledge of him, and I seemed to get a much better understanding of what Jesus is all about. For many years I've known that Padre Pio was a very holy man and thought that what was good enough for him was good enough for me. I like to think that what is happening to me now was destined to happen ever since \ first learned about Padre Pio and became convinced that he was (and still is, really) a very holy man.
Other stuff about me:
I try to stay fit. I don''t smoke or drink alcohol, I'm a vegetarian and I also don't consume dairy products. However, I'm not yet quite a vegan. I have a particular interest in monasticism and the life of mystics.

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At 5:13am on July 2, 2010, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA said…
JESUS, rescuer of the abandoned!
JESUS, hope of those in despair!
JESUS, guiding star to the lost!
JESUS, joyful return of the exile!
JESUS, unforeseen victory!
JESUS, eternal triumph!
JESUS, radiant dawn after endless night!
JESUS, everlasting light of the Kingdom!
JESUS, wipe away my tears!
JESUS, calm the panic of my heart!
JESUS, exultation of those hemmed in by fear!
JESUS, joy of those crushed by sorrow!
JESUS, light to those in darkness, glory to You!

JESUS, provider of our daily bread!
JESUS, helper of the helpless!
JESUS, giver of all good gifts!
JESUS, grant peace to a heart in turmoil!
JESUS, calmer of storms!
JESUS, haven of the voyager!
JESUS, life-changing power!
At 1:35am on June 29, 2010, Write for Christ said…
Welcome to AllAboutGOD! (",)
God Bless You
At 6:49am on June 28, 2010, journeyman said…
Greetings in the Lord! My name is journeymanhd, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!
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I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.
At 5:40pm on June 27, 2010, Amenamen gave William a gift

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