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Nelson Godbless
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Nelson Godbless's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Nelson Godbless Jan 15, 2008. 1 Reply

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Holyspirit touch everyone
I'm here to...
I want to get Holy spirit from jesus christ.
Am really want god to touch my heart (soul too)
I'm passionate about...
I really want to know God all my soul from today and all my rest of my life.
Other stuff about me:
I will glad if you can prayer God to forgive my sins, which i did since the day i was born,

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At 2:21am on February 18, 2008, Michael Daniel said…
Hi nelson
Nice to here that you want to be touched by holy spirit. Nelson Look, i really tell you that it is good to pray for forgivenes other's sins. But if you want to be healed, it's you only to make it possible. sit calm and ask Holy Spirit to come and repent each and every sin you did (specificly). Thank God for sending his only son to die for Our sins.... Else We all will pray for you....

In God's Love
At 4:58pm on February 10, 2008, cookie said…
HI nelson my brother in christ how are you? peace and love your sister in christ cookie
At 5:03pm on January 16, 2008, Stew said…

You are more of a mentor for many of us that you can imagine. It brings joy to my heart to hear how the Holy Spirit has touched you and brings you joy in your walk with Jesus and the Holy Father.

God bless you!

At 12:23am on January 16, 2008, Kiesha said…
I Nelson I was reading your profile and it sounds like you really want God to just have complete control of your life. Well let me tell you God is faithful and His word says that whoever hungers and thirst after righteousness shall be filled.
As for the forgiveness of your sins. Already done Psalms 103 believe the word of God and you will recieve the sure mercies of David.
His mercy endures forever. You are forgiven!! Read the book of John get to know Jesus his character, his ways, how he speaks knowing Jesus and accepting him is the best thing anyone can do.
Being filled with His spirit is the promise of the father seek him and He will fill you.
God bless you
At 1:07pm on January 12, 2008, edward w hickerson said…
HEY Nelson im'e verey bold when it comes to my lord . HE said not to put no other Gods before him . my heart crys out when i see the shape you are all in over there and my prayers will go out to you all .But they got to be willing to receave the prayers. The lord said I will knock and they will know me not . I pray that they open thair eyes and there hearts to the true liveing god and if they would only eccept what He did at the cross for them and give all to Him . He would pore a blessing on the nation and mericals and healing would be upon it . DEAR LORD i pray that you move in Nelsons prayers . heal his people from hiv and aids and any other dazesse that may torment them . lord open thear eyes help them to see the true light and all you gifts that you have for them . help them to see the truth and to abide in the truth live by Your laws . Lord i pray for this nation help them bless them pore your grace upon them . THANK YOU JESUS
At 12:09pm on January 12, 2008, Carla said…
Hi Nelson, welcome! I was just reading your story below and my heart bleeds for you. I am thankful that you have joined this Christian website, I pray that your heart and soul will stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ. We don't understand why we are each in our personal situations we are in, but we do know that we must always trust God, pray always, and follow Jesus. Do you have a bible? If not, let me know and I will personally send you one. I would just like you to know that in Canada we are helping people who are affected with HIV/AIDS and poverty. It is a strong mission in the church I belong to. Our goal is to raise millions of dollars that will go to the problem of HIV/AIDS. I cannot begin to understand the pain and agony you must be going through. But as Jesus said
(Mark 8:34-38) "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life you will loose it. But if you give your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but loose your own soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my message in these adulterous and sinful days, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

This means basically that we must submit ourselves to Him. He is not against pleasure, nor was he saying we should seek pain needlessly, Jesus was talking about the heroic effort needed to follow him moment by moment, to do his will even when the work is difficult and the future looks bleak. May God Bless you. your sister in Christ....carla
At 11:33am on January 12, 2008, natasha said…
hey well just pray for God healing , it will be healed . hows u .
At 10:39am on January 12, 2008, Nelson Godbless said…
Am rearlly glad that information because i have discovered that its can help the people of God,most the people here in TANZANIA fear going for HIV AIDS testing however others after being encouraged they do go and when they realise that they're HIV positive.They're keeping it a secret and infect inocent lives,after they have started receiving symptoms thats when they will go for treatment in TASO and councelling.The advantage of treatment and councelling is received by most people in urban centres,however deep in the village,people die of HIV&AIDS several times because they lack cancelling and treatment even if it will be there,it will not be proper plus bad feeding and over working because of looking for what to eat everyday to earn a living.
Other village people dont believe that AIDS is there,so when one receives symptoms they believe that there god is angry with them and their hands unless you preach to them about the true God and his son Jesus Christ.
The sad point is that the person who is sick is neglected having been declared(Used by God)yet even the health centres are far that he/she could receive the treatment.
The care and concern is most needed in village places,if me together with other people who are willing to offer a hand of help to them would intervene in the situation.
for more detail please contact me on my number +256806277 or +256712806277,
Yours Nelson Godbless.
At 12:02pm on January 11, 2008, AAG Netguy said…

I pray that Almightly God would strenghten you with power in your inner most being so that Christ would dwell in your heart by faith and that the water of life would spring up in you and continue to overflow to all the needy people you touch in Africa, especially to the AIDS patients, to give them a hope and future through the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord. And I pray that God would equip you with all you need in wisdom, power, strength, health and finances to continue your ministry in the power of the Lord and the blessing of the nations! In Jesus name and for the sake of His Kingdom! Amen!

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