

Profile Information:

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I'm here to...
So many reasons. I need to find God
God Reading music life love beauty humanity
I'm passionate about...
Love faith and hope. Humanity. God. Understanding ones love of the spirit of truth and the widsom that can only come from the salvation of God.
My story with God
It's a long one but a new one. I need Him My life.

Comment Wall:

  • Nienie

    Hello Lina
    Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome to this wonderful internet family of followers of Jesus Christ! We're glad you are here!

    I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

    Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

    Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with.

    Unlike some other social networks, we prohibit advertising, doing business, asking for money, goods, or personal information or sending spam.Violating these rules can lead to disciplinary actions.
    For more information, please read our Membership Agreement.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Many blessings
  • Julia - Woman's Group Leader

    Thank you for requesting an invite to the "For Women Only" Group. You should be able to access the group now. Let me know if you have any problems accessing the features or if you have questions. Welcome!
  • kathleen aldea

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Hello, welcome to this site AAG… where we can meet friends and brethren in Christ.. a christian fellowship site that helps to increase our faith, be encourage and be a blessing to all … come join also in the groups like Christian Convergence, Miracle Grow, The Net Prayer Room and others…always keep n touch en God bless you..
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Carla

    Dear Lina,

    Welcome to AAG! My name is Carla, I am one of TheNET Administrators here. I have left you a personal message in your inbox. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Blessings, Carla
  • Lina

    I would like to thank the Lord for directing me to all the wonderful people here. Once I started to read that I am not alone and Gods family is all around me ready to recive me, I found some peace. Thank Jesusthank you. To everyone that sent me a greating. Thank you for your love. When I read your welcomes I was over whelmed. I'm looking for God. And sent md here. Thank you
  • Paula Harrell

    Lina, I read your last post and am so grateful that you are feeling better! Blessings and peace for you in Christ; your sister, Paula

    Red Ribbon
  • Amin Lim

    "Come to ME, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Mattthew 11: 28
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • Pastor. C S SIMON

    I have given them Thy word, and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. ( John 17:14 )
    Both the world and worldly Christians are offering attractive opportunities for the exercise of Christian graces and seek to enlist in their benevolent project those on whom they look as men and women of success. And there are temptations for such as are full of goodness, compassion, and energy. Especially alluring are movements designed to advance morality, to help and elevate
    the unfortunate, to reform those who have fallen into evil ways, to correct social and civic evils.
    They seem to offer opportunity for the exercise of spiritual gifts and knowledge.
    To many Christians, such challenges are very attractive. It is said, Here is a chance to do good; and, on this ground, joining such movements is justified. It is argued: Is it not right to help men to be better? Is it not serving Christ to help such movements as are desighned for the betterment of society? Ought we not to do all in our power to aid even "Christian" plans and schemes that aim
    at the moral uplift of the unfortunate, the degraded, the fallen?
    From the standpoint of the world such efforts are undoubtedly justifiable; from the standpoint of Christianity it is quite a different matter. That they benefit the world will not be denied; that they promote the interests of the Lord Jesus Christ is much more than doubtful. The world, not the Lord Jesus, is their object. The world seeks its own things, not the things of Christ. It is the love that is of the world, not the love that is of the Father. It is the glory of the world that is sought, not the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Life To Life Ministries.:
  • Amin Lim

  • Jayaseelan Samuel

    Psalm 139 says, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" (verse 16, NIV).
  • Jayaseelan Samuel

  • Jayaseelan Samuel

  • Jayaseelan Samuel

  • Jayaseelan Samuel

    Isaiah 1:18
    Come now, and let us reason together," says the LORD,
    Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow;
    Though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool
  • RoyW

    Lina, I pray that things go well for you this day.

  • rosary flasius

    dear ma'am, blesssings in our lord christ. can you add me as your friend 
  • rosary flasius

    Red Ribbon


                                         WHEN ENEMIES PLAN TO MOVE YOU AWAY FROM A PLACE OF BLESSING.





    YOUR  COMING TO THE SIDE OF THE LORD MEANS YOU SHALL never be moved and you shall stand against every odd situation.

  • Brenda R Miller

    Hi Lina, I send you this gift as a token of my friendship and also to let you know I care and am praying for you. I sent you a friendhship request, and if you want to add me, we can talk on here too!
  • Lina

    Thanks Brenda.  You are welcome to be my friend.  I look forward to us sharing God's words and prayers together. God bless you.

  • Jayaseelan Samuel

    Red Ribbon
  • feet breath

    Red Ribbon
  • Lena J

    Dear Lina...I was one of those who was confused by the 2 Lina's! Yesterday I sent the other Lina a message intended for you. I apologize...but maybe the confusion by so many was the Holy Spirit's way of bringing a smile to your face, and also to let you know that He is aware and in control of EVERYTHING. So here's message:

    At 12:53am on August 22, 2012, Lena Jsaid…

    Dear Lina...After reading your heart-cry, I wanted to share this bit of prose I wrote:




    When thoughts try to convince you that

    Letting go of your troubled past is impossible

    And will only serve to further depress

    And deepen feelings of loneliness;

    Discard those dreadful thoughts

    For they are not your own;

    It’s the devil’s last attempt

    At holding you hostage

    By making you think

    You can’t let go!

    But you can;

    With all your might

    Call upon the name of Jesus

    He knows the devil’s wicked tricks

    He will gladly break his stranglehold;

    And free you from your troubled past!


    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against

    principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness

    of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

    (Ephesians 6:12)

    Remember...the devil is a liar! Messiah Jesus has already forgiven you; you don't have to carry your past any more! You're free. Douse those thoughts with "It is written" quotes from the Bible. Keep doing this and watch the devil flee. You are a beautiful and special child of the Most High Triune God. When He created you...He did not make any mistakes!

    Hope this helps!

    Abundant Blessings.

    Love and Hugs,