Paige Robertson

51, Female


United States

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I'm here to...
join,getinvolved & connect with other christians
I love to excersize and enjoy the outdoors. I love to socialize and
fellowship with my christian friends. But most of all, I am an artist. I have been blessed with oppurtunities to paint murals in alot of churches and in homes. I also do custom art and design. God gave me a gift and he gives me the work.I also love music and dance.
I'm passionate about...
Im passionate about art and painting. I currently am painting murals in alot of churches. I want to produce more religious art and seel them to the public. I love drawing and God has blessed me. I hope that my art will bless and encourage others in thier faith. I also am compassionate towards young womedn and would really want to help them with eating disorders. I had that and want to help those who struggle with it. I am there for those who have it. I want to help.
Other stuff about me:
I love to pray for others and get prayer. I love to write letters and encourage others. I am married and have 2 small children. We have a nice home in a quiet heighborhood. I love my klids and love to paint childrens murals. I hope to homeschool or put my kids in private school.

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  • mary

    hello....heheheh thanks 4 I'm fine.. still waiting what is the plan of God 4 my life...or grant my wish to have a boyfriend which is come from him.........hahahaha. i know God a lot of plans 4 me..n the ryt time...maybe sooner ...i found him! thanks a lot 4 everything and God bless your u..muah!
  • ruth delos reyes

  • Ramona P. Jacobsz



    Your Friend
    Ramona P.
  • diane elizabeth ballou

    Dearest Paige,
    Iam not at all freakrd out. Such were some of us! I mean I do not have your exact history, but I was mean to my son, by losing patience and getting violent! That is way worse, I thimk. Got to get back to work. Praise God!!
  • God'sgirl24

    hello Paige! We are doing fairly well. My husband's work has picked up and he is getting a little overtime. Keep praying for Virginia. she gets Remicade Monday. the 4th is my birthday. love ya!
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    My darling Paige
    You are so precious... I give you below something to ponder and I pray that you will be calm and tranquil... full of the Holy Spirit...


    Micah 7:18,19 Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. And then a big Bill Board will be put up with a sign "NO FISHING"...

    I assure you that you must accept "grace," because it's "by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."(Eph 2:8,9)

    The truth is that "grace" is two-dimensional, both horizontal and vertical. Vertical grace centers on your relationship with God, and as John Newton wrote:

    Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
    That sav'd a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found,
    Was blind, but now I see.

    Yes, it's "amazing!" "Amazing" because it frees you from the demands and condemnation of the Mosaic Law. It announces hope to the sinner, which is the gift of eternal life, along with all its benefits.

    'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
    And grace my fears reliev'd;
    How precious did that grace appear,
    The hour I first believ'd!

    Horizontal grace centers on your human relationships. It's charming, and it frees you from the tyranny of pleasing other people and adjusting your life to the demands and expectations of human opinion. It gives relief, and the enjoyment of freedom, along with all its benefits. It silences needless guilt and removes self-imposed shame.

    Thro' many dangers, toils and snares,
    I have already come;
    'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
    And grace will lead me home.

    Sadly, few people realize better than non-Christians, just how guilt-ridden many Christians are. A story is told how a girl had a conversation with a fellow student, while the two of them were students at a University in California.

    He knew that she was a Christian, and he made it painfully clear that he had absolutely no interest whatsoever in her faith. When she asked why, his answer hit home with the sting of reality. He said, "Because the most guilt-ridden people I know are Christians; no thanks."

    The Lord has promis'd good to me,
    His word my hope secures;
    He will my shield and portion be,
    As long as life endures.

    Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
    And mortal life shall cease;
    I shall possess, within the veil,
    A life of joy and peace.

    So I'm going to get right to where the rubber hits the road, and ask you a couple of penetrating questions; only you know the answers:

    1. Are you responsible for adding to the guilt of others, or do you attempt to curtail it?

    2. Do you promote liberty for someone else, or do you restrain them, and attempt to keep them in bondage?

    You probably noticed that those two questions had to do with your attitude! The truth is that you probably interact as you do with others, because of the way you think. Your attitude, therefore, is crucial, and it's also at your mercy. My angel, you, and you alone have full control of which attitude you have:

    1. Charming and gracious:

    2. Restrictive and rigid:

    One of two things will result, liberty or legalism. And depending upon your attitude, you're either a "grace giver," or a "grace killer!" AND I KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT!!!!

    You are a "good and kind" person or you would not care about becoming angry... You would be self-righteous and ignore others feelings....??? that is why you feel guilty. But remember that the blood of Jesus has made you free...

    PS:The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
    The sun forbear to shine;
    But God, who call'd me here below,
    Will be forever mine.

    Stay calm... be restful and know that you are loved by me and BY JESUS CHRIST...


    Micah 7:18,19 Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. And then a big Bill Board will be put up with a sign "NO FISHING"...

    I assure you that you must accept "grace," because it's "by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."(Eph 2:8,9)

    The truth is that "grace" is two-dimensional, both horizontal and vertical. Vertical grace centers on your relationship with God, and as John Newton wrote:

    Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
    That sav'd a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found,
    Was blind, but now I see.

    Yes, it's "amazing!" "Amazing" because it frees you from the demands and condemnation of the Mosaic Law. It announces hope to the sinner, which is the gift of eternal life, along with all its benefits.

    'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
    And grace my fears reliev'd;
    How precious did that grace appear,
    The hour I first believ'd!

    Horizontal grace centers on your human relationships. It's charming, and it frees you from the tyranny of pleasing other people and adjusting your life to the demands and expectations of human opinion. It gives relief, and the enjoyment of freedom, along with all its benefits. It silences needless guilt and removes self-imposed shame.

    Thro' many dangers, toils and snares,
    I have already come;
    'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,
    And grace will lead me home.

    Sadly, few people realize better than non-Christians, just how guilt-ridden many Christians are. A story is told how a girl had a conversation with a fellow student, while the two of them were students at a University in California.

    He knew that she was a Christian, and he made it painfully clear that he had absolutely no interest whatsoever in her faith. When she asked why, his answer hit home with the sting of reality. He said, "Because the most guilt-ridden people I know are Christians; no thanks."

    The Lord has promis'd good to me,
    His word my hope secures;
    He will my shield and portion be,
    As long as life endures.

    Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
    And mortal life shall cease;
    I shall possess, within the veil,
    A life of joy and peace.

    So I'm going to get right to where the rubber hits the road, and ask you a couple of penetrating questions; only you know the answers:

    1. Are you responsible for adding to the guilt of others, or do you attempt to curtail it?

    2. Do you promote liberty for someone else, or do you restrain them, and attempt to keep them in bondage?

    You probably noticed that those two questions had to do with your attitude! The truth is that you probably interact as you do with others, because of the way you think. Your attitude, therefore, is crucial, and it's also at your mercy. My angel, you, and you alone have full control of which attitude you have:

    1. Charming and gracious:

    2. Restrictive and rigid:

    One of two things will result, liberty or legalism. And depending upon your attitude, you're either a "grace giver," or a "grace killer!" AND I KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT!!!!

    You are a "good and kind" person or you would not care about becoming angry... You would be self-righteous and ignore others feelings....??? that is why you feel guilty. But remember that the blood of Jesus has made you free...

    PS:The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
    The sun forbear to shine;
    But God, who call'd me here below,
    Will be forever mine.

    Stay calm... be restful and know that you are loved by me and BY JESUS CHRIST...

    Your Friend
    Ramona P.
  • diane elizabeth ballou

    Dear Paige,
    You have got me praying now. I am even going to go get in my Bible. Drastic times...No, I am really rooting for you and yours. I remember that depression. You do not have as much freedom to work on youtself as if they had already grown up. A really crucial time for them, not to be repeated ( and this too shall pass. I hope you cxan be with them as much as you want. No, I guess you said you could not. Now there is rhe sadness (depression) right there. You must be ful of feelings that need to be felt, so cast all your cares on Him (He is the one who can take it) for He careth for you! My personal favorite depression verse is, Blessed is he who mourns...
    After I realized my daughter had a life I had not known about and etc, I mourned as much as I wanted for years. It is a must. Way better than depression or anger.
    I was going to stop there, but I am afraid I will forget to remind you to read the Biblle and pray every day (and you willl grow, grow grow.
    Boys are usually harder to raise. When I had my daughter she made me so happy and the sad times , times of agony came back each time I had to leave her somewhere, There is something wrong with thje way society has us have someone else raise or educate them before they and we are ready to. The sadness is a mesage.
    I also got alot out of Jeremiah. the weeping prophet. THis was when my son was gone and my daughter had dashed so many of my hopes and I had more time for just God and me. Itruly envy the homeschoolers in general, oh well. I am going to my sleeping and praying place now.
  • aleenah

    hey there, I am ok but not my best. I am just stessed out about school and stuff. I haven't seen my boyfriend for 2 weeks or so but I am sure he is good. He is a happy man he will be 18 soon. But we are in love thats all we care about. On Feb 16 I am going to be 15. I am praying for you and your kids to get better. I added you on MSN messeger. my big sister (who is not saved by Christ) asked my mom about heaven today and she wants to go to church. So please pray that she will get saved when we go to church. I have been praying really for my unsaved sister and brother. tell me when you can chat. I am home all day tomrrmow so if you can chat get on MSN. God bless and take care. Love you in Christ
    sister Aleenah.
  • Nienie

    Hi my sis
    Yes everyday a new day, let us rejoice and be glad!!!!!!!
    Much love
  • Charlene

    Hey Paige!! Hope you are feeling above and beyond today :), everything is wonderful, God is just TOO GOOD, I am so unworthy but i thank Him so much for loving me anyway!!And i always keeping me, How are those sweet lil faces of yours? My two are just a joy lol and maybe a smidgen of a pain in the butt lol lol dont want to complain to much, lest i get a complaining spirit and God knows HE is wayyy too good for that!!!
  • Charlene

    Just saw your message!!:D Well Saturday we are supposed to visit my hubbys Puerto Rican side of the fmaily before they leave for Puerto Rico (how nice would it be to go with them huh? its cold and snowy in NY right now) and then sunday to my girlfriends church, this will be my 3rd sunday in attendance and i must say i am in love, tho i do miss my old church, the praise and worship, and also the annointing on this church is so annointed!!!I feel like I have so much to learn there and i love the ferverent way they worship our Lord, they are actually the church that i corproately fasted with, jsut truly an amazing church filled with ppl on FIRE for Christ!!!I just love being able to scream JESSSSSSSSSSSSUSSSSSS I LOVEEEE YOUUUUU at the top of my lungs so much freedom in that and to just have everyone on the same accord no one is lookin at you diffrently because they are worshipping the Lord its amazingg!!!otherwise we are mostly trapped in the house its too cold to really take the kids anywhere, tho somehow they manage to still find 1000 diffrent new things to get into everyday lol oh to be a kid again
  • empress

    Hi paige .Iam giving thanks to the lord in these trying times he has supplied all my need I have to give thanks and be grateful.I have a Healthy Son I have Still Have a Job in these Diffucult Ecomonic times.I Try To Keep my mind on the Lord And Postive things.My anxiety Is betterwhen I feel stress out its because I am not Taking Care Of myself and I am Puting Myself First.So I can be a better Mom and Daughter:) LoveYou paige. YOu are a beautiful person. I am glad I have you as a friend.God bless you!
  • Lauren

    hey girl sorry i haven't written back i read your message...i am about to do my math homework then psychology after that i will get back to u! just wanted to keep in touch!
  • felixpadua

    hello paige, how are you? if plans will push through, i'll be in utah this august. see you then. felix from the philippines
  • Magnolia

  • Kandy

    Hi Paige sweetheart,
    How have you been and how is your lovely family? I have missed you also. Wow its seems like you had a very busy but fun holiday. How has your mural painting comming along. You have a wonderful talent.
  • Charlene

    hey sis, just enjoying the Lords presence and keepin my joy and my hope in Him, He has been speaking to me and opening me up, and preparing me for bigger things i feel it, its almost electric at times and i truly feel i am along the right course, right now, how a bout you are how are the kids? mine are good running around here chasing eachother up and down the hallways lol, i love that they enjoy eachother so much
  • Theresa

    I am sure we can catch up sometime and chat. All is well with me and I owe it all to the Lord.
    I am so sorry that you have been feeling sick lately, these panic attacks got to go to hell where they belong.
    I try to listen to Joyce Meyer daily on TBN, I am blessed to be able to be home in the morning and hear the Word( I work at night) Joyce said one time that she was feeling depressed and sick and just louzy, all of the sudden the Lord spoke to her through this scriptures, He told her to open her mouth and speak the Word so she did by speaking the Word out loud:" no weapon that is formed against me will prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgement I shall condemn". She said that she confess this word all the time and especially when she is feeling down.
    Paige, I believe that there is power in the word of God and what comes out from our mouth is very important.
    I know that sometime I feel weak and sad and there is no reason, it comes out of nowhere, the truth is that we have an enemy and he loves to put us down. The way to go up is speak the word of God in faith. I encourage you to use this scripture above, start now and please let me know. I will be praying for you my sister and I hope to chat with you sometime. God bless you and yours.
  • Theresa

    Father God, we praise you and adore you, we place your name higher and above any other name and we declare Father God that you are the way the truth and the life and we can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthen us. Father God, I ask You to strengthen my sister Paige on the inside, to draw her to Your word and give her a scripture to hold on to all the time, please our God bless Paige and protect her from all evil, I plead the blood of Jesus over her, from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, lead her to give where You want her to give, cause her to pray and be sensitive to Your voice, cause her to hold on to Your Word and fight the good fight. Father God, thank you that You are paige's Father and You hold her in the palm of your hands and Your love for her will conquer her enemies. I bind the spirit that is behind these panic attacks and I rebuke it and command it to go to hell where it belongs, you spirit of fear go in the name of Jesus.
    God bless you Paige. Hope to hear from you again. I absolutely love you.
  • Kandy

    Hi Paige,

    How are you today. I think it would be awesome to chat with you to in real time. I have MSN also my messenger id is I feel your situation because I also get caught up in so much things that I have to do until it seems like I'm not spending enough time with him. I have made a promise to him to manage my time a bit better with his help. But try not to be to hard on yourself he knows your heart and he loves you.

    I'll talk to you later sweetheart
  • Christy Gabriel

    Hi dearest sister Paige Robertson
    We are all facing struggling daily that is fighting against the devil for Jesus coming is at hand. We keep praying for each other and hand in hand always in every situation. You are most welcome and God bless you abundantly always.

    With love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • cara

    oh sis,im doin ok at the minit,just resting in Gods love and peace and letting Him have His way with me.Its a struggle at times but i have faith,and believe in HIM!!!
  • Eric Johnson Jr.

    Praise the Lord. God bless you Paige Robertson and beautiful Family. Your art work is awesome! You are blessed! Praise God! Please bear with me as I share a little. It is because I see your eagle painting. But here we go. Yesterday I was pity party again as usual. Lord have mercy on me. But I ask my Lord; "Father, why don't people say Happy Birthday. You have used me here for a long time to give free clothes, food, money, a ride(taxi cab), and pray for many. I never asked for anyting in return because you said do not do that. Why can't these Apaches and non-Apaches at least say Happy Birthday. My family know this too. Even my ex-wife who divorced me last August. Why do they hate me? Don't they care? Father what do you say?" Then I looked up and saw small, medium, and large clouds appear and begin to dance. They sing Happy Birthday RIckee. Then I see clouds appear in front of the sun. They take the form of eagle's wings(cherubims and serreaphims). I hear greetings from the Father and Happy Birthday. Then I hear reach up and take the eagle's wings. Then I hear "Happy Birhtday my son." I cried and cried and stared to worship and praise and thank my Heavenly Holy Father! Glory be to God! Thank you Jesus! My Lord my God! God is good. I am a very blessd 53 year old Apache boy. Smile Jesus loves you. Philippians 3:13-14.
  • felixpadua

  • Theresa

    Hi Paige,
    How are are? The Lord put you on my heart today.

    Please let me know how everything is with you?
    I am trusting the Lord to perfect that which concerns you, He is able and more than able.
    I love you dearly and hope to chat with you sometime.
  • Desree

    Hello Paige,
    I'M writing back To you sweety ,well im ok alive thank god smile :)but im still taking one day at a time hon and its hard. but much prayers are still needed for us for jobs still and etc.

    ps sweety
    im not going to write all my needs here right now email me if u like @ and ill explain further. love your sister Desree v.
    have a blessed weekend. luv ya.
  • diane elizabeth ballou

    Dear Paige,
    It seems like I do not do my mail til like the last minute, but I have really been wantin g to suggest to you to focus on how GOG is going to solve your problem THROUGH you. You need not fight...Stand ...
    diane elizabeth
  • diane elizabeth ballou

    oh dear, I certainly meant GOD, not gog!!
    Sorry to Him and you.
  • Charlene

    yes maam, you got it :) hang in there, I want to encourage you with the factor that when trials come up that means the Lord is preparing us for the next level!!So all this strife and garbage you see coming up is the enemy trying to cause you chaos and shake you, but you will not be shaken, Our LORD is Mighty to save and you just keep that ole nobody under your feet and keep your eyes lifted towards the kingdom, Keep being gentle and loving and submissive to your husband and just show him all that Christ has shown you!!Imagine how hard it was for Jesus they spit in His face and He sd not one ill word against them, He suffered in silence, My JESUS thank YOU so much for your sacrifice!!For laying it all down!!Thru Him we are more than conquerors and you will come out of this victorious, Jesus has already claimed the victory for you, now you just have to accept it and operate under it, let no one shake you, dont let the physical define what you kno and thats that behind everything physical is something spiritual and your GOD is the LORD OF LORDS, the ALPHA AND OMEGA, The Beginning in the end, the final authority and He sd Child your bonds are loosed!!and In Jesus Christ name it shall be so!!YOu are in my prayers sis i love you
  • diane elizabeth ballou

    Dear Paige,
    There is alot I could say in reply and there are a lot of scripture passages I could refer you to, but I am going to continue praying instead and follow uo on something that just came to me in prayer, which is John 14.
    diane elizabeth
  • Magnolia

    Hi Paige,
    Thanks for checking in with me. I've been not feeling great and kind of laying low. But thank you for thinking of me. That means a lot to me. Take care and God Bless.
  • Theresa

    Dear sweet paige and I mean that from the bottom of my heart,
    I have 3 girls that are walking with the Lord and they never gave me a day of trouble, our God is faithful, my eldest is 19, then 17, and 12. I got saved when my older daughter was 4. sooo thankful and my husband is saved praise God.
    You know Paige, I really really believe that we will eat from the fruit of our lips and what I mean is that we get what we say whether is good or bad. I have been calling God"faithful" for 15 years now, anytime it gets tough and believe me it does, whether I am broken on the inside or not, God hears me calling Him"faithful". We all have our struggles and it is not easy at times, what helps me is to speak God's words over mine.
    I love this song we sing at the church and I have a cd at home and it goes like this: Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me. I encourage you my dearest friends to call God faithful and to find every scriptures about that. I love you Paige so much and I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Your paintings and your pictures are absolutely stunning, you are a lady of class. My oldest daughter is very artistic like you and she saw your works and she was amazed. Lord bless.
  • Grace4u2receive

    Hello, hope your doing well. I think I'm finally getting sick, sorry I haven't called you lately. I've been working out and working out spiritually with The Bible.

    About a year ago, you posted a discussion on, "The Secret" I'm doing a whole bunch of research and then going to open up a discussion around the end of February on the group site, "Be Ye Transformed." I don't know if you want to be apart of it, but your more than welcome too!
  • God'sgirl24

    hello Paige i am doing Okay. God will bring me through whatever. My kids are sick again. We are going on a trip in a few weeks and I am looking forward to that. love you sister!
  • Kandy

    Hi Paige,

    I believe we keep missing each other but I will be on tonight around 8ish. Wow its almost like we have the seem thoughts going through our mind. I also feel like God is sometimes dissapointed in me. But sweetheart I learn and am still learning that he is not. This is the seem for you also, he knew you before he called you he new your weakness and your strenght he knows the good points in our personalities and the not so good but he still love us and nothing we do is a surprise to him. You have a good obedient heart and he is proud of you. You have been a blessing to me through your words of encouragement and your passion and desire to serve him has had a tremendous impact on me and makes me desire and long to get even closer to him.

    He is working through you honey sometimes when you don't even think he is. Have blessed day sis.
  • Moomins

    Hey, I left you a voice message.....he he

    love ya girl

  • Theresa

    Father God, we both love You and adore You and exalt Your name above every name and we declare that every knee shall bow down to Jesus and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord, Father I bring Paige before You and plead the Blood of Jesus over her and the covenant between You and her that will never ever be broken and it will go on to her children and their children, Father , I ask You to put desire and love in Paige's kids hearts for You, bring godly people in their life as they get older, watch over their mind and hearts and bodies when they go to school, give them love for what is good and hate for what is evil, give them hearts that listen to their mom and dad and wisdom to choose You at a very early age, and never ever to backslide. Thank You Lord for working on Paige's husband and softening his heart, I ask You father to give Paige a scripture to hold on and when she is tempted to give up, remind her of Your word. God, I plead the blood of Jesus over Paige and I ask You Lord to protect her from the evil one, and thank you Lord that she is saved and her household to follow and that there is nothing is going to pluck them from your hands, father I ask you to bring this family together and closer than ever to each other and to you, give them good church where they can all be fed the good word, teach Paige how to fight the good fight and win, fill her with Your grace and mercy and love for the rest of her life, cause her to worship you and thank you Lord that her love for you is going to be passed on to her children for you are faithful and in Jesus name I pray.
  • Theresa

    I love you my dear friend and I bless you in the name of Jesus.
    You are welcome in my life, and I thank God for your kind words and prayers and encouragement.
    You are really an excellent artist, maybe one day we will meet. I can never draw anything but I love art. Amen.
  • Lauren

    hey i've been thinking about yoU! i've been meanign to write u back too! sorry i still haven't written you my story either yet! Just have 2 kids keeps me more than busy! That's cool u said u took computer graphics that's actually what i planned on going for! :) but about my story...long story short (i have to study for a test soon) i grew up not knowing God or fully believing, lived my life how i wanted to, made bad decisions for years, met my husband 6 months later got pregant and right before i found out i was pregnant we broke up (he thought i started acting different and been really mean....really i was prego and we didn't know lol) i quit partying so much stopped drinking smoking because i got so depressed after the break up and decided i'm not gonna run to drugs any more and turned to God, my friend i met through my husband (his best friend) was a strong christian at the time and gave me an old bible of his and i just started going to church and reading the bible and since then i became a believer, i got baptized when i was in my last trimester which was funny cuz i went to church during the week sometime which i didn't really do and they were having baptisms and i really felt God was telling me to go up and do it and i did. I've had lots of hiccups on the way but i am just trying to learn more and grow from my mistakes. ...Off the subject of that lol, sorry about your learning disability i think i have A.D.D soooo bad! it's sooooo hard for me to concentrate in school, i'll be struggling so hard on just trying to concentrate and that distracts me it sucks :( but I can't get a well payed job without experience or school so i decided to start school i want to give my kids a good life. It's hard right now, especially with the economy and we just had a BAD hurricane a few months ago (Hurricane Ike) if you saw that thing on the news it was HUGE!!!! a few of my inlaws lost their homes in it..but ours was ok thank God... ! :) anyways i will be on here later i gtg study now i get side track on here and myspace lol ttyl! good to hear from ya
  • Solange Helen Ebot

    Hey Paige, thanks for ur warm welcome. I hope to find all the inspiration i can get from this page.
    hope too hear from you more.
  • Nienie

    HEllo my dear and special sister!!
    I love it when my mail says Paige left a comment on your page, cant get fast enough to my page!!! I just love reading your messages and i know you were thinking of me and a smile is on my dial (lol)!!
    I can sense a bit confusions in your mind sis, and i sens a bit insecurity??? Talk to me!!
    Today I want you to pray for your sister, for i am a bit down:-(
    I moved from one place to another and thought that it was the best, and i received scripture and word form Father, but the enemy is like a roaring lion..... and what i though was the right thing doesnt seemed like one, for financially everything is not in place!! and i feel like I am not where i want to be!! Ah you know sis, i once had a dream when i was young and that was only to be a good wife and mother and dont need to worry about finances, (actually would like to always be a stay at home mom), but life stripped me from that privilege... i would love to be at home, live out all my passions in my heart, clean and decorate my home, serve the Lord, like my mom always said, i like to play house!,but all i have to do is try to make a living and live on a small amount of income and never have time for anything.... and i am trusting Father now for more than a year for a realization of my dream....but lately i have less time on my hands and my life is so hectic and in a rush!! Feels like i am not worth anything for at this age i have accomplish nothing except raising my beautiful children, but they lack a dad! i know you have a lot on your plate and your life seems so upside down, but please include me in your prayers for I feel like i am losing it myself and i wouldnt like to feel this way for God is so good to us is so many ways!!!

    Ah now i better stop moaning and start rejoicing hey, for i am having my childen and wonderful friends and family so i must not complain, but thanks for listening and praying for me
    Thank you for being there for me!!
    Love you
  • Jean

    Hi Ate Paige,
    How are u doing?Im always doing great...hehehe..Im so busy with my work,but believe me Im thinking of you and praying for everyone here.
    Last Saturday,there was a flood here in Dumaguete,many people lost their lives and homes...
    Pls pray for Dumaguete..
  • Carla

    oh my gosh..That Isaiah verse is coming up for me everywhere.. It is my life verse.. God must think I needed to hear it again. :)

    Thank you so much..I will read the book of Habakkuk once the kids are asleep.

    I can't read to them to night because I have larengytis......It's amazing though, since I can't talk I have to whisper.. They are tripping over themselves to please me...they are listening to me without me having to repeat myself...Praise God! I'm gonna remember this when I get my voice back! no matter speak so others will listen..softly and gently!

    Lots of Love.. Stand Strong. It doesn't matter what we are going through.. God is bigger than any of it! Let me know what you need prayer for.. okay!

    If you think of it, you could pray for Joshua..he is going through a rebellion of disobedience (tonight he has been great)

    Blessings, Carla
  • mamapleaseloveme

    Dearest Paige
    Thank you for sharing your story we are so blessed.
    We come to you today in the name of Jesus our precious Lord and Savior, how are you doing? We thank you from the depths of our hearts for your most welcomed comment, just mere words alone cannot fully convey to you how much our hearts are so touched by your words. Personally I can truly feel and identify with your desire to be loved by your Mother. Although by the grace of God, He has brought me inner healing and deliverance from the pain of abuse and rejection by my mother, as well as other family members, but continued fervent prayers and desperate cry’s before the Lord was to be loved by my mother…oh how much I craved for her love even if only she would just give me a Hug.

    The Holy Spirit lead me to write the book about my life to minister to others who are hurting from such abuses; it is He who gave me the title of the book so many years ago, and even at that time I put my testimony on cassette tapes.

    The book tells more about my life in which so many people are being delivered and set free… Oh! Sister Paige we will stand in prayer with you that you will receive that precious love from your mother that God has blessed, But! If you don’t, please continue to love her, pray for her and reach out to show the love of God to others who need to hear and feel God’s love within you and also give them a godly Hug too.

    My mother is still living, she is in her later 80’s and to this day she has not changed. I cannot say for certain she will change before she dies or that she will love me, but I must continue to move forward in the name of Christ to show his love by reaching out to those who are hurting.

    One of the greatest blessings of my life is becoming a child of God in my youth to see and feel His amazing power move in my life against all odds that were against me…so much evil, hatred, sexual, mental, verbal and physical abuse. I also encountered from one particular brother (who was my mother’s favorite son she worshipped him,) he committed so many ungodly diabolic attacks upon so many people, even upon myself when I was 16 years old…he hit me in my head that cracked my skull…the Doctor said that I would have seizures and possibly other brain damage, and it’s ONLY!! by the grace of Almighty God that the Lord kept me, I did not suffer any brain damage whatsoever or had to take any medications. Thank you Jesus!.
    The more evil and hatred my family did against me the more of God’s precious Love and Compassion He indwelt within me to continue to love my family and pray for them. And it is only by the power of God’s awesome love He shed abroad in my heart that I am able to love them…I am so grateful to God to be used by Him to minister to others who are going through abuse, being unloved, evil, pain, those who are hurting, broken hearted, wounded in spirit, and rejected…for His glory and honor.

    Sister Paige, stay encouraged in the Lord? Please know that you are not! alone in your pain, God is leading others in our lives who are going through such abuses for us to reach out and minister to. I am so amazed to hear from so many adults who are encountering such rejections and abuses from their parents too; God will answer your prayer one way or the other. He will bring you total and complete healing into your life in His time.

    I encourage you to please visit our website ( and read a portion of my story, I truly believe if you get the book and read the whole story about my life, that you will be blessed and ministered and bring healing too just as others have.

    I also encourage you to check out what others all over the world have written to us (on our website) about their lives and see the replies from those who have read the book, and how their lives have been blessed and changed. And also my story reveals to those who have loving and caring parents who have taken their lives for granted, realized just how blessed they are to have parents and families who loves them, and return love and appreciation for them also. How they recognize just how special and important it is to have a loving family and friends.

    We love you in Christ
    Pastor Ford & Sister Cotia
  • mamapleaseloveme

    Sister Paige you have a beautiful family your blessed to have such a gift being an Artist the pictures you have shown are lovely. May God continue to bless you and family and the work that you do being an Artist and serving him.
    Love in Christ
    Sister Cotia
  • Kristina

    Hi, thank you so much for talking with me. I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to getting to know you more and encourging each other.
  • Kristina

    By the way your family is beautiful and so is your art.
  • Kandy

    Hi Sweetheart,

    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed our conversation, you're awesome and it was very encouraging and uplifting sharing thoughts and fellowshiping with you. Keep trusting in him and know that he is smiling down on you.
  • Dawn

    Thank you Paige - I have requested to join the Womens Group. I want so much to get tied in with other Godly women. I love your page - it is beautiful and your song on this site is one of my favorites....... I hope to be in contact with you often.

    Thanks again
  • Dawn

    I love your art, but you probably hear that alot huh?! I do work. I am a manager of a convience store. I enjoy it. God gave me this job it kept me from going out and shooting myself! I am struggling with some things right now so.....I have been suicidal, not sure it that is right but anyway, for most of my life since I was quite young. My only Godly being in my life was my grandmother, which I have thank God for every day of my life. She was my more my mom than my own mother was. I have not had a very good life. I dont feel it is a "good thing" for me anyways, that I am still alive. I look forward to leaving this life and going home to be with my Lord. But for other people I guess it is a good thing I am here. God has given me the ability to encourage and bring a smile to peoples faces even when they are not smiling to begin with. I enjoy that gift. God has blessed me with two incredible children. One is going to be 20 soon and the other will be turning 13 next month. They are very much a blessing to me. They have given me more than I have given them! I am 39 and not involved with anyone and have no desire to become involved. I am sorry if I sound soooo negative.....there is still much healing that the Lord needs to do in me. I would to become friends. I actually think the lack of a "good, stable" family is why I turned to Christ so young, and ofcourse my Grandmothers prayers for me! I am not usually so negative........God has done much healing in me since last May but there is still soooo much more to go....I am glad he doesnt get overwhelmed!!

    I was raised on the coast of California my whole life. I left when I was 21 and moved to Oregon. I like the beaches here much better but now they are 3 hours west of me! oh well I replaced beaches with mountains and lakes which is great with me!!!

    I really appreciated you comment - Thank you!