All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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Trimmedlamp's Discussions

Do you think the return of the Lord is near?

Started this discussion. Last reply by RoxChelseaGilmore May 22, 2009. 25 Replies


For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers...nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Profile Information

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Writer, Director, Singer, Admin. Asst.
I'm here to...
Meet other Christians and share thoughts and ideas
Eschatology, Theater, Music, Reading, Writing, Cooking, Conversation, Learning
I'm passionate about...
Jesus Christ, Introducing others to Him, In-depth Bible studies--especially on the End-Times, my family and friends, music, and the theater.
My story with God
I was saved at age 9. I went through school pretty much unscathed. I was married at age 18, and divorced when I was 26. I'm still divorced. I would love to marry again, but am willing to accept my Lord's will for my life. There have been times in my life when my walk with the Lord wasn't what it should have been. But, by His Grace, I never completely lost sight of Him, and He never let go of me. Jesus is my Way, my Truth, my Life.
Other stuff about me:
I love studying End Times and watching how prophecy is daily being fulfilled.
I like spirited, stimulating conversation, and I like to laugh! I'm a good listener, and I want to be listened to.

I have one handsome, Christian adult son who is married to a beautiful Christian young woman. They have blessed me with two gorgeous grandsons. I long to grow ever closer to the Lord. I like--no--NEED to share with others who are on the same path. I have been called to study and teach others about the dangers of the new age and occultism. I do believe that's something one should embark on only if they are called by God to do so--to be a "watchman on the wall." I have been blessed with a gift of working with young people, and have been able to talk with them and warn them of the dangers lurking behind activities they often engage in. I taught Drama in the Christian school affiliated with my church for four years. This gave me a great opportunity to speak into the lives of my students. Some of them still stay in touch. I praise God for the privilege, and for his protecting Grace.

There is a light side to me, too! I like to laugh and have a good time. I like to play games and go to movies and fun places. I've decided that I really need to have more fun in my life! In Proverbs, it does say that laughter does good like a medicine!

I'm really glad my friend, Sunflower, led me to this site. I'm so excited about exploring all it has to offer, and contributing whatever I can.

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Trimmedlamp's Blog

Economic Armageddon?

Posted on October 9, 2010 at 11:30pm 0 Comments

The End is near. The battle lines grow clearer daily. Christians need to

make up our minds that we will stand firm in the face of attacks. The

world hated the Lord Jesus before it hated us. We must "count it all

joy" to suffer the disdain of this fallen world. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.



What can you do for a man who has everything?

Posted on July 17, 2010 at 9:04pm 0 Comments

Several years ago, Hollywood and much of the world was rocked by a film

unlike any ever made before it. THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST came closer

to showing what the Lord Jesus endured when He sacrificed His life to

save us from our sins than any "Jesus" movie had ever dared to. Mel

Gibson sought the help of the Christian community to get this incredible

film before the public. Many Christians united to help Mel bring THE

PASSION to theaters. And it made… Continue

These are the days of Elijah...

Posted on September 26, 2008 at 12:30pm 0 Comments

I am absolutely blown away by the fact that I am living in these days. I have watched prophecy fulfill for years, but now--as the Lord Jesus said it would--things are quickly coming to a climax. The "birth pangs" are coming faster and harder every day. If only unbelievers would pick up their Bibles and read it as they read their daily newspaper or watch the news on television! Wars, rumors of wars, economic crises, catastrophic weather, ethnic unrest and nation against nation. And in the… Continue

Revelation Song

Posted on August 21, 2008 at 9:30am 3 Comments

It's been a long time since a song affected me the way this one does. I can't listen to it enough. I am ushered into the throne room of an awesome, Holy God, and I fall at His beautiful feet and am lost in worship.

Revelation 4:… Continue

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At 8:11pm on October 13, 2010, Christy Gabriel gave Trimmedlamp a gift
At 9:09pm on July 29, 2010, Christy Gabriel gave Trimmedlamp a gift
At 7:41pm on May 22, 2010, Christy Gabriel gave Trimmedlamp a gift
At 5:15pm on June 1, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello, here's a joke for you today!

Caution... They Walk Among Us!
Some guy bought a new fridge for his house. To get rid of his old fridge, he put it in his front yard and hung a sign on it saying: 'Free to good home. You want it, you take it.' For three days the fridge sat there without even one person looking twice at it. He eventually decided that people were too un-trusting of this deal.
It looked too good to be true, so he changed the sign to read: 'Fridge for sale $50.'

The next day someone stole it!

***They walk among us!!***
At 4:18pm on May 14, 2009, felixpadua said…
nice music here, i am staying for a while to listen and enjoy the music.
At 2:37pm on February 12, 2009, felixpadua said…
hello. nice interests. Eschatology. What is this?
At 5:11pm on August 21, 2008, Leonard T said…
Thanks for sharing the Revelation song. Very positive and uplifting. It is even done in the style of music I like, that's a bonus :-)

Lord Bless,
At 4:40am on August 21, 2008, Leonard T said…
Just a note to let you know that you were prayed for today.

Lord Bless,
At 3:23pm on July 24, 2008, melanny manuputty said…
hi iam fine thank's

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