Paige Robertson

51, Female


United States

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I'm here to...
join,getinvolved & connect with other christians
I love to excersize and enjoy the outdoors. I love to socialize and
fellowship with my christian friends. But most of all, I am an artist. I have been blessed with oppurtunities to paint murals in alot of churches and in homes. I also do custom art and design. God gave me a gift and he gives me the work.I also love music and dance.
I'm passionate about...
Im passionate about art and painting. I currently am painting murals in alot of churches. I want to produce more religious art and seel them to the public. I love drawing and God has blessed me. I hope that my art will bless and encourage others in thier faith. I also am compassionate towards young womedn and would really want to help them with eating disorders. I had that and want to help those who struggle with it. I am there for those who have it. I want to help.
Other stuff about me:
I love to pray for others and get prayer. I love to write letters and encourage others. I am married and have 2 small children. We have a nice home in a quiet heighborhood. I love my klids and love to paint childrens murals. I hope to homeschool or put my kids in private school.

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  • Christian Speegle

    Hey Paige, what's up? Long time no see! I tried to catch you in chat a couple days go but you got off. Just wanted to say hey, I'm back here and see how you were doing. Lova ya sis! bro in Christ - Speegs
  • Christy Gabriel

    Dearest sister Paige Robertson
    We keep on praying for each other always. I face the same as you are faing now and need all God's strength to keep on living in His grace. But Jesus loves us so much and so dependable. We are victors not failures in His grace. You are most welcome in my life and God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Nienie

    Hello my sis
    Thanks so much for the encouragement and your love and understanding. Yes indeed although we are reborn childrenof our Saviour we are still living in this world and man, the enemy is out to destroy us by attacking our weakest points! But praise God for His love and forgiveness and friends and family lifitng us in prayer and encourage us to hold on!
    Will talk more later are at work and is using a bit of my time to say hello (need the fellowship!!)
    Will surely read Habbakkuk thanks so much!!
    HAve a lovely day and rejoice and be glad for Jesus love you and you are special to Him and me!!
    Blessings and much love
  • Daime

    Paige, I love the song ( lord I give you my heart) and added to my page, it helps in me spiritual when listening alone.

    God Bless
  • Daime

    Paige, I love the song ( lord I give you my heart) and added to my page, it helps in me spiritual when listening alone.

    God Bless
  • Kristina

    Hi paige. You don't have to apologige. I actually apreciated it. I'm kind of shy and it sometimes i need a push. But once you get me beware lol. I enjoyed talking to you also. Thank you for that. Love Kristina
  • RunningChristian72

    Thank you for the very warm welcome. I want more than anything to walk closer with Christ and Our Lord. I have my own struggles (addictions of sorts) that I struggle with that I am trying to battle and win so that I can grow as close as possible in my spiritual walk. I would love to get to know you better too and learn how your Seven years of being saved have been, since I am still a 'babe in Christ'. Thanks again for your kindness.
  • Charlene

    really? I been tryin to connect with you to everytime i see you online but for some reason it says i am alone in the room by myself, i have been trying to chat you for 3 days now, i cant figure it out, but you are very right about Lord willing because we are def on His time!!Praise Him!!Everything is awesome the kids are a joy and a terror somehow wonderfully combined LOL, the hubby has been putting me thru quite a few trials here and there but I kno God is bringing us out of this stronger than diamond!!!Sure i can show you how just go to and set up an account and then just search artist and click the add song part and once its in your playlist save it and then after that paste and copy the code to your page and then you will be ablt to update it straight from the sight without doin anything but signing in hope this helps!How is everything on your neck of the woods?
  • Dawn

    Hi Paige - Thank you for your encouragement - It is much appreciated! I hope we will become good friends......
    God bless
  • Christie a Dobson

    thank you for that comment i am glad that i have accept you as a friend you seem like a really awesome person. and you know people need more people like you in there life's. god bless you and have a great week
  • felixpadua

    hello paige. visiting your profile again.
  • Magnolia


    Click Here For Myspace Graphics at - Myspace Layouts
    Thanks for your friendship and your concern. I am actually getting ready to send you a message. (It just ended up being longer than I planned.) Hope your week went well and Have a Great Weekend!!
    ♥ Magnolia
  • heavenSeaL

    Hello Dear Paige,

    Thanks for ur kind wishes n thoughtfullness.... been terribly bz with work. Just recently my son underwent right foot tendon lenghtening minor oprtn and Thank God that he's recovered. U pls tc, too. Best wishes for u and family :)
  • Dianne

    Hello Paige, It's a pleasure to know you too I'm happy to hear for u and it's a blessing that we can all worship the Lord together.Yes the picture is a part of the Island where I live it's very hot here lost of sun ,here is where all the tourists come for vacation....Well u have a bless day....
  • Kandy

    Hi Paige dear,

    I just wanted to stop by and say hi and see how you were. Have a great week and I will chat with you when I get back on Wednesday. Hey thanks for being such a wonderful friend. Love you
  • Heather

    HI Paige...thank you for your note. I am doing much better and grateful for the provision and protection of our great God. Your thinking of me today is very much appreciated. Thank you! Heather
  • Tina Marie

    Hi Paige,
    Thank you for your note and friend request! I love the picture of you and your family. Your kids are very cute. If you didn't know I am married to Mark. He is on here too. We have 6 childern. 15, 13,11, tiwns that are 8 and we have a 7 year old. I all the different types of Christian and I too like the christian rap... and I agree with you that it is fun to dance to! I look forward to your friendship!
  • felixpadua

    just pssing by, watching your pics, reading your comments and listening to your music. now i rember you're an artist from utah. i love your banner -I am an artist for Christ, who is the Almighty creator and artist. i also love this line i read here -I am saved by grace, not by works lest anyone should boast! Jesus can save anyone!

    i'll be back.
  • MLH

    Hello Paige - Good to hear from you! Hubby and kids are good - GOD IS DEFINITELY BLESSING! Our family has been through some things that I know God is getting Glory from this year by what he is now doing! My husband got called in to sub at our kids school and these past couple of days has been the teacher of our 4 year olds pre-k 3 class (something they have for starting 3 yr. olds and as you know, he turned four in Dec. ) I said, "So, what do you call your dad in class?" - Husband answered for him and said, "DAD" -smile! I know you know that is the Lord that he is in his class and I know even subing. God asked My husband to go into full-time ministry last year - same month of having our 5th baby! God is providing and will cont. to bless! You have to know - I'm not perfect either! I would like to stop doing things I do from,, generational curses, and God can deliver us both! KEEP PRAISING AND WORSHIPING HIM! Hope your family is good too.......................Something to share - I've learned, in my personal relationship with God that Fear is not of him, "I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind" (sure you probably know that scripture) - Nervousness is ok, because in those times you have to put your faith IN HIM! - GOD BLESS YOU AND HOPE THIS HELPS, ALONG WITH I WILL PRAY FOR YOU AND THANKS FOR PRAYING FOR DELIVERENCE FOR MYSELF AS WELL FROM ANYTHING NOT OF GOD! I can share that I was recently delivered from a caffiene addiction that certainly was helping - COMPL.ETELY SET FREE NOW -"PRAISE GOD!"
  • Shari Burgess

    Hello it was good to hear from you Paige. Well Valentines day is always kind of sad for us single folk and it gets sadder the older you get and your alone. I do admit that I am not to confident that I will meet that special someone at my age 47. I just keep holding on and hoping that God will have mercy on me and send me someone special in the meantime I am spending time learning how to love myself and to be more of what God needs me to be. You are blessed to have such a beautiful family and I love your page. Please keep in touch you are a light in all of this darkness!
  • Ms.Sharanda

    I love your Page. Its Beautiful and Peaceful. May God continue to Bless you and Use you. I tried adding you as a friend, but for some reason It wouldnt go through. My name is Sharanda. Just here for some encouragement. We all can use it sometimes. Well, again, I like your page and your music. Take Care.
  • Nicki Bulicek

    Your art is beautiful! Christ has given you a wonderful gift!
  • Kristina myspace graphic comments
    Graphics for Friends Comments

    I hope you are ok today. If you need to talk i'm here. Isaac's aunt passed away a couple of days ago so they headed out this afternoon to go to the funeral tommorow. I'm hurting fairly bad today and knew the trip wouldn't help so i stayed home. They should be back either tommorow night or sunday. Thank you for being sweet and i hope you have a wonderful weekend.
  • Dawn

    Thank you for your comment - I very much appreciate you and your encouragement. I would love to chat with you more....
  • Orangetree

    Hi Paige,
    Thank You for your comment, I am just signing off and I will
    catch up soon and update you on me and vice-a-versa.
    love and blessings
  • Charlene

    Hey paige :D, yea that chat box is dangerous LOL, easy to get carried away in there, I am so grrrrrrrr over the fact we keep missing the chance to chat but i Pray it is one day SOON! The Lord has been dealing with me alot in regards to fleshiness also but I praise HIm for His chasitisements (is that a word lol) and realize how blessed i am to not have a stone heart and i am praying for revival in my household and all over the world and standing on answered prayers! The kiddos are good getting to grown and talking TOO MUCH lol, its so amazing to watch this little being that was inside of you grow and learn things that will benefit them all thru life, so glad God entrusted them to me, i must remind myself some days cuz woooo they can be three handfuls lol but God never gives us more than we can bear so i def need to keep my compalining spirit in check, I am tryin to get hold of the movie fire prook to watch with my hubby in hopes that the Lord will keep softeneing his heart and prepare him for transistion. How is your hubby and those angel faces?
  • empress

    Hello my beautiful sister,I am okay I am sorry sorry that your not feeling good would you care to talk about it sometimes its good to let it all out than to keep it bottle up inside. I love you Paige you have a beautiful soul.I pray in the name in of Christ Jesus that whatever that is hindering you.bindingyou.depressingyou .and making you aniousthat the Lord would bring you peace . Lord whatever the problem maybe I declare that you bring it to nought! My God you have said it in the bible that with his stripes that we are healed I believe Father God that you will bring healing and peace of mind to my beautiful sister Pagie.In christ ourLord Amen!God bless you paige I just wanted to say that prayer for you!I love you and hope you feel better keep in touch:)
  • Solange Helen Ebot

    Hi, paige. hope ur doing , how is ur family.
  • Paul

    Hiya Page, just haveing a browse, love this song i'm lisening to, lord i give you my heart, lord i give you my soul' i live for you alone, lovely, God bless you and your family Page and may your light continue to shine for others to follow
    love in Jesus.Paul
  • Nienie

    Hi sis
    Yes was wondering what happened the other day while we were chatting, but i thought hubby came home and you were making him a cup of coffee and have quality time together so I am looking forward to another chat, i just love!!! talking to you!
    Will definitetly keep you in touch and will always be here whenever you need me! or just want to share the "good the bad and the ugly" (lol)
    I am off to bed just did my greetings quickly but i need a good night's rest (hopefully I will wake up better tomorrow!) i am so tired lately don tknow what seems to be the problem???
    Will catch you later.
    Keep smiling and remember you are special!
    love you your sis!
  • Magnolia

    Hi Paige.
    How are you? I am sorry I have not been online lately. I have been back working at my old job and am working more than I planned. I have been very worn out and not been very good at staying in touch as I would like. But I wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you and praying that all is well for you and your family.

    I know you said you have been struggling lately and want you to know that I would be more than happy to listen if you ever need an ear. Know your in my thoughts and I will send you another e-mail as soon as i can. Blessings and Hugs♥
  • Kristina

    Hi, just checking up on you. Hope you are ok. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask or talk. I've enjoyed getting to know you.
    Hug Glitter Graphics
    Glitter Graphics :::
  • Lauren

    hey where have u been? haven't heard from u in a while!I haven't been on either..i've been sick!

    Prayer Request Please: My son (7 months) My husband and I and now daughter have all had the flu!!! It's been almost 2 weeks for my husband and I, 3 weeks for my son, and about a week for my daughter....I've missed so much school and just feel horrible :( I'm so tired of feeling this bad and seeing my kids so sick...and my son it's horrible we can't give him really any medicine except benadryl because he is to little...please pray we get well soon... Thank you!!
  • huzooma

    hey I need to pray my exam on 9 th of march......please pray for me
  • huzooma

    please pray for me my exm on 9th of march at 3to 6
  • empress

    Hi girl how are you doing? I hope youe feeling better! God bless.
  • Theresa

    Hello Paige,
    Hi, how are you? I am trusting God that all is ok with you my friend. Please know you have been on my heart and in my prayers and I love you dearly.
    God says He will never ever leave you nor forsake you. Praise God.
  • Nicki Bulicek

    That picture you shared with me was GREAT! I would like to do something like that in my sons room but on a smaller scale.
  • Kandy

    Heyyyy Paige sweetheart,

    I'm back, I miss you to my friend. The Joyce Meyer Conference was awesome Gods presence and spirit was filling the arena . Have a wonderful evening and I'll look for you tomorrow.
  • Barbara

    paige, just wanted to aknowledge your sweet note.. i am going to answer you soon promise.. didnt want u to think i was ignoring u by not replying..God bless you and those sweet children and hubby...Love sister barbara
  • mary

    Hello Miss Pretty, how are u? mizz u..take Good care always and ur family...GOD BLESS
  • Ann

    Hi Paige,
    How's your weekend? I am stopping by to say hello also to thank you for your messages. Did you check your inbox lately? God bless u! Hope all is well and abundantly blessed.
  • Angie/Shinetoday

  • Nienie

    Missing you!! ARe you okay?
    Love and many blessings!
  • Theresa

    Where are you Paige??????
    I do miss you. I wanted to stop by and say hello.
    Jesus loves you and your family.
  • Nienie

    You wanna bet??!!! We miss you if are not here!!! Each one has their uniqueness that I love and their presence is so much needed!
    Probably that is the reason why I was thinking of you so much? You are ab it depressed sis, and you must not let this continue for this is the enemy's strategy to isolate you form others! I know what its like for I have hte same problem.... life became tough, everything seems so useless and we sink onto a hole!
    Ah what a good gesture to revamp your mother's old place that gives you time to end a wonderful, sometimes not so wonderful, era in your life and time to start anew. What a privilege to be able to visit your mom for such a long time in the same house, for my parents moved a lot due to my dads work, so what I always wished for, a place where I grew up, (but mine is al, over.... (lol)) was not possible. Enjoy it and relive the memories but then leave the old behind and look forward to the new!!
    Love to talk to you and know how you are doing!!! Enjoy the kiddies and remember you are special and dear to so many people including me!!Never underestimate your selfworth!!
    Love you and look forward to hear form you . Keep you in my prayers!!
    Love your sis
  • Charlene

    hey paige :) thank you so much for your note, i miss talking to you too, when i come on here, i usually listen to my music and search for info, I kno exactly what you mean about feeling out of the loop lol but i am jus thappy that ppl are really fellowshipping and having a good time here, its a real blessing, even if im missing out and im sure you agree :) I dont knw if you catch the notes i write you but i usually write you right after you write me but i kno you get alot of mail so it may get pushed down but just remember i am always thinking about you!
  • Ann

    Hi Paige,
    I'm stopping by before i go to sleep. Thank you for your message. God bless you.
    keep in touch.
  • Nienie

    My dear and loving sister
    I understand what you are going through. Just remember I dont judge for I am jsut worried when we are depressed and sometimes overwhelmed by everything we tend to be like a tortoise, get into ourshells(ves), for we dont what to get hurt ,or feeling confused and I am just worrying about that, for you have so much to give, for your family and friends, but when you feel you have to take recess and take up a balancesheet of your life you must do that my dear , for that is the LOrds way of saying, I need to talk to you and maybe you have to get priorities right. I am with you all the way and will stand right beside you to hold you up even if it is only thorugh prayer!
    Enjoy the home 'makeover wish' I could help, would be so much fun!
    You are a special sister to me and i love you!
    Will pray for you
  • felixpadua

    hello, here's a joke from janet walker of the US to cheer u up-


    A guy is 72 years old and loves to fish.

    He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say,

    'Pick me up.'

    He looked around and couldn't see any one.

    He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again,

    'Pick me up.'

    He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog.

    The man said, 'Are you talking to me?'

    The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you.

    Pick me up then, kiss me and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.

    I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous because I will be your bride!'

    The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.

    The frog said, 'What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said?
    I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride.'

    He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, 'Nah, at my age I'd rather have a talking frog.'

    With age comes wisdom.