


Profile Information:

Country (not County)
The Voice of the Martyrs/Mexico http://avoiceforothers.blogspot.com
I'm here to...
makes friends around the world, share, encourage, and inform/involve others in the ministry to the persecuted church.
Multicultural activities
Christian Activism
I'm passionate about...
The Persecuted Church and those who suffer for their faith in Jesus Christ
Ministering to the brokenhearted, suffering, and weaker/vulnerable
My story with God
Knew as a child the Lord had given me concern for the weaker, suffering around me...heard about those suffering under communism around the world, and those suffering from hunger and injustice ...The Lord placed in me a burden for them that has driven and led me all my life. Left all in my homestate of Connecticut to move to Maine, and then 10 years later when my husband died from complications from an accident while cutting trees for a major paper company, the Lord called me and my 2 pre teen daughters to Mexico. It's now been 20 years, and we have recently been involved in the establishing of the Spanish speaking independent mission of VOM in Mexico, along with Oscar Moha, the well known activist journalist and defender of religious human rights in Mexico. The Lord has led me from one place to another and I have learned to trust His judgemnet and to depend on Him, in the midst of all, especially when there is no ne else, or when no one else seems to care. I expect that at 60, I still have a long way to go, growing and maturing in Him as I go. He is my all.
Other stuff about me:
I love working with Kids of all ages...even teenagers (jajajajaja) who love me even in my toughness. I'm enjoying the traveling, exploring, and meeting new peoples and races as I go, especially my Indigena brothers and sisters who suffer for their faith here in Mexico. But I identify in general with those who suffer...

Comment Wall:

  • Nienie

    Hi Linda
    Warm greetings in the Lord! This is Nienie,one of the moderators on TheNET. Welcome to this wonderful internet family of followers of Jesus Christ! We're glad you are here!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    Here we have fellowship,grow with each other and share the love of Christ.

    Please feel free to join in with the groups and the forums and let us know if you have any questions we can help you with.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Many blessings
  • ActualMaureen

    Good Morning Linda!
    I am so happy to meet you, and to be a friend! After reading your profile I have discovered we share many of the same interests! My heart is for the children, especially the children of Mexico. God Bless you sister, and I look forward to getting to know you better!
  • ActualMaureen

    What part of Mexico are you in?
  • ActualMaureen

    Buenas dias, hermana!
    I lived in Pachuca for a summer a long time ago. It was an eye opening experience for me. Before that I had never left the sleepy little farm town where I grew up. I had never seen real poverty or suffering. God bless you for the work you are doing!

    In His Love,
  • avoiceforothers

    For all my friends who pass by... you are appreciated:

    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

  • Renee weeks

    Have A Bless Day,
    A person cannot fully understand the magnitude of God's Power, Greatness, and Strength, until they have a circumstance, that no one or nothing can bring them out of. God has to literally rescue us, and snatch us out of harms way. Sometimes the cares of this world, and our personal experiences overwhelm us. Yet to every problem Jesus Christ has the remedy, and the answer.To be lifted by God, is to be infused with His Strength, infused with His Power, encompassed with His Love, Drenched by the Covering of His Glory, our minds being kept by The Spirit of Life , and His loving hands, putting our broken hearts back together again.
    He is the mender of our souls,The Lord is our only company in our abandonment, He is the satisfaction in our emptiness, He is healing in our sickness, He is our defense against the wiles of the enemy, He is Our shield in our weaknesses, Our Joy in sadness, He is the Glory in our humiliation, He is our love in our loneliness, He is our comfort in our grief and mourning, He is our hope on our darkest day, our light when we cannot see our way, the Truth in the midst of every lie, the Living Water in every one of our dessert experiences, Our Peace in chaos, Our Sufficiency in our shortcomings, Our Revelation in the midst of human reasoning, Our Holiness that keeps us in right standing, He is our Mercy when guilt tries to consumes us,
    Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings,
    He is the Ruler and Creator of all things.
    Have a great Day and be strengthen in every area of your life. May God lift you up, high above your enemies! Try and get some rest okay.
    Prophetess Renee
  • Chiranjib Chatterjee

    This is Mr. Chiranjib Chatterjee from India. I am working in Campus crusade for Christ as a full time worker from JUne 1999. I love to serve God and help the needy.
    I would like to be your friend.
    Please reply soon.
    Ending with love and prayer.
    Yours in Him
  • Rivers Of Living Waters


  • mary jamieson

  • Christy Gabriel

    Hello Sister Linda VOM/MEX
    Will you be my friend though I am the least from other Brothers and Sisters here on the net? Looking forward to be your friend. Just be blessed always

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dear Sister Linda VOM/MEX
    Thank you for coming to my life and becoming my friend. God bless you always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Rivers Of Living Waters

  • nirmal

    Dear sister Linda

    Greetings from India

    I am Bless to know about you and to have you as a friend in Christ Jesus
    my prayer is that we would build a friendship that would be of good value and encouraging for us in our daily walk with Christ.

    Have you been to India ? which church you attend back home

    Past 14 years I was with Ywam but God has led on my heart burden for my own people right now Iam in church planting ministry reaching to the unreached in our state of maharashtra its difficult but God is at work we have house churches called King of kings fellowship it’s a non-dinomination faith ministry but by Gods grace its growing

    If you like I will let you know more about the ministry later

    Iam looking forward to hear from you and what God is doing in your life

    May God bless you

    Nirmal India
  • lynne samuel

    guess what sis im here to love you lynne
  • lynne samuel

    bless you my sis love lynne
  • melanny manuputty

    thank's to become our group i really appreciated
    Jesus Bless your mission to reach persecution church for God
    Melanny from Italy
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    I'm so glad I came across your page! You are doing a great work for the Kingdom! I'd be honored to be your friend & to pray with you about the needs there in Mexico. My husband, Alan & I have been down to Mexico to work for the Lord. I've been on short term mission trips to Africa & Thailand, but didn't feel the trips were all that useful, (other than maybe expanding MY heart!) Bless you sister!
  • jeremiah G

    bless u

    yu er a solution......
  • amit kumar

    thank u for ur reply mail me always as well as pray for me and pray for my good life partner too.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Hi Linda,
    Having a little tech trouble with your page? A friend of mine did too! She disapperared from my friends list & her messages wern't going through. Odd, I'm not a 'techy', so I just rebuke it in Jesus Name! My trip to Thailand in '02 was more about getting out of my 'comfort' zone & seeing life from the perspective of those who really had no exposure to the gospel at all! I stayed up 1/2 the night witnessing to a young Thai girl, (a Divine setup,) I found I had to start in Genesis! It was a learning experience for me. She did except the Lord Jesus as her Savior. (No small matter to her Buddist Father.)
    So. Africa was also eye opening. The conditions of the poor are appaulling! It was a pastor's conferance for ministers from all over Africa Our group was there mainly for prayer & intercession. We saw healings & demonic deliverance. We were going to do a medical clinic, but couldn't get gov. approval, so we went on safari. I learned you have to be really flexible on short-term missions trips. Something about actually being in the countries & connecting with the people's hearts & needs, changes you, you know? Since coming on this AAG site, I think I've gone around "collecting" friends mostly from So. Africa. I can't help it! I HATE seeing the poor neglected, oppressed or mistreated! I don't have a lot of resources myself at the moment, but I can always offer prayer, in the powerful Name of Jesus! My husband & I have been to Mexico several times. We've heard stories of the indigenous peoples you minister to. God bless you dear sister, in this mighty Kingdom work!
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    The comment I sent you didn't show up on my page as my having done an action, so I'm trying the 'direct to your page' approach. Maybe that will be different. I rebuke this interferance with communication in Jesus Name & take authority over the air waves. AMEN.
  • lynne samuel

    bless you linda im so pleased to hear karens doing better praise the lord love you sis
  • lynne samuel

    bless you sis love lynne
  • kalisa valence

    Hi linda?am kalisa a follower of an un sin nature who wishes to grow spiritually with a cornerstone based on sharing the love of God with others.Am sorry to have not responded to you in time,it was the devil who wanted to take me before fulfillment of God's purpose for me.i had an accident and i co'ld not visit ma mail to get yours.stil b ma friend
  • myfathersdaughter

    Hi Linda, just want to let you know you and your family are in my prayers, I'll be praying that God give you clear direction, so you can make the right decisions.
    in Christ
  • lynne samuel

    morning sis
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hebrews 3:6 but Christ was faithful as a Son over His house whose house we are, if we hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end.

    Hebrews 4:14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

    Hebrews 4:16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

    Hebrews 6:11 And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end.

    Father God we come before you and thank you for the wonderful salvation that is ours through Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit help us to hold fast our confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end. Help us to us hold fast our confession and draw near with confidence to the throne of grace to find mercy and help in our time of need and may we realize the full assurance of hope we have until the end.
    In the name of Jesus we pray.

    In the love of Jesus
  • lynne samuel

    bl;ess you my sis
  • lynne samuel

    where are you my sis i miss you love lynne
  • Rivers Of Living Waters

  • zenith makwan

  • lynne samuel

    bless you sis love you heaps
  • felixpadua

    hello, and may god bless you. how's mexico?
  • ramona Odubena

    Thank you for being my friend
  • ramona Odubena

  • Dave Page

    So Ladies...., How're doin' over theren the good ole USA. Wether must be changing a bit into your winter. I read your mails. however, I don't always to have the time to reply to them.
    As a voluntry chaplain in a couple of rest homes here in levin, I'm facing some a bit of negativity. Could I ask to lift the situation up to Adonai for me please.
    Much love and best regards.
    david ben page.
  • Dave Page

    I'm blessed in Yeshua, that I can stand in His name, and be under His blood which protects us and cleaneses us.
    praise His Holy name.
    much love and best regards.
    david ben page