All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

  • Female
  • United States
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Since the 70's, my dad called me "God's girl". Because Jesus lives, I will hear my dad's voice again one day! Thank You Lord!!

Profile Information

Country (not County)
house wife
I'm here to...
get stronger in the Lord
Learning, growing, helping others, yet not forgetting that I too need help.
I'm passionate about...
life in general
My story with God
I went to church off and on for many years..more off than on. Then when I was 37 I knew I needed help that only Jesus could give me. After He came into my life I told others about the Lord, especially my family.
Other stuff about me:
I like everything about being near a river or lake, from fishing to just looking at the water and the reflections that can be seen there.
I love taking pictures of sunsets too.

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At 8:48am on March 24, 2011, rosary flasius gave Darlene a gift
At 8:36am on January 13, 2010, Yoel charan said…

Christian Glitter by

'And i said ,Oh that i had wings like a dove for then i would flyaway and be at rest. Psalm 55:6,7
yours friend Yoel charan
At 11:53am on October 23, 2009, Charlene said…
hey big sis, miss you so much? I Pray you and don are well!!!I miss my mail lady :(, love you so much, hope to talk to you soon
At 9:02am on October 19, 2009, Charlene said…
hey madame :) just stopping by to tell one lovely lady hello and that i pray your day is going smooth and favorably miss you and love you lots
At 10:12pm on October 16, 2009, Charlene said…
hey big sis, how are you, don and your children?well i hope excellent and alwys pray! I am feeling prertty good today, the kids jammed up my keys with somethin sweet aghain lol so it makes it a lil tough to ttype but i am workin it out. I been just tryin to keep busy these last few weeks so i dont get stir crazy, my daughter had a ball on her birthday and has been talkin so much, her name is Zariah, i cant bellive that she is getting so big soon she will be ready for school :( but luckily not for a lil while longer! my son Hector is doing excellent in school, they want him to take a test for gifted and talented students, and i am very proud! i try to work with him alot at home and its nice to see him know the things that thety are trying to teach him already lol.
At 11:00am on October 16, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene thanks for sharing with me, I also wish we could sit on your porch and chat, I think we have alot in common. I have sent a friend request on FB we can chat on there too, i use that to talk to my daughters sometmes. I'm going to see my lovely Riley tonight really looking forward to that, he is already having 4oz!! Little dumpling :-) speak soon xxx
At 3:56am on October 15, 2009, Nikki said…
Hello hello hello, love the new keyboard! LOL My name on fb is nikki key same pic as on here. I will be able to chat more once em's gone home, it's a bit difficult with them here. It's your lovely day today so I hope you've enjoyed it? Riley is wonderful lol I am totally smitten with him. Becki is doing well, she is a bit nervous about her husband going back to work, but as i have said I'm just around the corner. Well a bus ride away anyway lol. I'm feeling a little better today so that's good. I started St Johns wort on sat, I've been strugglin with these emotions and thoughts for over a year, and unfotunately it isn't a situ I can do anything about as it all involves others ppl and their treatment of me. Hmmm that sounds like I'm fruit loop who takes offence with ppl all the time, I promise I'm not lol. If my friends were to decsribe me they would say, loving , caring thoughtful and always happy,that was before mt sister and rob, I want me back I dont lijke this unhappy selfpitying person I have become. Oh I didn't mean for this email to turn into this! Sorry, I am feeling better today honest lol. Have a blessed day lovely, Love Nikki xxx
At 10:38am on October 12, 2009, Nikki said…
Ok done it will put more on anothe time x
At 10:25am on October 12, 2009, Nikki said…
Hi Darlene hope you are well? I've not beem on for a few days. It is hard about my son thanks for your posting about the cards, its lovely. I'm going to leave Rob (my son ) with the Lord, nothing more to do. Anyway to happier things, my grandson is gorgous! I'm going to try and put a pic in my album so you can see. Still got em and tony here, enjoying there visit. What's your weather like this time of year? It's getting chilly here Brrrrr. How amazing is God! when you see a birth it reminds you how utterly awsome He is! What have you ben upto since we last talked? Usually email all over the place lol ok going to try to put pic on now, don't forget to look. love Nikki xxxx

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