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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  • 65, Female
  • United Kingdom
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SCRABBLE, computers, Spirit filled Christian music. painting and drawing.
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Spreading the love of Jesus to others who desire freedom through the truth of the living word of the bible.
My story with God
Four and half years ago all I wanted to do was to end my life. My middle child was an absolute nightmare, she had total control over the family especially myself. Most mornings it was a battle to get her up just to go to school, and by battle that’s just what I mean! She would physically and verbally abuse me if I dared touch her or if I dared to make a stand and be firm with her. Because my daughter attendance and attitude at school was so bad she was under about to be excluded, I sought help from the medical profession only to be told that because of her age and unwillingness to talk they couldn’t do any thing and the next time she attacked me to phone the police.
My younger daughter had become Christian. She introduce her sister to her a Christian friend youth leader, who actually fought with them declaring satan was great and the ruler of her life. This youth leader didn’t give up on my elder daughter writing to her on a regular bases and inviting her to events and activities held at their house church, I found out later that they where praying for our families salvation.
One morning after a particularly bad beating from my daughter, I had got it In my head that the only way out was to kill myself,(I had started drinking to numb the pain I felt) I heard a clear calm voice telling me I should speak to my younger daughters Christian friends, I thought to myself what could they do. The following Sunday I went to their worship meeting which was totally different from church, after the youth leader approached me asking me if I wanted to talk. Well I let everything out I had ever bottled up about my abusive past the shame i felt the way I had failed my children. It was amazing she knew things about me I had never dared tell anyone. When I had finished sharing she said the greatest way she could help me was to introduce me to Jesus. I thought is that it! how can He help, having blamed God for my life in the first place. The Christian shared her testimony with me and again said the difference in her life now was Jesus. I said ok what do I have to do. I’d give Jesus six months. That afternoon I asked Jesus to forgive me and become Lord of my life. My elder daughter walked in as I was being prayed for and hit the roof she was so angry. When we returned home she sat talking to her internet friends telling them how I had betrayed her and become one of them Christians, when one of her friends said to her they had been praying for her to find Jesus, anyway about a week later she did and now we have a beautiful relationship and God is working wonders in her live.
And as for me through God's teachings and discipline I have overcome depression, rejection, and a lot of other personality traits that satan had me believing was mine and that I couldn't do anything about it. How wrong is he.
I thank God that He loves me and that though blood of His Son, has set me free from so much, including the hatred and shame I felt about myself. With Jesus at my side I can over come all things.
And thank God for calling me and leading me to the house church with people that fully desire to live according to how Jesus walked and not allow compromise to open door ways for satan to work in our lives. I am learning the meaning of God’s true love, for if we have not got love we are nothing .
1 Corinthians 13
Other stuff about me:
I have been married for 26 years:we have 2 grown up children and a teenager.
I desire to grow closer to our Saviour Jesus Christ, by reading and obeying His word. Allowing His love to wash over me and heal me from within.
I praise God that he called me by name and placed me in a spirit filled none compromising Christian fellowship with Christians whose desire is to follow God to the full.

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SUE's Blog

God can use anyone

Posted on March 22, 2008 at 3:34pm 0 Comments

The next time you feel like GOD can't use you, just remember...

Noah was a drunk

Abraham was too old

Isaac was a daydreamer

Jacob was a liar

Leah was ugly

Joseph was abused

Moses had a stuttering problem

Gideon was afraid

Samson had long hair and was a womanizer

Rahab was a prostitute,

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young,

David had an affair and was a murderer,

Elijah was suicidal,

Isaiah preached… Continue

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At 4:18pm on June 08, 2011, RoseMary Broussard gave SUE a gift
At 10:19am on March 24, 2011, rosary flasius gave SUE a gift
At 8:31pm on October 15, 2010, Christy Gabriel gave SUE a gift
At 9:33am on October 03, 2010, RAJESWAR YARLAGADDA gave SUE a gift
At 8:40pm on August 13, 2010, Christy Gabriel gave SUE a gift
At 8:04pm on June 02, 2010, Christy Gabriel gave SUE a gift
At 3:53am on June 6, 2009, Leni Racca said…
Hi Sue,
I'm a mother too and I can feel your pain although I have'nt experienced that.Being a mother is aprivelege and a gift only God can give.It's so good to hear that you are now at peace and that your children are Christians now.God gives us challenges along the way to make us strong and stay faithful to Him.Count me as your friend too.God bless....
At 1:19pm on February 18, 2009, Paul said…
Thanks Sue, yes it's so very hard, at first i thought my heart had been ripped out, there was no sleep but one hour per night for 9 weeks, i was on heavy sleepers for a week, but prayed and prayed that Jesus would deliver me or take me home. also i turned to anti depressants, then i was driving my taxi in the day it was a mirrical as i could still function, I have been free from the witch craft of drugs now for 5 months, and alcohol 9 months not counting a little at christmass and a bottle of wine the other week, not bad as i was drinking a bottle of vodka a day and beer!! hallalouya!! and am now getting back on my feet from down on my face with the devil trampleing all over me..telling me i was a no good for nothing and going to hell, even fellow christians turned there backs on me,,sad, but true, forgive them lord for they know not what they do,
I want to get on with what God has put on my heart. the missionary work in india. will work and save and study hard for preperation in Evangilising for early next year.Get well first..
So sorry to hear the terrible news, isn't pride so so destructive, look what happened to satan, hauled and cast out of heaven, let us pray for both Sally and your husband that from there freedom of will they will turn to our lord on their knees and ask forgiveness with an open and holy mind.Amen, it's going to be a tough fight Sue, but we have Jesus in our corner, we can not lose, blessings Sue...Paul
At 6:09am on February 18, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello sue, nice to see you at the chat room. be there more often, it's live and alive over at the chatroom. you'll meet more people there faster.

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