

Hamilton, IL

United States

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interact with other believers and try to get into the center of God's will for my life. By spending more time in God's word with some of God's people I know I can.

Comment Wall:

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    ken that was really cute. She reminded me of my daughter when she was little. I see you are a writer. I have thought about doing a book on healing those who have been through spiritual abuse.
    Check out my forum on the subject. I have had some really good responces on it. You have great evening. I just got home from my mid week prayer meeting, it was a real blessing as we prayed for each others kids to surrender thier lives to Christ. I have 3 adult children who aren't walking with the Lord, It seemed that most of us there tonight were in the same boat. It is the deepest desire in my heart to see my children walking in the truth. I have fasted and prayed for my children and I know only the Lord can open thier eyes to see the truth.I have found peace in that God is able to do more than I could imagine. I have placed them in his care. God bless you and your family this night.
  • Carla

    Hi There Ken,

    Amen! Absolutely Adorable! Thank you for sharing that with me.

    God Bless, Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    Ken I love this song called, the Word is a alive by Casting Crowns. One of the teen girls sang it in church a few weeks ago and brought the house down. Every one was on thier feet by the time she finished.
    God's word is truly alive and it is God's greatest gift he has given us.
    Thank you for your incouragement about the book. I never thought about an E-book and I am reading one now. Thank you also for offering your help. I believe God uses every thing that we go through. Satan ment it for evil, but God causes all things to work out for the Good.
    I noticed in your picture you have been dealing with flooding, Living close to the Mississippi River you have to deal with this all the time. We have a river called otter creek that goes over it's banks every year closing some road and creating meadow lakes. This river is different because it runs north. It is one of 10 rivers that run noth in the world. It is no where as big as the Mississippi. Well have a great day
    In the love of Jesus.

  • REW

    Would you please send me the video of the little girl. I have been trying to view it on others sites; but their music drowns out her little voice, and I am still computer illiterate, and can’t figure out how to lower their music; so-o-o would you be so kind.

  • REW

    Thanks Ken. You stated you are a writer; what type of writing do you do? Is the litle girl yours? How old is she?
    I know- -questions,questions; but I hope you ind them to be good ones.

    TTFN, REW Delete Comment
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hey Ken when you send video just put them in these comment boxes on others pages. Just put the embed code in comment box and video will apper on the page. If you copy the code once you can send it to as many you want by right clicking and paist.
    I hope this helpful information.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I love the East to West song also. Casting Crowns just keeps coming out with powerful stuff. I was talking to Christian on another net today. I your pictures you have a picture of your self that I thought might be Christian growing up and he said it was you.
    It must be nice to be young looking, I have had gray hair since my 20s. He had a big laugh about it.

    Thanks for the video I will never pray a hedge of protection again.

    There really is only one wall of protection we have and that is made up of three element; The blood of Jesus, the word of our testimony, and we love not our lives unto the death. A wall built out of this According to Revelation 12:11.
    This is how we become overcomers in this life. Praise God that greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world.
    The enemy is always trying to convince us that He is the same as God, that he is a equal aponent. the truth is all he has is lies.
    Brother we are more than victorious through christ. amen.
    You have great day Ken.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • REW

    Wow kiddo,

    A ghost writer!!! I had once dreamed of being a ghost writer; but then I realized I am tooooooooo dynamic, and I would like say to people “You can’t see me”; and they would respond “Are you for real?” The photography thing I had truly always wanted to do, and I fell into it by accident. It is the one talent that God has given me that helps me ward off my battle with dyslexia. It has the profound way of keeping me motivated and focused, and it doesn’t matter if I make mistakes…heck, some of my best shots were mistakes (chuckle, chuckle, and chuckle). One of the greatest encouragements of being dyslexic is that there are other great people of fame who were as well; such as Einstein.
    My dad and mom gave me my first camera when I was 10 years old. It was very exciting for me because my dad did amateur photography and was pretty good; so, he would allow me the opportunity to hold his camera and take pics from time to time. Then they got me my own, and the discouragement of being unable to develop my works kind of lead me away from that artistic form for some years. Then one day while working as a exit door greeter for Wally World, I noticed a sign that was seeking photographers, and they needed someone right away and they would train you. “Train me”!!!! After a few detours, I applied, and the rest is H-I-Story
    Back to you being a ghost writer. A bit of a side note is that my husband has two under graduate degrees, one in Journalism and the second in English. I am trying to get him to launch off in his former studies. Currently he works for a major organization that handles welfare disputes; and he hates it. If there is anyone who is too political for his current job position it is my husband; this is why I feel he should go back to school and become a writer, then he will better hone into what God seems to be putting on his heart, and learn to fine tune it. Yes I just realized it “TMI” (Too Much Information).
    Any who, you working as a ghost writer must put you in some interesting travel positions?? Where is the most exotic place you have ever been?? Does your wife get to travel with you when, and if you do get to travel? Do the two of you have children, and if you do how old? I have a 23 year old from my first marriage, as you might had noticed in my profile she is working on her graduate and doctorate degrees.
    Well enough from me for now, hope this note finds you and yours all doing well.

  • kathleen aldea

    Let's pray this prayer for a week...en tell everyone how God renew r heart...

    As King David said, WASH ME THOROUGHLY FROM MY
    ( PSALM 51:2 *NKJV )

    Here’s a daily prayer …. WASH DAY….

    Monday Wash Day
    Lord, help me wash away all my selfishness and vanity, so I
    may serve you with perfect humility through the week ahead.

    Tuesday Ironing Day
    Dear Lord, help me iron out all the wrinkles
    of prejudice I have collected through the years so that I may
    see the beauty in others.

    Wednesday Mending Day
    O God, help me mend my ways so I will not
    set a bad example for others.

    Thursday Cleaning Day
    Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all the many faults I have been
    hiding in the secret corners of my heart.

    Friday Shopping Day
    O God, give me the grace to shop wisely so I may purchase
    eternal happiness for myself and all others in need of love.

    Saturday Cooking Day
    Help me, my Savior, to brew a big kettle of brotherly love and
    serve it with clean, sweet bread of human kindness.

    Sunday The Lord's Day
    O God, I have prepared my house for you. Please come into my
    heart so I may spend the day and the rest of my life in your
  • Pastor Bob B

    If a red neck translated John 3:16
    The man up stairs is a taken with the lot of us, and sent his Jr to the slaughter house, that if in anybody is fixing to believe in Him they would na have to rot in hell, but get to move in with the man upstairs.

    Believe it or not I came up with this all by my self. lol

    I grew up in a in one of the poorest families in town in the mountains and have the Clampets as distant relatives.
    Part of that is true so I know the redneck world real well.

    Can you imagine translating the whole Bible?

    There is a hip-hop version I heard about.
    Well Mr writer what do you think? Is there a red neck Bible in your future?

    My Grandmother on my Fathers side was half Cherokee Indian and the meanest thing on 2 feet. If you ever saw the Goonies, or Throw Mama from the Train, that old women was exactly like my Grandmother, needless to say she was not a Christian and even practiced this weird witchcraft. She was so arrogant and talked like a redneck. She would say; I don't believe in that new testament, I like the old version better, and who you be to tell me different?

    Well this whole thing has given me a big laugh.
    In the love of Jesus.
  • REW

    Good to hear from you,

    Yes, my husband does need a change; however, he hates change6 (LOL). He is one of the most committed workers I have ever seen; and in spite of his dissatisfaction he will stay committed.
    So do you and your wife have children? I probably have said this already 50x’s; but I have twenty three year old from my first marriage, and she is truly a blessing from GOD. Do you and your wife attend church regularly; we attend a Messianic congregation. In fact, we were married in that fellowship twenty months ago. We are attempting to gain a better understanding of the Jewish heritage of our Christian faith. I believe that in the last days God will be pouring out a greater baptism to the Jewish people in recognizing Yeshua ( Jesus) as their savior; but as it has been said “stay tuned, same Batman time; same Batman channel”.
    MY husband and I are going to Kingdom Bound at Darien Lake August 3rd to the 6th; have you ever heard of it? Maybe you can take the little woman away for a few days and get “PUMPED’ for the Lord, and have an ability to meet other believers as well. That’s Darien Lake in Darien, NY.
    Any who, I have dishes calling me, and photos I have to sort, and edit. Be in touch soon my brother I do enjoy our chats.

  • Nica

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Have a wonderful day with the Lord Mr Ken!
    God bless you more! :-)
  • Pastor Bob B

    Great I can use the Red Neck Bible to witness to my relitives.
    You are awesome brother! When you want to take revenge on Christian when He is being a pest tell Him your going to tell his friends about your red neck family. lol Just kinding! I know christian is never a pest.
    Well it was good to hear from you and God bless.
    object width="425" height="344">
  • REW

    Hi Ken,

    Sorry you and your wife won' be able to get away this year for Kingdom Bound; but check out their web site for next year if you would like--that's or .com--I am unsure at present.
    Four children; How blessed you are. I wanted a larger family; but, the LORD had other plans for me. So, I have had to learn to be satisfied with my one. Interestingly, I am the eldest of six girls; five surviving and each of us married into three boys, one girl families. Wonder what that was all about (LOL)?

    Any who; your Pastor is 70 plus? I believe some of those elder pastors are the best to sit under. One of my favorite theologians was a man named A.W Tozar who was a prophetic author of great writings such as the “Pursuit of God”; and from what I understand of his ministry it was at its highest point when he was in his 70's. Have you heard of him?
    Well I'm going to sign out for now.

  • nirmal

    Dear Ken

    Greetings from India

    I am Bless to know about you and to have you as a friend and a brother in Christ
    it is my prayer that we would encourage each other and build a close friendship but above all worship God for reaching out to the Lost

    Have you been to India ? which church you attend back home?

    I am currently leading a church Planting ministry with the people group in our state mainly focusing in the rural Parts of India by the grace of God we have house churches in different villages in Maharasthra the churches are called King of Kings fellowship its non- denomination work reaching to the unreached

    If you like to know more about the Ministry Please let me know I will send you

    please uphold us in your prayers

    Iam looking forward to hear from you and what God is doing in your life

    May God bless you

    Nirmal India
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Ken, it was good to hear from you and I am glad you were able to get on task enough to let me know your still kicking.
    I was imagining what the cover of your red neck story Bible would look like. I still think it is a good idea.
    Tell christian I said hi, he was on another net, but must have left it because I don't see him there any more.
    I still hope some day he will come back here.
    I have been greeting new comers to the net for Johnathan while he is on a holiday as they say in the UK.
    I really enjoy it, but it makes me pretty busy with my other moderator duties. Well I hope you get all your projects done so you can visit more often, I always get a big laugh from you, your the best!
    In the love of Christ.
  • Nica

  • Pastor Bob B

  • REW

    To you who has befriended me through this wonderful God inspiring web site,

    `First allow me to ask “how has everyone been??” I do so apologize that I haven’t been here in a while; but, these summer days have me busy with a lot of running around on one day, and recovery the next. I pray that all of you are enjoying this wonderful season of spiritual growth with in your lives; but, if you are not, and find your self some what in a ditch of growing despair, take heart for your redemption is near.
    I have to be honest and say that these last few years have had their trying moments for me; but, God has sustained me through it all (I believe there is a hymn that speaks about “Through it all”).
    Christy thanks sooooo much for the inspiring verses that you send. God has really given you a ministry there; hope you maintain it, for you are a light in this darken world. But, I believe I have said this to you before…I hope you don’t get tired of hearing it.
    Ken and Carla, sorry neither of you were able to make it to kingdombound; to tell you the truth you didn’t miss much. Hopefully next year will be better. O’ don’t get me wrong, there were some inspiring moments; however, there wasn’t enough diversity for me as far as speakers went on their subject matters, and a few of my favorite groups didn’t make the selection list either ( such as Selah). But, the trip was worth it, just being in an environment of believers gives a comfort to the soul. So, if you are able, do pack up the families and go. Carla there was an abundance of Canadian’s there, in fact our trailer mate was Canadian, and to represent both countries we had the Canada flag with blue and white lights decorating our site. Ken, what probably would of given you joy is te numerous prospects of getting writing contracts from some of the speakers, everyone had a book to offer.
    Callie you definitely have been on the quite side of the e-mail, what’s been going on in your world, and how is the Fam???
    Nienie, I have been keeping your friend in prayer, and hope things have turned to the better.
    Kathleen, what a gem you are as well. I have found your ministry to be a cup of water to a dry soul; and as you may know—the word says “If any of you offer a prophet a drink of water, you will receive a prophet’s reward. AMEN!!!
    Please you all. Keep me abreast to your prayer needs, I am desiring more time with the LORD, and the thought of being on my knees for your needs, brings me much joy.

  • REW

    Sorry Ken,
    If your getting the previos msg twice. A site popped up, but I thouhght it was this, to make sure yo got my msg...well you know!!

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hey Ken, it is so good to hear from you. I saw your face come up some place the other day and was wondering if you were off writing the Red Neck Story Bible. lol Any how it is good to hear from you. Glad you liked my page. I have been busy welcoming new comers to the Net. Wow we are heading toward 3000 members. I love it because there are many new believers and seekers that I get the privilege of ministering to every day. I haven't heard from Christian in a while either. I hope he is doing well. I have to deal with a Christmas without my 20 year old son who moved to Colorado last September. I mailed a gift out to him today, I was lucky because it is the last day they can guarantee it will get there before Christmas. He misses home and spends an hour talking with me every weekend, plus e-mails. I still miss my kids being little. I can't wait for grandchildren although it doesn't appear to be happening in the near future.

    Well i hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    In the love of Jesus
  • felixpadua

    hello ken.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Good to hear from you brother, I am doing fine physically and have even dropped 100 lbs in the last 6 months. I am being treated for food allergies and was put on this special diet and the lbs have been melting off. I am half the man I use to be. lol
    I hope God is blessing you in your writing. I have been working at being a better writer and even got some mentoring for a while. I like to read devotional books, so I have been writing devotionals. I have 60+ in my blog. When I get up to 365 then I will do a e-book.

    God bless you and your family Ken!

    In the love of Jesus