Renee weeks


Durham N.C.

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Writer/Life Coach/ Pastor/ Prophetess/ Workshop Presenter
I'm here to...
"Heal the Brokenhearted"
writing, preaching, books, studying, music, plays, beaches, helping others,
I'm passionate about...
The Lord, and my relationship to Him, Ministy, my Family. Children, Abused Children, Women Ministry, I am very passionate about Breaking the Cycle of Abuse in Women and Children, helping others, making an impact in this world, and being all that the Lord has predestined me to be!
My story with God
The Lord delivered me from my past of childhood sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse as well.He gave me New Life, Abundant Life,and taugth me what real love was, His Love. He has loved me beyond measure, and unconditionally. The Lord is the heart beat of my soul, and my Source, and my Provision. My heart is full with so much gratititude, love, and Honor for Him! He is my Best Friend!
Other stuff about me:
I have written 6 books at this time. Two of which will be published pretty soon. The Ministry that the Lord has given me is very unique, dynamic, and full of His Power and Glory!

Comment Wall:

  • Nienie

    Welcome Renee weeks
    Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie,one of the moderators on TheNET. Welcome to this wonderful internet family of followers of Jesus Christ! We're glad you are here!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

    Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Many blessings
  • Moomins

    You're invited to join the group "For Women Only." Stop in to ask questions, give feedback, and receive support from other women. Click Groups in the top nav bar and then "For Women Only." Then request an invite. I hope you enjoy this network! ~Julia/moomins
  • kathleen aldea

    One Step At A Time

    One step at a time is the best way to go
    When going through life and traveling in the direction of your dreams
    The best way to get ahead is the simpliest way:
    Take one step at a time
    Don’t look over your shoulder
    If you do, you’ll feel the weight of all your yesterdays upon you
    And don’t worry about what lies ahead
    By the time you get to the bend in the road or the crest of the hill
    You’re going to be better and stronger than you ever were before
    Just go one step at a time
    One day at a time
    And you’ll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford….
  • kathleen aldea

    Let's pray this prayer for a week...en tell everyone how God renew r heart...

    As King David said, WASH ME THOROUGHLY FROM MY
    ( PSALM 51:2 *NKJV )

    Here’s a daily prayer …. WASH DAY….

    Monday Wash Day
    Lord, help me wash away all my selfishness and vanity, so I
    may serve you with perfect humility through the week ahead.

    Tuesday Ironing Day
    Dear Lord, help me iron out all the wrinkles
    of prejudice I have collected through the years so that I may
    see the beauty in others.

    Wednesday Mending Day
    O God, help me mend my ways so I will not
    set a bad example for others.

    Thursday Cleaning Day
    Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all the many faults I have been
    hiding in the secret corners of my heart.

    Friday Shopping Day
    O God, give me the grace to shop wisely so I may purchase
    eternal happiness for myself and all others in need of love.

    Saturday Cooking Day
    Help me, my Savior, to brew a big kettle of brotherly love and
    serve it with clean, sweet bread of human kindness.

    Sunday The Lord's Day
    O God, I have prepared my house for you. Please come into my
    heart so I may spend the day and the rest of my life in your
  • Diane

    Hi! I thought I would check out who's joined here in recent times, and I found out by doing so, that you are an author! I am beginning the journey into writing for the Lord, as well! I am a Gospel Singer and I would love to do Public Speaking also. I can (from my own experiences) relate to abused women and children who are hurting! There are so many couples too, who are lost, confused, lonely and hurting each other and their kids! So many still need to "see" the "Love of Jesus" and "how" His Love can touch the heart and soul...and set them "free"!
    Perhaps you could give me some advice on how to get books published and just how to help my Ministry to grow? I would appreciate any advice you could give me! Thanks so much and May the Lord Bless miraculous ways!
    Your Sister In Christ,
  • Diane

    Thanks for writing back! Your words of encouragement mean so much! I'll do as you recommended...those are great ideas that I believe will help me, on my journey in writing...thank you! I have "claimed" the words of Prophesy that the Lord gave you concerning me and my situation! It is only by "Him" that you could have known...that I so desperately "need" a new car! May the Lord continue to Bless You on your "journey"! Write again soon! I would love to hear more from you!
    Your Sis In Christ,
  • Ratan

    Its such a great previlage to meet you dear sister. I hope to have great spiritual covering thourgh your prayers and also spiriual guidance in the days to come. I also desire to have prophectic and healing ministry which i am operating but want to grow in more of His annointing. Let me know How you were blessed with such gifts.
    Remain Blessed as always.
    Pastor Ratan
  • Greg Wilkins

  • Ratan

    Dear Prophetes Renee,
    I felt such an annointing after having read your reply back to me. I believe all that you have said. It was such a great encouragement to me.
    Well, I would continue to pray that God would bless your ministry even in the coming days. I also want to know all about your ministry.... so that I can pray for all the activities going on. I also request you to pray for my ministry over here. I remain
    Be Blessed always
    Pastor Ratan
  • Renee weeks

    Have A Bless Day!
    A person cannot fully understand the magnitude of God's Power, Greatness, and Strength, until they have a circumstance, that no one or nothing can bring them out of. God has to literally rescue us, and snatch us out of harms way. Sometimes the cares of this world, and our personal experiences overwhelm us. Yet to every problem Jesus Christ has the remedy, and the answer.To be lifted by God, is to be infused with His Strength, infused with His Power, encompassed with His Love, Drenched by the Covering of His Glory, our minds being kept by The Spirit of Life , and His loving hands, putting our broken hearts back together again.
    He is the mender of our souls,The Lord is our only company in our abandonment, He is the satisfaction in our emptiness, He is healing in our sickness, He is our defense against the wiles of the enemy, He is Our shield in our weaknesses, Our Joy in sadness, He is the Glory in our humiliation, He is our love in our loneliness, He is our comfort in our grief and mourning, He is our hope on our darkest day, our light when we cannot see our way, the Truth in the midst of every lie, the Living Water in every one of our dessert experiences, Our Peace in chaos, Our Sufficiency in our shortcomings, Our Revelation in the midst of human reasoning, Our Holiness that keeps us in right standing, He is our Mercy when guilt tries to consumes us,
    Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings, He is
    the Ruler and Creator of all things.
    Have a great Day and be strengthen in every area of your life. May God lift you up, high above your enemies! I am praying for you.
    Prophetess Renee
  • kathleen aldea

    ( 1 JOHN 5:14-15 *NKJV )
    We often find ourselves to busy to stop and say a prayer
    when we have a rough day. In this life everything seems like
    it has to be accomplished A.S.A.P. So we often forget to
    speak to God in prayer about it before we react.
    Therefore one must remember that; THE PRAYER OF A
    ( JAMES 5:16 *NIV ) More powerful and more effective than
    anything else on this Earth, even when we must react
    As Soon As Possible.
    Now friend, have you ever wondered about the
    abbreviation A.S.A.P.? Generally we think of it in terms
    of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we
    think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will
    begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days
    along the way...
    So when.......
    There's work to do, deadlines to meet;
    You've got no time to spare,
    But as you hurry and scurry-
    In the midst of family chaos,
    "Quality time" is rare.
    Do your best; let God do the rest-
    It may seem like your worries
    Are more than you can bear.
    Slow down and take a breather-
    God knows how stressful life is;
    He wants to ease our cares,
    And He'll respond to all your needs
  • Chiranjib Chatterjee

    Thank you for your responce.Plz. write more aboutyou & your daily life.
    From: Chiranjib, India
  • brateng

    Hello Renee,

    It is hard to believe that this is the first comment am ever reading from you. Can I confide something to you? You have just made a bold lion out of the trembling kitten I was! I like your choice of words my sister...they seeth with POWER and they cut to the marrow. Thank you for standing with us in this, prophetess. We are indeed a MOVEMENT...UNSTOPPABLE!

    Thank you and God bless-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • nirmal

    Dear sister Renee
    Greetings from India

    I am Bless to know about you and to have you as a friend in Christ Jesus
    my prayer is that we would build a friendship that would be of good value and encouraging for us in our daily walk with Christ.

    Have you been to India ? which church you attend back home

    Past 14 years I was with Ywam but God has led on my heart burden for my own people right now Iam in church planting ministry reaching to the unreached in our state of maharashtra its difficult but God is at work we have house churches called King of kings fellowship it’s a non-dinomination faith ministry but by Gods grace its growing

    If you like I will let you know more about the ministry later

    Iam looking forward to hear from you and what God is doing in your life

    May God bless you

    Nirmal India
  • nirmal

    Dear sister Renee
    Greetings from India

    I am Bless to know about you and to have you as a friend in Christ Jesus
    my prayer is that we would build a friendship that would be of good value and encouraging for us in our daily walk with Christ.

    Have you been to India ? which church you attend back home

    Past 14 years I was with Ywam but God has led on my heart burden for my own people right now Iam in church planting ministry reaching to the unreached in our state of maharashtra its difficult but God is at work we have house churches called King of kings fellowship it’s a non-dinomination faith ministry but by Gods grace its growing

    If you like I will let you know more about the ministry later

    Iam looking forward to hear from you and what God is doing in your life

    May God bless you

    Nirmal India
  • ujwal

    Dear Renee Weeks


    How are you ?

    iam ujwal from India

    Iam Glad to have you on this net and I would like to know you more if you like

    as for me I am doing ministry called King of Kings fellowship I do church planting ministry for villages of India I have 242 house fellowship all over My state Maharasthra india and also I work work with youths and childrens Please pray that God will use me to Glorify his name by doing what he called me do Iam passionate about what God has called me to and I enjoy it I know sometimes its hard and difficult but God is faithful to Provide everything and Iam totally dependent on him and family too

    Iam have been serving the Lord from Past 20 years but God never put me down he is always there to help me I will be doing ministry in my whole life and also my family

    Iam staying in a rented house in india Pune did you ever been to india if not I like to invite for short term visit Please pray about it I know you dont me

    I would love to hear from you

    I will be praying for you

    God bless

  • Ratan

    My Dear friend in Jesus,
    On my way back to home from a mission trip a couple of days back, I met a young man in the train. I was praying for an opportunity to share about God's Love to someone. He came and sat besides me asking all about me. Later I also asked about him and finally came to the point and asked him whether he ever heard of Jesus. He said yes and also been to church several times. OS I asked him,"what do you feel about Jesus", He said "actually I dont believe in any God", He added "all I believe is in myself and I have been living lke this since my childhood". SO I asked Him, why do you feel so? what made you to believe that thers no God? He said do you see people in the name of religion kill so many innocent animals, don't they have the right to Live Just Like Us? aren't they Just Like us? This Young man because of his compassion on the animals he did not eat any meat, fish or meat of any living creatures... since He belives that They also have the right to live.And he went on to say How bad people become rich and good people remain poor? Why unjust people prosper and good people remain the same way? He had thrown a lot of q's like hat. Specially he asked me, why do people become ghosts after they are killed but why not animals? after I shared about Jesus to Him and His sacrifice on the cross of calvary, I also answered every q that he asked me and was not able to give any reply to my q's.
    Finally I asked Him a question have you ever prayed to God?, He said, "yes, once but God did not answer me, so I don't believe that thers a God" I asked him do you believe thers air? can you see it? he said he can experience it, and I said in the same way you can experience God. The he asked me why people suffer? I told him all about sin, and fall of man kind that brought total destruction upon humans... and told him the remedy that we have in Jesus, through His sacrifice on the cross. I also told Him that Jesus is coming soon, and all thats happening in this age gives us the message that He is indeed coming soon... atlast I saw some kind of acceptance in his talk and face. he atlast said let me have your phone number and I gave to him and Tod Him to Give hsi life to Jesus. He kinda laughed and said let me try. I told him why can't you try Him Just once and see...I could understand that he want to try him but was determined to defend his self... But I know that he will be a different person. right now I am in the process of communicating with him...Plz Remember Victor in your prayers for his salvation.
    yours in Jesus
  • Brenda Charles

    Hi Renee,God is good my dear sister in christ ,blessing to u,love u bye.
  • brateng

    Sister Renee,

    Thank you for the powerful prophecy! May the Lord use you in even loftier scales as you make His saints have a foreknowledge of His perfect will for His children.

    As you said, we are indeed more than conquarors in His name.

    Be blessed through and through-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • Pastor _rob

    God bless you woman of God. And we as the body of Christ are blessed to have you. You are a walking testamonie to the children of God.Saved/unsaved.
  • Ratan

    Dear Sister , I Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement.I thannk God daily for you and make mentin of you in my prayers always
    Well, these days God is leading me to have personal evangelism. Firstly two young girls; then, Victor, on the train and now one more you guy, who is recently coming to our church. We named him Samuel from sommy. He is not even 20 years, and addicted to alcohol and some kind of drugs. His parents have passed away a couple of years ago and have only one sister who is married and is away from him, with her husband. So he sleeps in the church along with me. Tuesday he came drunk and I noticed and asked him whether he was drunk and he said, yah I drank "BEER", IN ANOTHER WAY He meant beer is okay. But I began to share about the bad consequences of alcoholism and Jesus Second coming. As I was sharing He was just crying ... and crying and did nit stop for an hour. Later I asked him to confess his sins before the lord and pray to Jesus. He said, No I don't think God would forgive me, coz I have sinned so much. But I said: Their is no greater sin that can't be washed away by the blood of Jesus", His blood cleanses us from all sins. So, he began praying with tears. As he was praying kneeling don, all of a sudden began to shake and hit his head to the floor, So I held his head with both my hands and began to pray in tongues , but sill he was rolling all over the floor, not able to control himself. So at last I began to speak in tongues and rebuked the powers of darkness, at last he fell unconscious for sometimes. After sometime I woke him up and asked him what happened, and he said, as he was praying He saw Jesus and was not able to control himself. After that as I began to pray he was still in tears crying aloud. It went for about one hour up to 12:30am. Later he slept, so I put off the lights and was still praying on my bed. Hearing me praying this young man got up and was on his knees again and began to pray. Since then I see him praying every morning and evening. God is wonderful, He is in the process of changing this you young man. So, do pray for Samuel.
    I remain, always praying for you and thanking God for your daily. I end here, with great anticipation to hear from you too.
    Your Friend In Christ
  • Jairaj Janga

    I would like to add in your friends and prayer supprts list.. Jai
  • Blessed Highly Favored Woman of God! - Hip Hop & Urban MySpace Comments

    Thank You! My beloved sister of Zion. I look foward to chating,growing and learning from you. May you and your family continue to be blessed.
  • Ratan

    Dear Prophetees Renee, Thanks a loooot for you continued prayers & Encouragement prophetically. Yo are in my prayers and Just want to know how things are going on with you too.
    I remian , anticipating to hear from you real soon.
    Your brother in Jesus
  • onlyjesus

    Jesus promised the disciples that they will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. So it came to Passed that the Holy Spirit came upon them as He promised in the book of acts 2:4. it is also written in the book of Acts 2:38 to 39( quoting verse 39, the promise is for you ,your children and for all who are far off______ for all whom the Lord God will call).Meaning that every Christian need the Holy Spirit for specific task. The bible says we should not be drunkard but we must be filled with the holy Spirit. You can read that in the book of Ephesians 5:18.Why we must not be drunkard? The answer is simple, the Holy Spirit is more powerful than alcoholic drink.He can do more for us than �alcoholic spirit� Let us look at the things the Holy Spirit can do for us.

    The Holy Ghost always makes us to be committed. When truly the Holy Ghost is in you, you will devote everything about you to the Lord Jesus. You will give your whole life to Christ. That is why the bible says that the life that we Christians lived, it is no more we that lived but Jesus lived in us. Christians do not need alcoholic drink just as the people of the world need it to be committed to what ever they do. I don�t know whether you have seen a drunkard before but let me tell you, they are committed to alcoholic drinks. If they wake up in the morning, the first thing they think of is where they can get some drink to take. They put all their hope on drinking alcohol. So you see, a good Christian have to put his or she hope in Christ Jesus every time. Remember that what is in you is greater than alcohol. If you have been to Africa, you would have known the real drunkard. They are very committed. We have to do more than these worldly people. We must be committed to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    When one is full of the Holy Spirit, HE NEVER GETS WORRY ABOUT THINGS OF THIS WORLD. Just ask the bible says in the book of Matthew 6:25 �Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life not more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?� Learn how to be happy with what you have, God knows what is good for you and at the right time he will provide. The Holy Spirit that is in you will help you not to border about things that perish. Let me briefly tell you something about my life since my infancy. I was a child when my father divorce my mother because of the faith, but my mother never gives up. We passed through a lot of problems but my mother hold firm to the faith. Sometimes what to eat was a problem for us. As the day went on, things started to change through the Holy Spirit. When I grown up, I still face difficulty, just us my mother taught me, I never get worry. I know it shall be well with me one day. I always comfort myself that after all I have something special within me that can change my situation.

    So to be frank, worldly people like drunkard never get worry. All that they think about is their drink and how they can get access to one before they go to sleep. They don�t border about the clothes that they put on. In Africa, drunkards can wear the same cloth for more than one month and they never get worry. Some so called Christian sometimes, say today I don�t have new panties so I can not go to church. When the Holy Spirit is in you, you will never bother. What ever you have, you will only press it well and wear it to church. Truly our God is pure and it is not good to wear filthy clothes to church. All the time, be happy about what you have.

    The Holy Spirit brings unity among brethren. We are one body and we have one spirit that controls us. This brings about the love that the Lord expects from us for each other. Allowing ourselves to be fill with the Holy Spirit, brings unity and love ( real love and unity).on the other side, drunkards are the most united people of the world. When one drunkard get drinks, he or she invite the rest of them to partake, even though they fight and quarrel, they do things together. How much more we that have the Holy Spirit, we do more than them because we have the true spirit. When the Holy Ghost came upon the first Disciples of Christ, they do almost everything together.

    When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be GENEROUS (someone that gives freely).If we read our bible well, peter was �disgrace� at the gate of beautiful when the crippled beggar as him for money (even though, the name of Jesus was glorified through the Holy Spirit). Although the crippled was healed, there was nothing in Peter�s pocket. So when he came to the congregation, the Holy Ghost changed the situation so that no needy person was found among them again. When He is upon you, you can easily give. People find it difficult to give or help the needy ones because the Holy Spirit is not in them. If you come to Africa or go to other continents, you will know how people need help (I mean suffering, we that go to the villages we see things for ourselves).

    DRUNKARDS always give. They can give more than necessary and why can�t we that are filled with the Holy Spirit not give. Let HIM control you�re given.

    When the Holy Spirit is upon you, you will be BOLD just as HE came upon peter and Peter became boldly. You can read that in the book of Acts 2:38, drunkards are always bold. Let me assure that most people drink because they want to be bold but we Christian don�t need �physical drink� to be bold, the Holy Spirit is more than alcoholic drink. HE makes us bold in every area.

    You will always have a SOUND MIND when HE is upon you. Don�t have negative taught about people. The Holy Spirit let us into all truth. It makes us free within our bodies. In Africa here, drunkards are free they only concentrate on their drinks. We Christians have to talk about Jesus every day, because that is the greatest commission the LORD has instructed us.

    When the Holy Spirit is upon someone, he or she can takes �hot staff� (face difficult problems).Never run from battle field because what is in him or her is greater than what is in the world. He or She shall surely over come. Things that are impossible for people will be possible for you. As for Drunkards, people that they can not beat them they claim that they will beat them, How much more we that have the power above all powers. Remember David and Goliath.

    The Holy Spirit helps us to be LOYALTY, to become someone who always gives support or defend the faith. Drunkard are always support those that provide them with drinks. We Christian have to support our faith where ever we are and preach the word of God.

    The holy spirit help us to walk with faith and we don�t fear danger, all that we know is that it came by itself and it shall go but itself. Forward ever, backwards never. Drunkards also walk by faith, whether there is whole or not they find their way home. What about us? We do more than them.

    The Holy Spirit will help you NEVER TO GIVE UP. In all situations you will stand firm. DRUNKARDS are troublesome and they never give up. We are always in the �high spirit� to face every problem that comes Christians are not trouble some.


    By your servant KWAME DERRICK

    If you have any question, you can contact me by email: ; mobile phone numbers:

    Togo: 002289529228

    Ghana: 00233243613286





  • Brenda Charles

    Hi Sister ,inviting you to join ,WWW.crumbling God blessing.
  • Sylvia Africa

  • Brenda Charles

    Hi Sister ,
    Your pictures are good, that baby is getting big and his sun glass to,god blessing to you and family,all the best my sister in christ, God love is forever.bye

  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Hey Renee,
    How are you doing? Wow! you've written 6 books?! Could you send some of that anointing over here? LOL! I write all the time, poems, songs, articles & opinions, but I've never writen the book I know is inside me! Do you work in a flower shop, or do you just like arranging flowers? Be blessed my sister!

    i can see you online how are you doing?how is god``s work?
  • selva

    Hi Reeni, The highest of profession is a minister of GOD but it may end to a curse if the holyness is lost in the profession.
  • Ratan

    Dearly Beloved in Christ,
    Right nOw i am in a mission trip
    Ever since I landed in this place i got oppotunity after opportunity to preach. After preaching on sunday, I visited a friend of mine on monday. When I reached that place, I understood that he built a prayer hall to pray everyday with people around him. They were all Roman catholics. They were chanting their rosaries. I sat at the back and praying Lord can You give me five minutes to share your love with them. Miracuolously my friend called me to the front to share for five minutes and I was excited. I just shared for five minutes and they were all blessed so much that they asked me to stay that night, so that the next morning they could arrange a prayer meeting, so that I can speak to them. in the morning around twenty RCM people gather including children and i shared about salvation through Jesus Christ and they were all blessed beyond measure. God was awesome. people gave their lives to Jesus as I saw smiles on their faces. Ohhhhh Glory to God. Again on this friday, saturday and sunday I will be preaching in one of the valley of our state. its a mountaneous area. do pray that people will be blessed and many would come to the saving knowledge of CHrist Jesus.
    I am coastantly praying for you and for your Business.
    I remain, hoping to hear from you at the earliest.
    Be blessed
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Thank you for getting back to me. I like this thread thing, 'cause I was scratching my head thinking, "Now what did I say to her?" LOL! I remember the beautiful flower arrangements in your pictures. Your Word is right on! I'm always in AWE of God's timing, how a word of encouragement & direction will come 'out of the blue' from an unexpected source! Whether it will be a physical book I write or just the things coming out of my mouth to pass onto the generations, I know it IS TIME! The Lord has closed all doors where we are & told us to move to Arkansas to be near our daughter, (single mom) & 4 grandchildren. HUGE step of faith! He has also said that we are called to minister to 'Grass roots' people, the poor, the hurting, the hopeless & those desperate to know the power & grace of God working in their lives! Thank you for that confirmation. Bless you my sister!

    thank you my sister welcome back , it is good to here that you are doing well in the lord . i look forward to more ministry with you .GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU . I LOVE YOU IN THE LORD.IT IS MY PRAYER THAT ONE DAY YOU WILL VISIT KENYA
  • Ratan

    Last two three days I was in a mountain area, infact in a valley. The bus travelled or four hours to reach that valley and two hours alone it travelled on the mountains. atleast it travlled from one mountain to another mountain, altogether may be upon twenty mountains . well, i had the previlage to stay in a childrens home and share the word and stories with them on saturady evening. around 150 children weer there. they made me to sya a story, sing three songs and also i had to teach them 2 songs. alter on unday I preached in one of the largest church in that valley. it was a baptist church. I was invited ewll by the pastor but He questioned me about my ordinations, degree age, maritl status, ministry experince and denomination. I just said. i am bible-believing and have call from God. LAter a very old man came to the dias, he lost his sight and also hearing. he called me and sid i am the senior pastor who has established this church, who has given you the authority to come on to the dias or pulpit, do you have ordination, he went on and finally said okay preach but carefully. i humbled myself anf preached with authority of the Scriptures. after my preaching he called me again and said, do you like to have lunch with me at my home! oh I said Glory to God. It was gods favour. Infact i am a charismatic preacher but god annoited me to preach to the baptist in their style. many came t me after the service and appreciated me and said we need such a timely message, for a time such as this. Oh All glory to god. Later they also asked me to preacah to their youth in the evening in English service. so I preach in two languages and God used me FOr His Glory, giving me favour, Both from Him and Men aswell.
    i am back to home, but will be travelling to aother place and then i have to do a ot of purchasings like bibles, cd's and clender and many other things for the church. i thank you soooooo Much from the bottom of my heart for supporting me in all the ways possible. May the good Lord Bless you.
    I hope you are doing great. i love you all.
    Be Blessed & Stay Blessed
  • Lucas Barrows

    From what I read, your name should be Renee Strong not Week.
    God love you and gives all who follow Him strength and guidance.
    God Bless.
  • Lucas Barrows

    To you all my Family in Christ,

    I’m here to say to you all have a safe and Christ filled holidays.
    Lot of Christian Love.
    God bless.
    Lucas Barrows HPA- Hoxton Park Anglican.

    It is no hard matter to adhere to God while you are in the enjoyment of His comforts and consolations; but if you would prove your fidelity to Him, you must be willing to follow Him through the paths of dryness and desertion. The truth of a friend is not known while he is receiving favours and benefits from us; but if he remain faithful to us when we treat him with coldness and neglect, it will be a proof of the sincerity of his attachment
  • Steve Wasike

    Great is the work that God is leading you do in His body.We love need your connection.Steve

    Red Ribbon
  • Christy Gabriel

  • Christy Gabriel

    We all here love and need you sister. Praise the Lord. Haleluja!!! GBY Christy Gabriel
  • Christy Gabriel