
66, Female

Divide, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
United States
I'm here to...
connect with other Christians, provide encouragement, and seeking fellowship with other believers.
Spending time in God's word, reading, cross-stitching, and hiking.
I'm passionate about...
spending time with God, and in His word, Seeking to grow in Christ. Finding and staying in His perfect will for my life.
My story with God
I was raised in a single parent home. With a mother who professed to being a Christian, but never seemed to practice it in real life. Looing back I can see the spirit of addiction had an all consuming hold on her life. However, my grandmother always made sure I went to vacation bible school each year. When I out grew that I strayed very far from the Lord. God finally brought me to a point where I realized I could not go on without him. My husband and I were both in the Air Force and we had a young child. We met some wonderful folks in Germany and started attending church again. Then I was selected for a very good job in a field I had little to no experience, competing as a support officer with many male pilots. I was alone in a hotel room in Salt Lake City, dead tired from jet lag and over whelmed wiht my job. When I realized I would not succeed if I did not have God's help. So I invited Him to take control of my life. After many years of church and sunday school I am now striving to "deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him."
Other stuff about me:
I am married, have two wonderful girls, two dogs, and 1 cat. Love the Lord, and desire with all my heart to have a closer more Spirit filled life.

Comment Wall:

  • AAG Netguy


    Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here! Thank you for giving your life to Jesus!

    Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

    I also want to invite you to join our Bible study, In the Beginning: a study in the book of Genesis to help you know God better and grow in Him! You can click here to join the study.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
  • Pastor Gill

  • brateng

    Sister Sue Hi!,

    I like the truth you highlight in your profile that after many years of church and sunday school, God finally brought you to a point where you realized that you could not go on without Him...that is when you gave your life to Jesus! Many of us have been there...the Father keeps reaching down for us. He longs to save us which is something nothing else can accomplish except the CLEANSING BLOOD OF CHRIST. The BLOOD...not church, not religion...nothing less than the BLOOD by His grace! Hallelujah.

    Thanks for being gracious to remind us all that!

    Hope we will remain friends. In Christ-Pst. Bernhard
  • Lisa

    hi sue. I have just come to the realization of the most awesome power of God.. He is Peace, He is the Reason, He is Everything.
  • Sue

  • AAG Netguy

    Thanks for your kind words and thanks for getting the word out, Sue. Blessings!
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Sue, So lovely to have you add me as a friend. Thankyou. I look forward to networking on here and to get to know you better. I used to do cross stitch some years back and enjoyed it but do not have so much time these days for cross stitch. Though I find other enjoyable things to do such as being on this Site, lol!! I've got a friend who lives in Colorado. It looks a beautiful place with all the Mountains but you probably get alot more snow than we do here in the UK! I hope you have had a good day and speak with you again soon. Love and Blessings., Gill xxx
  • Dorothy Ross

    The women's Ministry is call Gods Gifted Women, Women of influence are women who want to patner with us. nit necessary with money, but with encouragement, there trades and any thing they have to offer.

    Some times they contavt us just o talk about how they have gotten lost in the day to day activity and there looking to find there way back.

    God's gifted women ar made up of Pastors, Prophtess, Ministers, Teachers, Nurses and women who have not found there title in the world or in the church, We call them our precious daughter until they get to a place they can call them selves God's Gifted Women.

    Elder Dorothy Ross
  • Carla

    Hello Sue, I have just sent a friend request to you. I pray that you will have a blessed day! Your sister in Christ! Carla
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Sue, Yes I enjoy Graphic Design. I love being creative and seeing what the Lord gives to me.
    How lovely that your daughter in in London. I hope she is enjoying it here. I hope your day has gone well and you have a lovely weekend. Love Gill xx
  • Carla

    Hi Sue. Thank you for your kind words. It is a blessing to have you here! Enjoy your day! God BLess, Carla
  • Barbara

  • Carla

    Hi Sue,
    just stopping by to say 'hi'. Have a blessed day! Your sister in Christ, Carla
  • Barbara

    thanks sue for the nice coment..god bless you and keep barb
  • Barbara

  • Barbara

  • Barbara

  • Barbara

    this pic sure looks good doesnt it with all this cold weather weve had this year.. may god bless and keep you barb
  • brateng

    Thanks Sue for your heart-warming remarks. It is funny that they are almost the same (word-for-word) with what a lady-who was later to become my spiritual mother-initially wrote when she was welcoming me to the NET! You could check out on her here and request her friendship if you ain't already one...Nienie from South Africa.

    I have learnt a lot and have been spiritually uplifted beyond measure by this woman of God. I really thank God for all the honest friends he made me have in the NET but (sssh...this is a secret!) I have noticed we have the usual wolves in sheep-skin too, have you? May God grant all well-meaning servants in this family the spiritual eysight to decipher these birds of prey. The internet is swarming with them and before I joined the NET, I was a little bit hesitant lest it turn out as a hideout of the bizzare as some "Christian" sites made me know.

    Have a glory filled day and may you see His hand in all you do! Your friend from Kenya-Pst Bernhard
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sue:
    How are you?
    I just got done reading the feeling all alone reply you left, and I can totally relate. I feel that way alot too. I just moved to a new area too, and Im having to get to know alot of people too along with taking care of my two kids, 3 and 7n months. Its hard. Lets keep eachother encouraged!!!
  • Nienie

    Thanks for the invite, starting out as friends, and eventually become 'internet family'. Have a blessed day!
  • brateng

    Sister Sue,

    Thanks for being true. I can see you eventually linked up with ma. How right you are in what you say! I am sure that we have all been seared by hot iron...even by those we trusted the most. Part of the reason why I first resolved to start pastoring was because I could not stand the hypocricy and the duplicity I saw in my own pastor! I could not stand seeing an actor fleecing the Lord's sheep with wanton abandon. From that moment, I vowed to be everything that such a servant was not and by God's grace, I am happy that Christ has maintained me in the simplicity of His gospel.

    While the Bible states very clearly that God can never be mocked, it is sad to know that such mockery is what is played out by most ministers of the word, day in day out. Everyone will reap whatever he/she sow: those sowing by the flesh...flesh and death and those sowing spiritually...spirit with its reward of life everlasting! If there is one danger worth looking out for dear, it is the danger of "becoming used to salvation". this, I have found out, is what makes many lose focus of the cross. you lose that, you lose out. It is that simple...that is what salvation is all about.

    Just fix your eyes on the CROSS and realize the potency that is found in the precious BLOOD. Be happy then, because we have overcome the world. May we all reach out and lay the onslaught...from a million different directions!

    Glad you are my friend, Sue-Pst. Bernhard
  • Barbara

  • Paige Robertson

    HI Sue!!!
    How are you doing today my friend?
    I miss you. I really was touched by you and the message you left me about being alone or feeling alone.
    I do feel alone alot. I hate to admit it. I love people, and they say they love me, but why doesnt it make me feel better? Why do I feel alone? I think you understand. Some Christians think I dont have enough faith or something, or they tell me I need to read my bible more.
    I do the best I can, when I can.
    I hope u r ok.
    i think about you alot. keep me posted on your walk with God. Lets keep each other encouraged and uplifted in the Lord.
    God bless you sis!
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sue!
    U r soo nice for taking time out of your life and schedule to minister to me. It means alot. Time is so precious and few now a days in this hectic fast paced world we live in. To have someone send me a long, loving message like that, says alot. Thank you.
    I do need that physical interaction. I need to be involved with people somewhere doing something. I do have a problem however, I can get too involved,too dependent on people, and what I do, rather that being dependent on God and what he has for me to do. I love people, and before I had kids, I was doing everything under the sun for Jesus with everyone all the time, and I thought that was what I was supposed to do to keep my faith and my strength up as I follow the Lord. Well, God gave me not only one, but two children now, and it is alot harder just to go "do" anything,anywhere,anytime with anyone now. It was hard on me to give up all those things I was doing for the Lord, because that was my "Identity" which was wrong. So now that I live in a new home,new area, found a new church,new baby, etc, Im overwhelemed!!! Wow! I get depressed not knowing what to "do" or when. I have to be careful. I can become addicted to what people think of me rather than what God thinks of me.
    I guess, what Im saying is that I need to find a balanced way to fellowship and being that I am an extremeist, its going ot be hard. With two children, its hard. Especially when one child is going through the terible 3's!!! Anyway, I love you, and I better stop mumbling. I appreciate your help. I will talk to you later sis.
  • lawsy40

  • Barbara

  • Ruben

    Thank you very much for the time of giving in prayer.Yes I really need a prayer as we do the ministry in church planting.pray for more soul to be save and someday we can start a church as a testimony of God's wonderfulful church.Ruben
  • lawsy40

    Christian Glitter by

    Be Blessed My Friend !
    Love Ya!
  • Ruben

    Greetings, It is my prayer and pleasure to have you as my partner in prayer in doing the ministry. I love to share some of the pictures in the school ministry,VBS and some families or bible studies in different places and houses.At present we do not have a local church what we did is to have a house church service for prayer fellowship and of bible study. as the Lord prospers his work and wait his will we long and pray to have a permanent place for worship and for the classroom for the children ministry. I will send pictures and reports to your e mail add if you have. Thank you.God Bless Ruben
  • Sue

    THank you for the update. I am sure the Lord will bless you with a perment building in His perfect time. I will continue to pray for your ministry and am excited to see how God is using you and those you touch to spread His word.

    God bless, Sue
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sue!
    Good to hear from you! How are you doing? Did you have a good mothers day? Its funny that you wrote because I was just thinking of you and was going to write. Your ears must have been ringing. Thats funny!!
    Im doing alright. To be honest, I really havent had that great of a time the last 2 weeks because I was sick with a yucky cold, and my daughter has been teething and is in the most pain at night, so no sleep here! If I do sleep its after my daughter settles down which is about 3 am, so I really dont get up till way late the next day and that isnt good, but I cant sleep. Oh well, This too shall pass. Right? I hope SOON!!! Other than that life has been fine. I really still love my new church and Im in the process of meeting new friends,especially mommy friends. God is giving me some strength each day that I have to use because I dont have any of my own to use.
    Anyway, let me know what is up in your life. Id love to know.
    God Bless you sister!!
  • Ruben

    I am very thankful to God for the assurance of prayer.Yes I need it much specially in doing the work of the almighty.Recently we are reaching another mountain barangay,I praise the Lord even its too hard for me to reach due to transporation problem.yet the arrival of the place will give meaning to the people who welcome the word of God with joy and sincerity. On the other hand; we are now busy in preparing the classroom for the june opening. we pray for school needs for the children. pray for us too. We really need the sustaining grace of God to enable us to continue doing for the honor and glory of The Lord. Thank you and God Bless. Ruben
  • Nienie

    Hi Sue
    A long time since I have heard form you?
    Are you doing fine?
    May your day be blessed!!
    Love in Christ Nienie
  • Nienie

    My dear friend
    Good to hear from you! Wow praise God you found a church family, it is a save place to be, always remember no one is perfect so expect strange brothers and sister hey! But praise God am so glad for you for a church family is wonderful to have especially when they are moving in the Spirit!
    I am so sorry to hear about the problems you are having in your family. Satan is a liar and don't give him any credit! For he wants to steal and destroy and don't want you in the place God planned for you. I will keep you in prayer friend just keep your faith strong and listen to His voice!!Lay with your head on His heart and know HE will never leave or forsake you!
    Blessings my friend!
  • Nienie

    Just keep your faith strong my friend for God will surely never leave or forsake you!
    I am doing fine, yes our Father is so good to me just to wake up eack morning, blessed to be alive and well and have my kids with me is blessing to me and to crown it all God loves us and He has great plans for us, aint it just wonderful to know that God actually dreamt about us and have plans for us it is so wonderful.
    Although life not alwyas runs smoothly but just to be sure of His love and faithfulness is so marvellous.
    Have alovely day
  • Lorraine Azmeh

    Hello Sue, I have just been looking at your page and found it so very interesting. I've been a member of this Christian site for quite a while and think it's wonderful. I would love to be accepted as a friend of yours. May our Lord bring you much happiness as you walk beside him hand in hand. God bless, Lorraine Azmeh.
  • brateng

    Hello Sue,

    Nice to see you around again. I have been away from this forum for sometimes now because my employers disallowed us to use the internet except for "professional" purposes. Surely, it is one of the devil's ways to keep us from doing God's work but thanks to Christ, we are MORE THAN CONQUARORS.

    I only hope that you still remember me...(or maybe you don't!). Just want to wish you all riches that Christ can provide and to let you know that you are a treasured friend. Would love to hear from you. In Christ-Pst. Bernhard
  • Nienie

    Dear friend thanks for saying hi! Are you fine? Everything at home okay?
    Take care and know that GOD loves you so much and even if you were the only one on earth He still would have done what HE did for He loves us so much!!
    Blessings Nienie
  • Jenlynn


    Greeting to you in the name of our saviour lord jesus christ
    sister sue. thanks for remember me & my family in your
    prayer we also pray for you & your family.
    yours in christ
    Amit Gladwin Andrews
  • brateng

    Hi Sue,

    I am okay my friend...and Christ's ministry under our stewardship is doing great save for the usual challenges. Sue, you just dropped out of the picture...and I rarely see you nowadays online here at AAG. I hope all is well for you and your business too.

    Can you please fill me up in greater detail how everything is shaping up? May God continue to be gloried in your lives and activities!

    In Christ's love-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • Nienie

    Guilty as charged sister!!! Thanks so much for you prayers, appreciate each one! It is been a few hectic months! i got a new full time job and working evening till about 6 or 7, prepare dinner and do chores. But God is good HE provides the strength every day to do what is needed to be done.
    But nothing more about me tell me how are you?You and your hubby's relationship? Skip and Allens health conditions? Are your financial status improving?
    Never lose faith dear Sue for God is faithfull just stay close to Him seek His kingdom and HE will be there for you!!
    BLessings to you still in my prayers!!!
  • prophetisrael

    go to my prof
  • Paige Robertson

    Hello Sue!
    I just thought Id drop by to say hello> it has been quite a while since we chatted. I remember talking with you quite regularly up until I left for a while to concentrate on some other things in my life that needed my attention. Well that was taken care of, and now Im back and ready to roll. So, how are you doing? What has the Lord done in your life lately? How is the family? We are good. my daughter turned one in August already! I am loving my new church and all the new friends I have met there. Im painting again which is really haelping me feel like I can be used of God again and it helps with my depression that I struggle with from time to time. My son has finally got over the hitting stage however he is still argumenative quite a bit. Oh well, I guess that is a given when they are 4,right? The weather is changing into a chilly fall season here in Utah. We should have snow here anyday. I cannot believe that it will be December soon. I am soooo not ready!!! Anyway, please keep in touch and let meknow how you are. You are missed!!
  • Ruben

    Sorry for not responsive for many months, yes because of the work that matters the soul of a person. Thank you for the encouragement. please continue keep us in prayers. your prayers matters a lot for the lost soul back to Christ. pray also for our christmas needs for the children before the year 2008 ends. Thanks
  • Barbara

  • Nienie

    Dear Sue
    A long time since i heard form you .....
    Are you okay and whats been happening to your family lately?
    How are Skip and Allens health conditions? and your finances, any change?
    ARe you and your hubby okay?
    I place you in the hands of our Lord Jesus, He will take care of you!!
    Love and blessings Nienie