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At 9:45pm on August 18, 2010, Keith Mierzwa gave Amy a gift
At 2:46am on August 18, 2010, David Velasquez said…

At 12:40am on August 18, 2010, Heis Near said…
God bless you, J.
At 11:44pm on August 13, 2010, Albert Morales said…
Your welcome Amy. Glad to know that you decided to go back to church. I'm sure the Lord will put the right people in your path to encourage you and help you build a strong relationship with Him! If you don't have a Bible you should definitely get one. I prefer the NLT and the AMP because its easier for me to understand. May the Lord bless you and guide in the path that will bring you joy and peace.

Your Bro Albert.
At 7:37pm on August 10, 2010, Albert Morales said…
Hi Amy, The Lord might get disappointed but he has not stopped loving you. We in life make certain choices that will affect us... the repercussions differ in size depending on what we chose to do. I used to think that the lord was punishing me in life when things went wrong. The Lord gave us free will to choose how we are going to live and what path we are going to choose. So, when we do choose to do things that are contrary to the things that are God's will, he is going to be disappointed because we have chose the path that will bring us grief, pain, despair calamity, and even death. The Lord feels hurt when we choose everything but him. He created us and made us for him so he can love on us. God gave his only begotten Son to be sacrificed on the Cross because he loves us immensely. So, we can find salvation healing, comfort, peace and joy through a personal relationship with Him. God our Father is waiting on you to run to him as child would run to a mother looking for love and comfort. He is there waiting for you to make the choice and prove to him that you love him. Run to your Father Amy because he waiting to love on you right now. I have come to tears as I write this to you Amy because I can feel his love right now. He is real. God bless you.... Amy Go to your Father ... he is waiting.
At 12:17am on August 9, 2010, brateng said…
Thanks sister Amy for accepting my friendship request. You are most kind. May the Lord shower you with His blessings and bring you into a closer fellowship with his Son Jesus. In His hands are riches untold.

Am honored to be your friend.

Please keep in constant touch-Bernhard
At 11:41am on August 8, 2010, Albert Morales said…
Your welcome Amy. Spending time with God is very important. Take time every day to talk to him. You can pray (talk) to God any time of the day while you are doing whatever. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, while doing your hair, it doesn't matter. Be open with him, let him know where your at. Cry out to him (preferably when you are home)=) He does know the things that you are going through. We naturally as humans will in our lives have tried to find comfort in things (relationships, material possessions , drugs etc) to fill voids (emptiness) Like a jigsaw puzzle, he is the missing piece that will fit perfectly to fill our voids!! Amy, build a relationship with your Father, the Creator of all things. He wants yo pour his loving on you. Because that is who he is, Love. He is Love and he Loves you.
Joh 3:16 "For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
Joh 3:17 God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.
Joh 3:18 "There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son.
Once you get to know your Fathers Love and experience it, your life won't be the same. God Bless you Amy and may the Lord our Father dump buckets of his undeserving love and favor upon you. =)
At 12:39pm on August 7, 2010, Albert Morales said…
Hi Amy, welcome to AAG. You are in the right place to learn about our loving Creator. I'm sure you have already experienced his love from this family here. Don't know what your situation is but I can assure you that nothing is to big for God to handle.
Psa 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires.
Mat 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.
At one time a didn't quite know how to go about applying these instructions in my life as i was so proud, rebellious and angry but, I as i grew more angry and rebellious i realized that It made me so much more unhappy. Got tired of being unhappy and finally came to God in repentance, humbling myself and totally surrendering myself, my life to God whom has been so patient to just want to pour his love on me. I would rather have that love, peace and favor (which I don't deserve) that he has brought into my life over anything else in this world. Amy, I pray that the Lord will bestow his favor upon you and that you grow to know his everlasting love.
Your Bro,

P.S. Bro Velasquez is an awesome dude. He can help you with questions if you have any.
At 8:36am on August 6, 2010, Pastor. C S SIMON said…

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