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Jason's Page

Profile Information

Country (not County)
United States of America
Honda of America
I'm here to...
Make some Christian friends, be a blessing
Music, I play guitar, pedal steel guitar, piano, bass, and the banjo when I get my hillbilly groove on lol
I'm passionate about...
My christian walk, Gods word, my family, I am also passionate about my talents, I love to play music and lift up the name of Jesus.
And all my friends I am thankful.
Other stuff about me:
I've been born again for about 16 years now. I find it gets better and better every year that goes by. Currently I am waiting for GOD to send me someone who I can Love and Cherish.

Jason's Blog

Gospel piano melody

Posted on December 23, 2007 at 11:49am 0 Comments

If you go onto youtube and type in Gospel Piano Melody you can find me playing some old gospel tunes Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Swaggart style, although I'm not as good as them, they influenced my style. Keep in mind I only started focusing on the piano for about a year or so. I always fooled around on friends pianos but never invested in one, I got one about a month and a half ago... hope you all enjoy

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At 4:58pm on May 16, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Jason!
It was great to hear from you again. Im glad you are alright. Been wondering where you have been. I hope that the Lord will strengthen you in all your ways. be patient and wait for HIm to bring you the one. Dont work yourself to death trying to find the right "one". You may run into someone that really isnt the right one when you think is the right one.Make sense?
Take Care!! God Bless you!
At 10:09pm on February 28, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hey Jason!!!
Where are you buddy? How are you doing? I think about you from time to time and hope everything is ok. Keep hanging on to God in all things at all times. He is your friend that will necer leave you. I have a feeling that there are some relationship issues somewhere u r dealing with correct? I dont know why. Well we are all your friends here so you can count on us!!!! Love ya!! Paige
At 7:11am on February 5, 2008, fibrochick said…
At 6:53pm on February 4, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Hello Jason!!
Where have you been?
I missed you. I have been doin ok. There has been some struggles, but thank God He is faithful and will not let me go. Im glad to hear from you. Let me know what is going on in your life. I hope all is well.
Blessings!! Paige
At 6:53pm on February 4, 2008, Phabs said…
Hi Jason
LOL@your interests

I'm trying to get a friend to teach me to play drums, once I get pretty decent at it, maybe I'll accompany you in one of those grooves
God bless!
At 5:56am on January 22, 2008, Mariam said…
am Mariam,its nice getting to know you on this net .Would love to be your friend.
Bye for now.
At 4:29pm on January 2, 2008, Paige Robertson said…
Wow!! You build engines!! Cool!
I wanted to go to school in automotive design but I couldnt afford it after I graduated in 1995 as a computer Graphic artist. I really love to draw and design cars. I just need to get hooked up with people who would give me the oppurtunity to show them some of my concepts. Paige
At 10:33pm on December 30, 2007, Annie said…
Hey Jason,
Thanks for the comment! How are things going for you? Do you have big plans for the New Year?
Hope you have a good one!
At 10:25pm on December 30, 2007, Gia said…
Hello :)

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