

Pune Maharashstra


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I'm here to...
To find friends and make friends who love Jesus Christ
Music , Preaching , reading and traveling
I'm passionate about...
Jesus Christ and sharing about his love with others what he has done in my life as my saviour
My story with God
Iam alive because of Lord Jesus Christ
Other stuff about me:
Iam Married and have two children Priti and Prem Iam in full time ministry serving the Lord in India through church planting ministry among the unreached people group My wife name is Arpana she is helping me in the ministry Iam grateful to Lord Jesus that he saved me and using my family for his Glory

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  • Adriaan

    Hi Brother

    It is an honour to have you as a friend and a brother as well in Christ. Thank you, it is my prayer as well that we would encourage each other and build a close friendship together but above all worship God.

    I haven't been blessed yet to visit India. Although I do have the desire to travel over all the earth and see different places and to minister in different countries as well, but when Father allows me to go.
    I am currently part of a church organization called the AFM (African Faith Mission) but the name of the church is Shekinah. It has been a real blessing, but I do know as well that I will not be there for all of my days, for the Lord has called me as well to start a youth ministry in South Africa, which is going to be an awesome and powerful ministry. It will be something new, like there never had been in SA. I am truly looking forward to it. This will also be a non-dominion church.
    It is wonderful to read of the ministry you are doing currently. It is awesome to see how God is moving among the nations and in India. I have a very close brother in Pakistan, he visted India as well during this year and preached the Gospel there. I think I must try to get you in contact with Him, the Lord is using him as well greatly. I will pray for you in the church planting and preaching the Gospel to the unsaved and lost.

    Please tell me more about your ministry, I would love to hear more.

    May the Lord bless you and do great things for you.
  • Brooke

    Hey. Thank you for the warm wishes. You have a lovely family. I am so happy to have you as a friend in Christ too! I can never get enough of those friends! No, I have never been to India. My Husband and I are missionarys and want to go sometime in the future. I go to Restoration church.
  • Sharon Scherrer

    Hello Nirmal,

    Yes, I would love to hear more about your ministry in India. As a nurse I work with some doctors from India and they are muslim.

    I will keep you, your family and your ministry in my prayers. And please keep me posted on how God is leading you in India.

    Please keep in touch, Love in Christ, Sharon