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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Shan So Blessed
  • Female
  • Tucker, GA
  • United States
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Shan So Blessed's Friends

  • Rev.Benjamin Appiah kubi
  • bro bestman

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Gifts Received (6)

Red Ribbon From Brent McClellan Red Ribbon From Brent McClellan Red Ribbon From Amy Leigh Bray Red Ribbon From Amy Leigh Bray

Shan So Blessed's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
United States
I'm here to...
Fellowship with people around the world growing in Christ
Reading, learning, crafts, comedy
I'm passionate about...
Raising my child properly. Christlikei
My story with God
Trying to seem him more diligently to develop a closer relationship with him. Often times I keep away from and won't come to ask for anything out of guilt. I feel like if I'm not giving him my 100% then I should not be going to him asking for anything. Today 2.11.11 I have prayed and ASKED him to lift that burden from me and to help me seek him diligently so that I may be closer to him.
Other stuff about me:
Me? A product of grace & mercy

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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 11:17am on October 11, 2011, bro bestman said…
What to Do?...

What do you do
when life seems hopeless,
when you're disappointed,
in despair,
when you've lost
something that held
meaning to you,
when tomorrow
is uncertain?
You keep trying,
hoping, and dreaming
taking one day,
one problem
at a time,
knowing that
bad luck doesn't
last forever,
that tomorrow
your life could
turn around.
All is never lost.
All is never hopeless.
Despair doesn't
last forever.
And later we
often find
that even our
turned out to be blessings.

Don't lose hope!

At 11:15am on October 11, 2011, bro bestman said…
Make Me Worthy...

God, please help me
do a little better each day.
When I'm lost,
show me the way.
In all of my endeavors,
let me do my best,
and when trouble calls,
put my worries to rest.
Help me get past
the things I fear,
and never let me forget
the dreams I hold dear.
Let your light touch me
like the sunshine above,
and make me worthy
of your dear love.


At 11:09am on October 11, 2011, bro bestman said…


Sometimes you feel trapped and weary.
Sometimes it seems like nothing has
turned out the way that you'd hoped.
But remember that you're never alone.
God is with you always.
You need only open your heart to him,
and he will ease your pain.
His light will cut through the darkness,
and fill you with the sparkle of renewed hope.
He knows when you're worried.
He knows when you're feeling blue,
but he's always there to
lend you his strength
and to help you fly.
You need only have faith,
and he'll send you a miracle.
You need only open your arms,
and he'll wrap you in his loving embrace.
Let him fill your heart with sunshine.
Let him touch your life
with the light of his love--
it will shine through in everything you do,
and a sense of unending peace
and happiness will rule your days.
In order to fly with the beauty
and grace of a butterfly,
you need only believe.

At 7:23am on February 21, 2011, Amy Leigh Bray gave Shan So Blessed a gift
God Bless
At 12:09am on February 16, 2011, David Velasquez said…

Welcome to our Community in Christ,

I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.

This group will make you laugh -

This group will teach you bible doctrines -

This group will teach you how to be equipped

and this one focuses on Godly relationships.
At 8:23pm on February 15, 2011, bro bestman said…
heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven heaven
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's love
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's peace
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's lovelly
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's justice
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's eternal
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's real dream
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's sea of love
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's us place forever
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's forever
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's heart
heaven it's together
heaven it's patience
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's words full love
heaven not only heaven
heaven it's a sky of love
this a real heaven
At 4:12am on February 14, 2011, Amy Leigh Bray gave Shan So Blessed a gift
At 4:10am on February 14, 2011, Amy Leigh Bray gave Shan So Blessed a gift
At 9:33am on February 12, 2011, rosary flasius gave Shan So Blessed a gift
blessings my sister, can you add me as your friend

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