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children ministry
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Church planting, Orphan home, O
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he love me
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God Bless U

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  • Richard Wayne Pomfrey

    Glad to be a friend. You are the first and only friend from India. I'm a long way off in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. I can see from your pictures that you have a handsom family.God bless you and yours.
  • Richard Wayne Pomfrey

    Red Ribbon
  • Gord

    Thank you so much for your friend request. I pray that God continues in your ministry to the children in India; in Jesus name - Amen.
  • jolivic montanez

  • jolivic montanez

  • Lori Ann Hoffman

  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    Please do keep on praying for the request of mine down below, and I know I can count on you to do it:

    Please "WIN the 10/40 WINDOWS" for JESUS CHRIST.
    The 10/40 Windows (located between 10 - 40 degrees North of Equator - between West Africa to East Asia) need Missionaries, have no church at all, and there live about 40 percent of the world population. INDONESIA, my country is in the 10-40 windows though we have churches. Please also pray for ISRAEL and all over the world. Let's get on our knees, praying hand in hand with me for their revival. I look forward to the day when the Lord who I kneel to worship will be recognized by all the living and the dead as the One True Lord.

    In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2

    A message was given recently in which Jesus said, the mansion I went to prepare for you is now finished. All is ready for Me to bring My people home.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Joe McDonald

    I greet you Pastor in Jesus name.. good chatting with you the other day. I will pray for you and your ministry.
    Pastor Joe
  • Carla

    Thank you for the blessing and the friendship add..
    The picture of your little boy is so sweet.. what a cutie pie..

    Love to you and your family.
    In Christ, Carla

    Red Ribbon
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • SaraChoo

    Red Ribbon
  • Kong

  • Blanca Martinez Derickson

    Red Ribbon
  • Blanca Martinez Derickson

    Red Ribbon
  • Amin Lim

    Red Ribbon
  • lorna namara

    Praise God and happy New year too. God Bless You.
  • Evelyn Rollins

    Thank you and God bless you as well!!!  :)

  • Susanne Dunn

    Thank you Pas. Radhakrishna for the invitation to be your friend, which I gladly accept. What a blessing to be in Children's Ministry. I love to watch the children in my church become one with Jesus. Oh I just realized that beautiful child is your son!, and your wife is so beautiful. I am honored to be your friend. Now if I can figure out how to return the compliment I will ask you to.

    Walk in God's light


  • Carla

    Hello Pastor,


    Thank you for the friendship add.  Blessings to you and your family. Carla

  • Ian M Wilks

    I want to thank you for this gift of friendship.  I pray that we get to know each other doing God's will.
  • Susanne Dunn

    Greetings Pas. Radhakrishna;

    Thank you for the beautiful words. I feel that you are reaching out to me for something and I would be blessed to be able to help you. If it's prayers , you are already on me prayer list, but if it's something specific I will certainly help with that. I am a believer in the power of prayer, I have seen it work in my own life so many many times.

    God be with you and your family


  • Rensie

    Thank you for your friendship invite. May God richly Bless your ministry with the children.  
  • Robert Browning

    I am very glad to meet you. God Bless You!

    Thank u for having me as your friend,u r my first friend.I hope the lovely lady and the little boy is ur family.u all look wonderfull,i hope we can learn from each other. LUV

  • miguelito sagun

    Red Ribbon
  • Olivia


    WOW...what a ministry, God bless you !!!

  • Brenda R Miller

    Dear Pas. Radhakrishna,

    I pray that our precious Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, would lay His healing hands on your son Benny and that, by the power of His touch, all evil shall leave Benny's body. I stand with you, Pas. Radhakrishna, in thanking and praising our God and Father for sending Jesus to redeem and save us all, and together with you, I ask Jesus to demand that the evil spirits leave Benny's body in Jesus' holy name. In their place, I pray that the fullness of the Holy Spirit, along with the all-surpassing peace, love, and joy of Jesus, would take up residence in Benny, that he may immediately begin living the abundant life that Jesus died and was raised to give Him. Together I stand with you to thank and praise Jesus and our heavenly Father for the healing work He has begun and will continue to work in Benny's body. In Jesus' holy and precious name we pray these things. Amen and Amen!

  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    thank you..susie
  • Saint(Suzze)SusieDurco

    Hi, God bless you on this GREAT Day..Susie
  • Christopher Kendall

    The reason the Son of God appeard was to destroy the works of the enemy for it is by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony he is destroyed
  • Blessed

    C - Christ gave

    H - himself as a

    R - reward so that

    I - individuals know that

    S - sacrifices

    T - that He did for

    M - mankind to

    A - achieve the gift of

    S - salvation 

    God bless you and thank you !!!


  • Yeska Tiamai

    When you are born in Spirit,you automatically are born into Christ Jesus Bloodline of family.You are a breed that is popwerful in the Name of Jesus.The bloodline of Christ is in you and you will do great and beautiful things in your ministry.God is with you.
  • Alexina Van Doring

    God bless you Pas.Radhakrishna. Thank you for your friend request. ~Alexina
  • Blessed

    Jeremiah 29:11

    “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


  • Blessed

    " A tree that has deep roots can survive a violent storm, much as a person with deep faith in GOD can survive any problem that comes along HIS way."

    A colorful weekend brother and your family !!!

  • Blessed

    God shows mercy to those who ask for mercy and trust  HIM to help them make things right. “Find out for yourself how good the LORD is . Happy are those who find safety with HIM.”

    Psalm 34:8

    May God's abundance be with you and your family always. God bless !!!

  • Blessed

    Job 33:4

    " For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life."

    " As GOD breaths on our lives, things are going to get easier.  Negative situations are going to turn around.  We are going to have wisdom beyond our years.  We are going to have an attitude that refuses to quit.  As we trust GOD we will see HIS hand of grace and favor moving us forward in every area of our lives."

    God bless you and your family always !!!


  • Salvador Monteverde

  • Blessed

    " When we’re down to nothing, GOD is up  to something, faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible. God bless you and your family and have a peaceful and blessed day! "


  • Richard L. Broch, Sr.

    Pas. Radhakrishna,


    Thank you for your friendship. I am honored.

    May God bless you as you minister for Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Amen


    Grace and peace.

  • Rosemary Ann

    Thank you so much Pas. Radhakrishna  and may God bless you for your friend request. Lets say this prayer together, Father in heaven we lay our all before you tonight. We surrender all n we humbly request that you forgive us all our trespasses ....., clean us by the precious blood of Jesus n cover us in the garment drenched in your unlimited pool of love, peace n immense harmony. Bar us Jehovah against all wickedness, evil dreams, thoughts and maladies dear Father. Though we are separated by seasons, time n geographical barricades, Abba Father unite us spiritually n grant us the desire of our hearts according to thy will. we honor and ask you to constantly illuminate our ways lord. Thanks for all father for it is the Holy name of Jesus Christ that we humbly pray and believe AMEN N AMEN.
  • Blessed

    God is our past, is now in our present and will be in our future.

    “I am the first and the last,” says the LORD GOD Almighty, WHO is, Who was, and WHO is to come” (Rev. 1:8)

  • John Rogers

    Thank you for your friendship. May God shed his many blessings upon you and your household in Jesus name.
  • David Samuel Milumba

    I love you so much with the love of our God. May God bless you and have a weelend full of Gods blessings.
  • Hans de Groot

    your pictures look colourful and with building a holy place for many children.

    Prease the Lord for your doing.

    I am looking also into the world from an other place

    maybe in other perspective sometimesas

    see other things as you.

    your meetings looks to me very emoteional and very gifted with the power of the Lord

    if we feel the poor of our own selves

    we are always shocking many times

    so get my prayer to you

    and I will wish you the best thing to do in name of the Lord


    Always in Him


    brother Hans

  • LucyP

    Thank you for your friend request. God bless you in all you do.
  • Susan Anderson
