Joye Atkinson

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
pray for others & have them pray for me
Reading, Writing, Acting, American Sign Language
I'm passionate about...
Writing poems from personal experiences, and things my friends and family have experienced. God has given me some powerful words and I cannot keep them to myself. My desire is to share what He has given me with as many people as He will allow me to.
My story with God
I was saved when I was 9. Like most kids I rebelled but I got back in church. However in the last 10 years or so I've really discovered what was missing in my life. That was the power of The Holy Spirit. I don't know how I survived as long as I did without Him.
Other stuff about me:
I'm originally from Sumter South Carolina. I moved to Nashville TN in 1995 and to Gallatin TN in 1999. I've been writing poetry, songs and dramas for a long time all based on true stories.

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    Red Ribbon
  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    Hi, How are you doing?
  • Brenda R Miller

    Hi Joyce, and welcome to All About My name is Brenda Miller, and here is a red ribbon as a token of my friendship. I pray we get to meet and chat soon. God bless you!
  • Brenda R Miller

    Thank you, Joye. Sorry for spelling your name wrong the first time, and thank you for correcting me! If you like, we can also chat in the chat room; if we double clik on the other's name, it takes us to private chat. Thanks, Joye. I am praying for you, and thank you for adding me as a friend.
  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    Hi, I am glad to meet you and hope we can share our love of Christ
  • Brenda R Miller

    Hi Joye! Thank you for writing to me; to go to private chat, go to the chat feature and clik on chat; we could arrange a time when we are both going to be online. Then we just have to double clik on each others' name and we will be in private chat. That is all there is to it. But we can send messages this way until you are comfortable with going to chat. I will surely pray for you, Joye. Know that the Lord Jesus hears your heart cry, and He wants to meet you in your place of suffering. REach out to Him with all that you are, my friend, for He will never disappoint nor fail you nor will He let you down. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to reveal Yourself in a brand new fresh way to Joye right now, as she needs You so desperately. Thank You, Lord, that You came to save those who are lost and alone; the sinners and those who know they need a Saviour. O Lord Jesus, reach down and meet the arms of Joye, reaching out to You! Abba Father, envelop her in Your everlasting arms of Love and let her know without a doubt that always You are there for Joye and You delight in her! Thank You, Lord. It is in Jesus' precious and holy name I pray these things. Amen and Amen.
  • rosary flasius

    blessings my friend, can you accept me as your friend
  • Brenda R Miller

    Hi Joye,

    I am so sorry to hear about your falls and the serious difficulties you had during the storm. Together with you I stand in agreement asking Jesus to lay His hand of healing on your spine and heal all vertebrae that may have been damaged by your falls. O Lord Jesus, You are Jehovah Raphe, the Lord our Healer, and I ask that You would shower Joye with your abundant riches so that Your supernatural provision will provide her with all of her physical needs, even as we stand on Your promise: "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want." [Psalm 23:1] Thank you, O Lord, that Joye is not wanting for anything, for You provide all good things to Your people. We praise You, Lord, for the good report that Joye will receive from her MRI enabling her to give a praise report of her healing in You, O Christ. And I thank You and I praise You for Joye, O Lord, and for the friendship that we are forming here in All About God. In Your holy and precious name, I pray, Lord Jesus! Amen and Amen!

  • David Velasquez

    Welcome to our Community in Christ,

    I have created groups that might interest you. Check them out and feel free to join.

    This group will make you laugh -

    This group will teach you bible doctrines -

    This group will teach you how to be equipped

    and this one focuses on Godly relationships.
  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    How did your doctor visit and mri go? I pray that God has healed you. If one member of the body hurts we all hurt. We are a part of Christ and each other. Let me know what is happening. With the love of Jesus, your sister in Christ
  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    Let me know how you are. I care about my family in Christ. We are a part of each other because of Jesus.


  • Pastor Joe Olotu Stephen

    Great to be connected to you! And thanks for your friendship. I am passionate about "ZION TRAIN", which is all about testimonies of folks God took to Heaven & Hell and back! I will get back to you.

    With love,

    Pastor Joe

  • Pastor Joe Olotu Stephen

    Thanks for your Poem to me. God bless you precious one!
  • Cynthia Lee McGuire

    Hi Joy,
    Thank you so much for your friend request. I have just added you. I look forward to us becoming great friends and sisters in Christ.
    God Bless you always,Cindy
  • Keren G

    I would like that. Thanks.
  • Christi Leigh Devaney

    Red Ribbon
  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Thank you for your prayers..Susie
  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Red Ribbon
  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Yes thank you i would love to read all of your prayers..Love Susie
  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Bless you..Susie
  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Hi There Joye How are you doing today, do have any good news yet Im hoping God

    will give you a Blessing very soon I will keep prayering for you my friend. Any time you

    need to talk please feel free to email me, cuz you and i r stuffing thur the same problem

    right now..Talk to you soon..Susie

  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    3 children gave their hearts to Christ during vbs and some who did not are coming to church on Sunday.


  • Carla

  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    Please pray for me. I am experiencing rapid heart beat and pain down both arms. No insurance or money.
  • Judith

    Well get used to it Sis, we are all here for each other ok.

    I also belong to an online radio station called Eternal Radio( Eternal Life Social Network). If you are interested in joining please let me know & I will give you the link.(smile).

    It is based in the UK, but we have members from all parts of the world, including the USA

    God bless you dear friend.

  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    God is working, we have had 5 children, and 1 teen saved in the past 3 weeks. God answered prayer and my heart is not beating rapidly anymore.
  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    Please pray for my daughter-in law Lexie and my son Kelton Jr. She was 12 weeks pregnant and lost the baby Monday
  • a servant (Chris)


       Thank you.  I am brand new to this type of talking.  Thanks for the welcome.

  • Sathish Kumar ( Dan)

  • Sathish Kumar ( Dan)

    Ice cream for u :)


  • Sathish Kumar ( Dan)

  • a servant (Chris)

    Red Ribbon
  • LucyP

  • LucyP

    Psalm 117:1 & 2 O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.

  • a servant (Chris)


    Glad to hear the Praise report.  Arnie and I are praying w/ you dear sister.  We stand w/ you please remember that.  Waiting to hear more good news.

  • mike service

    Raindrops falling on my window, I look outside and think oh another day so boring.

    But then I look outside at the flowers in the garden, they look so much better, more flowers since that last days rain.

    Then as I watch the raindrops I’m reminded that the rain falls from the Lord to make this world a brighter place full of colo

    Then I thought of the storms that I had been through each one had been allowed to come to build colo

    Yes I know the fire had burned off rubbish and his love and grace had bought me through that satan is a loser, that JESUS is always victorious and comes through every time.

    So for all my trials I can say thank you Lord for all your love your victory.

    Mike Service

    urs – flowers.ur into my life and I thanked the Lord for each trial he had sent that through each one I had become a stronger richer person in my heart.
  • a servant (Chris)


    I Praise God for all He has done for you.  i thank Him for Wisdom, to guide you in all you are about.  My dear sister i pray for and w/ you Joye.  He has given you words to encourage, not only you but so many others.

  • Liz

    Red Ribbon
  • a servant (Chris)

    Hello Joye

    Thank you so much for being so open to the Lord.  The way that you are ready for anything the Holy Spirit wants to do,is to be copied.  You are not on the bottom of God's "things to do" list.  You are learning so much right now.  You will look back and be so thankful.  Love you sister Joye.

  • LucyP

  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Hi Joye I miss u please email some good encurage words  Please..thank u Susie
  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Thank you Joye, Ive been sick and depressed myself I have not felt like being on the

    net myself just not up to myself, Im like you it seems like we can't  get a break.You

    take care hold me n your prayers I hold you in mine.Love you. Susie

  • Liz

    Red Ribbon
  • a servant (Chris)






  • sister

    Thx Joye for your prayers.Will pray for your breathing also.Annointing yourself with oil is good.Have done that before and am going to do that tonight also.God Bless!

  • sister

    Great I will have to check your writings out.Im not on my computer very long everyday but will definitely take some time to see your writings!God Bless!

  • Sathish Kumar ( Dan)

  • Mary Ruth Zacheriah

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  • Sathish Kumar ( Dan)

  • Liz

    Red Ribbon