Posted on January 1, 2008 at 8:15am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on December 30, 2007 at 6:41pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on December 29, 2007 at 4:16am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on December 27, 2007 at 9:43am 1 Comment 0 Likes
I'm always happy I can say that Jesus lives in my heart! Unfortunately the poor guy is surrounded by blubber and watching body strain and struggle to stay healthy despite the cookies and ice cream an caffiene and extra 65 lbs. My bood has not turned to syrup yet, but was higher than it should have been last year at my annual physical. My cholesterol and all that ok, but at two separate times my blook pressure has been above normal in the last month (two separate offices, two separate…
ContinuePosted on December 23, 2007 at 10:52am 0 Comments 0 Likes
A 12-Step devotion for today talks about how hard it is to read a message on a chalkboard that is nearly white with old chalk. But when you clean it with water, you can the see the writeen messages clearly again. The author goes on to compare that with erasing anxieties from one's mind so you can see clearer the fresher inspiration that you come up with for a healthier mind set.
Isn't this what happens when we pray? We give over our worries to God for Him to take care of and…
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Me and my daughter. She just turned a year in August! Children grow way too fast!!!Paige
I have missed you alot these last few months! My computer took a turn for the worst and caught a virus. It sucked, but I knew it was God ordained. He wanted me to concentrate on my family more, and I did. But now Im back and ready to rock and roll!! So, watch out! Ill be watching you! I hoped you were doing ok all this time. How is homeschooling? I pray that it is going well. Let me know how you are!!!
Love you!!
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gee, its been a long time hasnt it? How have you been? I was just thinking of you and realized how long its been since we last communicated. Wow. I didnt mean to ignore you. I think life just got in the way. I wanted to know more about homeschool, but I am going to try to get my kids into a private school up here which is also my new church as well. They have one of the best private school in the country. Its Layton Christian Academy. It is an incredible place, but Im sure its a pretty penny too. What is your opinion on private schools? I just dont know if Im cut out to be a homeschooler. I dont know if the Lord wants me to do it. Alot of my friends do it, but I dont know if I can.
But anyway, how are you and what is going onin your neck of the woods? How is teaching? I reall like the photos you have. I can see what you look like more clearly, and that baby is beautiful. So, I hope to hear from you one of these days. We will catch up on things.
Go Bless You
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