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Sandie Nicholson
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new zealand
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My story with God
WHEN I WAS EIGHT, JUST BEFORE I WAS TAKEN AWAY WITH MY SISTERS TO A FOSTER HOME, I LAY ON THE GROUND , LOOKED UP AT THE SKY AND TALKED TO GOD, from what i can remember, I was having a hard time trying to come to terms with my father going to court and us being taking away to a foster home, I knew that the truck was packing and we had to move away, It was a sunny day and the grass was long, and I guess I had come to the conclusion that I was trapped and had no one to talk to, I first had an incling that there was a god when I remember my mum taking me to a catholic church, Even tho now I am a born again christian, I think that the fact that my mum took me somewhere to here that there was a god, was awsome, because it opened up my heart and gave me a chance to search who this person was, when I lay on the grass i looked up at the heavens, hoping I suppose that god wouold just walk down to me and chat, I suppose he did because now I am 53 years old and he still holds my hand.. then years later I remember having a vision of me in heaven singing and praising god, and the love that I felt was like no other, It is only revently that I know I can sing, and have that revelation that it is indeed worship songs to god that really touch my heart and open up my spirit to fly free with jesus, the love I feel when I sing just helps me know that indeed Jesus is there right where i be...
Other stuff about me:

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At 4:39pm on January 3, 2010, Pastor Bob B said…

At 4:05am on October 25, 2009, Sandie Nicholson added a gift to their profile…
At 3:57am on October 18, 2009, marilyn griffiths said…
Hi there, thanks for introducing me to this site. Sorry to hear your news, will be in touch soon. Will be praying for you all. xx
At 10:04pm on August 8, 2009, maggie hancox said…
isn't it interesting the term 'press' where it says 'press ahead' just as the crowd 'pressed' in on Jesus, and the woman 'pressed' though the crowd to touch the cloak of Jesus.
It denotes a deliberate and willful effort to CHOOSE to consider the prize of what lays ahead.
At 2:08am on July 13, 2009, maggie hancox said…
ma I online!!
At 12:25am on July 13, 2009, maggie hancox said…
No ma, I didn't write it...remeber I said there was a special poem that nana had kept in a special place. Well being that she wanted me to have her clothes, as I was going through them, this was carefully put in that drawer. The one special thing in there.
What a wonderfully clever nana she is to have kept it there for me to find! And what a message to be finding in such a time of need.
At 12:22am on July 12, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Yay!! chat is back!
At 8:07pm on July 11, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Yeah its either in the middle now or over, not much to fuss about really.

They have disabled chat on here as a particular individual missused it.
Wont go into details but it was not good.

Miss you too! have not had credit on my phone, and have to change my thingie to the new number you have given me.

Was sick yesterday so slept the day away.
Have you checked out my page yet? on the left down lower are some pictures.
Have you heard of Joyce Meyer? I have been watching her on youtube...awesome!
At 3:06am on July 6, 2009, maggie hancox said…
Hey ma....check out my pix on my page :) Love you xxx

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