
, Female

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Writer, Director, Singer, Admin. Asst.
I'm here to...
Meet other Christians and share thoughts and ideas
Eschatology, Theater, Music, Reading, Writing, Cooking, Conversation, Learning
I'm passionate about...
Jesus Christ, Introducing others to Him, In-depth Bible studies--especially on the End-Times, my family and friends, music, and the theater.
My story with God
I was saved at age 9. I went through school pretty much unscathed. I was married at age 18, and divorced when I was 26. I'm still divorced. I would love to marry again, but am willing to accept my Lord's will for my life. There have been times in my life when my walk with the Lord wasn't what it should have been. But, by His Grace, I never completely lost sight of Him, and He never let go of me. Jesus is my Way, my Truth, my Life.
Other stuff about me:
I love studying End Times and watching how prophecy is daily being fulfilled.
I like spirited, stimulating conversation, and I like to laugh! I'm a good listener, and I want to be listened to.

I have one handsome, Christian adult son who is married to a beautiful Christian young woman. They have blessed me with two gorgeous grandsons. I long to grow ever closer to the Lord. I like--no--NEED to share with others who are on the same path. I have been called to study and teach others about the dangers of the new age and occultism. I do believe that's something one should embark on only if they are called by God to do so--to be a "watchman on the wall." I have been blessed with a gift of working with young people, and have been able to talk with them and warn them of the dangers lurking behind activities they often engage in. I taught Drama in the Christian school affiliated with my church for four years. This gave me a great opportunity to speak into the lives of my students. Some of them still stay in touch. I praise God for the privilege, and for his protecting Grace.

There is a light side to me, too! I like to laugh and have a good time. I like to play games and go to movies and fun places. I've decided that I really need to have more fun in my life! In Proverbs, it does say that laughter does good like a medicine!

I'm really glad my friend, Sunflower, led me to this site. I'm so excited about exploring all it has to offer, and contributing whatever I can.

Comment Wall:

  • Paige Robertson

    Hello, Trimmedlamp, and welcome!
    How are you?

    This is Paige, a moderator here on TheNet, and Im very blessed to have you join our community of believers, as we grow in the love and wisdom of our Lord .
    Its soo neat to meet new friends here from all around the world . You will find TheNet a safe place to get to know other believers and share your
    love and life in Christ.

    I really like it here because its a great online source of Christian information,and fellowship.
    When I find it hard to get out of the house or hard to get to church, I get online and get "filled" with His word and all the other believers and thier prayers. Its soo good to know that when Im hurting there are others that are too and in need of the same love and support I do from the Lord. Praise God for His work on the Cross!!! We are all one body now and can work together to heal and help other members.

    I hope to "see" you often and I would love to get to know you more as we walk this faith.
    Im your friend, and if I can help or answer any questions for you, Im here.
    God Bless you, Trimmedlamp!
    Network Moderator

  • Carla

    Hello and Welcome to this is a wonderful family of Jesus followers, I look forward to seeing you around. Please be encouraged to 'dive right in' to our bible studies and conversations.
    In Him/carla
  • Trimmedlamp

  • Trimmedlamp

  • MaryAnn

    Hi there Trimmedlamp,

    How are you today? Be encouraged in the LORD today. HE loves you so much!!!

    Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I got your message saying you accidentally deleted my message.
    I am so sorry about that, and I honestly cannot remember what I wrote, yet at the same time hearing that you read it several times and that it was a blessing to you, truly was a double blessing for me.

    Hope we can be friends. My husband Tony joined the network today. Now there are four of us here, my handsome son Rob, and my beautiful daughter, Carla, a Network Moderator here.

    Loved your Blog, and so true... I too have some occult activity in my background. It is certainly a subtle thing that has pervaded in all aspects of society. Let's continue to walk with the wise. Proverbs 13:20

    Love and God's blessings to you and your family today.

  • Paige Robertson
    I was blessed to get you lovely message sister! Thank you! and it was great to "see" you. It helps me get closer to you.
    I find your wisdom,fiath and the calling on your life to be absolutlely amazing! You are a very godly woman! Praise God for your love and your love for young ones. Congrats on your grandson and the one on the way! Im sure you are a really good grandma! Im excited to know if it is a boy or a girl, so let me know, alright? I have a 3 year old boy, Chase, and a 8 month old, Danielle. I have my hands full!
    I also am a artist and painter,. I went to college in Computer Graphics, but when I came to Christ, He had other plans to grow me and prosper me. Im grateful for that. "His ways are not our ways"
    I think that it was really wonderful what Sunflower did and told you about this site. She is such a awesome member and ahe really loves God. We are thankful that she is here to fellowship with us.
    I also admire your obedience to Christ and His word. That is very encouraging. Thank you! Anyway, baby is crying, so I better go for now. God Bless you !!
  • Trimmedlamp

    I want to direct this one day.

  • Paige Robertson
    Hello Sister!!
    Thank you for all the wonderful messages! You are soo thoughtful and loving! Im soo glad you are here with us. You are truly a Beacon of Hope for all of us to see!!
    I hope you are enjoying it here! God Bless you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello sweet sister!!!
    I got your prayer request and it put tears in my eays. I have been struggling with the sin of discontentment and not really being thankful for all that I do have in my life verses all the bad things. I read about your son, and I am soo sorry. But it did help me to "wake up" and appreciate the blessings God has given me,. His grace is amazing, and I dont understand it.
    I really will lift your dear son and his little family in prayer continuously. I am soo sorry. I just dont know what to say but that my heart will mourn, but you and the great faith that you have in the Lord, I know you will press in and press on with the awesome faith you have. Is your son saved? With his faith in the Lord, it will help him too.
    Keep me and all the rest o fus moms posted. I really hope he will get well and will be realeased from the hospital soon. I also like "How great is our God" song. When I hear it I always cry, so right now Im tearing up as I write this to you. I love you sister, and thank you for letting us know about this.
    Love always,

    God Bless you and your dear loved ones today and every day that the Lord has planned for you.
  • Michael

    Blessings on you Trimmedlamp; thank you for the request...I look forward in communicating with you!
  • Paige Robertson
    Heelo TrimmedLamp!!
    I thought Id stop by and say hello. I havent seen you for a while and was thinking of you. R u doing alright sister? I pray that the Lord is blessing you day by day. Remeber if you are experiencing any troubling times, the lord has something coming just around the corner that will bless you greatly. I am learning patience through troubling times and knowing that God will take care of me and is leading me to where He needs me to go.
    Take care sis, and God Bless you!!
  • Paige Robertson

    Thank you for the Memorial day wishes. I appreciate you and all the love you share. You are a light in the darkness!!! Thank you!! Have a good day!!
    God bless you always!!!
  • MaryAnn

    Hey there.

    How are you doing Trimmedlamp. Hope all is well. I did a bunch of gardening today...enjoying life very much.

    May these words bless you today Trimmedlamp:

    'Know that as you receive God's love and as your soul is saturated with HIS Divine compassion and grace, your ministry is enhanced and your own hunger satisfied.'

    Loving my Jesus,
  • Grace4u2receive


    I'd like to invite you to a group I just started. It's called "Pagan/Wiccan's Transformed by Christ." I felt like God was calling me to start this group, and pray that he will use it to help others. I'd love to open it up to Christians as well as Pagan's. If you'd like to join the group, I'd love to have you there! God Bless You!
  • Rarichan P

    how are you
    happy to see you on line
  • Rarichan P

    if u have a gmail id please come on line

    my id
  • Ratan

    Nice meeting you dear sister.
    Can u add me as your friend. God bless you as you share and serve Him.
  • MaryAnn

    Hello there, PTL Thank you for the good news. Bless you sister in your strong faith.

    We thank You, LORD for bringing this precious son home to continue healing. We ask you to continue to restore this valuable young man to wholeness, in Your amazing Love and Grace.

  • Grace4u2receive

    God bless you sister! After I started the group, I was searching for people to invite. Since you are also called to help those in new age and occult practices, I'm sure this group will help many people! I pray that it does, because I don't want people as lost as I was. Only after coming out of that, do you realize the darkness that was in your life. I love your page and what your doing with it to share the deception that is in the world. God bless!
  • Pombili

    I greet you in the name of our lord Jesus. I just want to ask you a question if it is ok with you. WHO FALLS DOWN WHEN THEY ARE PRAYED FOR? IS IT BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS OR NON-BELIEVERS? I though it is only born agains that do that but I just saw a drunkard do it.
  • Pombili

    Thanks a lot for the reply. I now understand the basics of the supernatural realm. I will ask a pastor about the question I asked you about. HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN. HAVE A BLESSED DAY.
  • Jenlynn

  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Sister Trimmedlamp
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • anne

    thanks for being my friend,,Hope we can share thought and God words..tke care and Godspeed!
  • anne

    hi!!yes Lloyd is our common friend,He's really good man,for a short period of time he help me to know Jesus.I know he alrady told u about my situation, you can send messages to me tru my email you also for coming to my life.
  • anne

    its ok..hope your fine..may the God Bless you..really im now in the stage of confusion..but its ok..just keep in touch..Take care
  • Trimmedlamp

  • melanny manuputty

    hi how are you ?
  • melanny manuputty

    hi iam fine thank's
  • Leonard T

    Just a note to let you know that you were prayed for today.

    Lord Bless,
  • Leonard T

    Thanks for sharing the Revelation song. Very positive and uplifting. It is even done in the style of music I like, that's a bonus :-)

    Lord Bless,
  • felixpadua

    hello. nice interests. Eschatology. What is this?
  • felixpadua

    nice music here, i am staying for a while to listen and enjoy the music.
  • felixpadua

    hello, here's a joke for you today!

    Caution... They Walk Among Us!
    Some guy bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: 'Free to good home. You want it, you take it.' For three days the fridge sat there without even one person looking twice at it. He eventually decided that people were too un-trusting of this deal.
    It looked too good to be true, so he changed the sign to read: 'Fridge for sale $50.'

    The next day someone stole it!

    ***They walk among us!!***
  • Christy Gabriel