

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
Trinidad and Tobago
I'm here to...
fulfill God's will
My interests are focused on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church - the Body of Christ, loving God's people, the salvation of souls everywhere, and ministering to the needy and the poor.
I'm passionate about...
I am passionate in sharing the mission and anointing of Christ in His Body on earth as He declared in Luke 4:18-19: "The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; because of this He has anointed Me to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and new sight to the blind, to set at liberty those having been crushed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
My story with God
From a sinner dead in sin and trespasses in rebellion against God, I was born again of the Spirit of God to be an offspring or son of God, and a member of the Body of Christ. Therein, the Lord called me and ordained me according to His own will and by His grace to be a minister of the new covenant of grace and the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

The rest of the story of my life is guided by this Scripture passage in 2 Corinthians 3:4-6: "And we have such trust through Christ toward God, not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God; who also has made us able ministers of the new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive."
Other stuff about me:
I want to be a blessing to you through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Comment Wall:

  • Nienie

    Glad you joined our wonderful internet family, sharing the love of Christ, learning and growing in your spiritual life.And as a bonus making wonderful friends.

    May you experience a wonderful fellowship and growth with all the others by joining in the groups and forums and share the love of Christ.
    Blessings Nienie
  • Pastor Bob B

    Greetings in the Lord! This is Bob, one of TheNET Moderators. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

    I have included some links to help you navigate around the site. You may want to check out the Footprints group, the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ, and Miracle Grow to help you get closer to God every day.

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to getting to know you.

    In the love of Jesus.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I love the words to this song from the new Christian movie called Fire Proof.
    Be Blessed
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Leonard T

    Welcome to AAG. We want your experience here to be positive and uplifting. There are a couple of things that can help you maximize your experience.

    Forums and Blogs: Forums are for asking questions and for sharing a response to a question someone has posted. This is a great opportunity for “iron to sharpen iron.” Blogs are for posting an opinion, view or specific message regarding a subject.

    Making New Friends: You will make many new friends here on AAG. Some will send a friend invite to you. You have the choice to accept or decline. When an invite has been sent to you the “My Friends” the upper right box on your home page will be followed by the word “New”.” Simply click on the icon and make your choice. To invite someone to be your friend you simply need to go to their home page and click on “add as friend” under their personal photo. Once someone is your friend you will be able to email each of your friends on AAG. You can also leave a message on someone personal page, but note that everyone will be able to read what you leave there.

    IMs: You can IM anyone who is on line by clicking on their picture located at the upper right part of the page.

    Chat Room: There is a chat room located near the top of the AAG main page. It is a great place to get to know people better.

    Videos: You can also upload Christian videos on the AAG main page or watch them. They are located down the left side of the main page.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask. We are here to serve you to the best of our abilities.

    We are glad you are here,
    Volunteer Forums Moderator
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for the encouraging comment brother. We need to always remember that God will never leave or forsake us. For this we can be secure praise God.
    In the love of jesus
  • kathleen aldea

    the world 2
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Rivers Of Living Waters


  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for your word of encouragement. It is a great reminder of the wonderful God that we are in union with. I thank God. For His continual faithfulness to keep all His promices.
    Brother you have an excellent spirit and I can tell by your words that you are a true Christ follower. May God bless you with all that you need to do all that is in your heart. May you be led forth with great joy and may the peace that passes all understanding keep your heart and mind in christ Jesus our Lord.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Brother, I am so glad you are blessed by the graphics i send. Some times a picture can say more than a hundred word. Gods great blessing be with you always my friend.

    In the love of Jesus
  • Derek Hill

    I am amazed, I just left the prayer room where I left a comment about the Headship of Christ, and I find that you have said the very same thing in your comment you left on my own page.

    So the Lord is really impressing this upon me most strongly.
    So God Bless you my Brother, many thanks in the Lord Jesus.

  • Dr. Cheryl Durham

    If you would like me to add you to my Weekly Bible Study list, let me know...email me and give me some info on your ministry
  • Duncan Namu

    Thank you brother and may the Lord greatly bless you.
  • Derek Hill

    I am truly blessed to be your friend, Lord keep stirring us by your Spirit to see your Church rise up in life and power as we each hold fast to You our Head, from whom the whole body is nurtured and grows up into Him, and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
  • Dr. Cheryl Durham

    you are welcome to paste the podcast onto your sites...or feed the blog onto it for those who need it. We do not charge for those things. The blog feed is abovenbeyonddiscipleship.wordpress.com/feeds and the podcast feed is www.gcast.com/u/chaplydia/main.xlm
  • Derek Hill

    thanks for the text and encouragement today. Have been wondering what to say over the last day or two. I remember your question, had you said too much? I think it was in your comment in the prayer room.
    It seems a good idea to restrict ourselves a bit here in the comments. I think what happens is, if there is a large comment, especially with lots of texts from Scripture, they may tend to be skimmed over. The reason being that it is just too much to take in all at once.
    I would like to ask you to look at a comment I left on Dec 15 on Rev Darrell Gene Motal's page. I wrote there a more detailed description of what has happened with me over the last 20 years and one or two of the lessons I have learned. I don't know if you will agree with what I have said, or how you see it yourself. But if you want to comment I would appreciate that.
    I took a look at your website, and read one of your messages there on the Gospel of the Kingdom. And I hope to visit again.
    What I find at the moment is a wonderful new encouragement from the Lord through your prayers and friendship. My fellowship here has become dry.
    I also find the Lord challenging me on two fronts:
    1) to get deeper into Him so that He can dig deeper into me to change the things that need changing.
    2) to wait on Him for a growth in my faith for His work in others.
    You have been a direct challenge to me on the second point. When I read your prayer for Joe in the prayer room I blessed the Lord and stood with you in prayer for him. I am sure there is much that I can learn from you in this area.
    So God bless you today my brother in Jesus' Name

  • Derek Hill

    Your return comment was a real blessing to me. Thankyou in the Lord. I see that the Lord has blessed you in a really big way in this.
    You have grasped a very real truth which is not easy to understand, ministers may minister, we may make our own efforts, but it is God who works in us to will and to do of his good pleasure. I think the analogy of the plant is useful [Paul uses it in 1 Corinthians] because it emphasizes how utterly helpless we are in doing anything to please God unless God first works it in us. Come to think of it, Jesus used the growth of the plant in one of His parables. And in other's He used plants and seeds several times.
    On the other hand, I am not just a plant. God has given me an independent nature, so that I can respond to Him in love. Without free will there cannot be love only a robotic sort of existence. And it is this learning to be utterly dependent on God for everything that is such a difficult lesson to learn.
    One way I look at it is to think of it as a relationship of love.
    In love songs they sometimes sing of the loved one becoming the whole world to them, and the only reason they exist. And so on. These are doubtless real feelings that are being expressed. However, a human being is limited, frail, and will die. So these feelings will be disappointed sooner or later. Though it is lovely to meet someone who can still say with joy after the death of their loved one that they are grateful for all the love they enjoyed while married.

    But what I want to develop from this is that this human love is a faint shadow of the love we know in God. His love fills our whole horizon, and He truly is everything to us, even beyond all we can think or imagine. And it is here that I find that I need to exercise myself. To consciously spend time in His glorious presence, bask in His love and grace and admire His majestic glory and holiness, His justice and righteousness. And to know Him as my Lover, my King and my God whose love far exceeds any human love.
    What I find God challenging me with from time to time is making me see how really dependent I am upon Him.
    I wonder if I can interject here my own personal difficulty in this: I grew up in a dysfunctional family where love was in short supply and the love we did receive was diminished by over emphasis on materialism and sensuality.
    Discipline was so harsh that it was really abuse and damaged me as a person in my own right. So I grew up, like my parents, with a fierce, defensive independence, but inwardly full of anxiety, fear and anger.
    I think it is partly due to this that I find trust difficult, and dependence also. Though would also add that this is sinful human nature. Lets not forget, mankind wants to be independent from God by choice. It is too painful to be exposed to the holiness of God and see our sins in the light of His countenance.
    I want to say again, how blessed I am to feel your own trust in God. My brother, I can learn so much from you.
    I must stop now, there are things to do.

    In His great love, and wishing you a very blessed Christmas.

  • Pastor Bob B

    Your message Brother reminded me of a great worship song. Let the River Flow. The words are so powerful and true. God's river flows from the throne into our hearts and then into the world. My prayer for you is that in the coming year that God's river will flow through through you in great power bring many the refreshment that comes when God sets a soul free. In the love of Jesus
  • Derek Hill

    Hi my brother,
    Have spent a long time over in witnessing helping Paige with the problem of witnessing about the divinity of Christ to JWs and others who deny this. So I don't have much time left. However, I received your comment with you sharing about your family and their troubles I just felt I wanted to reply.
    One of the things that I want to do now in my life is, after the disasters in my life, is to witness to the wonderful grace of God that has restored me. There is nothing that God cannot heal and restore by His grace.

    So my prayers will now include your son and his family.

    But I need to tell you what is happening to me. Since you shared with me about your own experience of learning to rest in God, I have found that the image of the plant has stayed with me. I find myself basking in the light of the Lord's presence and just absorbing His blessing. Learning to just rest.

    Several passages have come to mind

    Psalm 92.12--15 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, "The LORD is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in Him."

    Another passage: Jesus said, unless you become as little children you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
    And this says much the same thing to me. A little child is completely dependent. Jesus is saying, learn to depend entirely on your Heavenly Father and upon me and you will find the Kingdom of God in your life.

    A little child is also completely trusting. I read the other day that they have found in a survey that the little children that were asked the question all believe in God. So like a little child I can learn to rest in the arms of my God and Father.

    And this lead me to meditating on faith. Jesus looks for faith as small as a mustard seed. He looks for our trust and I am sure is delighted when He sees it growing in us.

    Must go, God bless you today my brother,
  • Rivers Of Living Waters

  • Derek Hill

    My Dear Brother,
    Thankyou for your last comment. I am blessed with your remembrance of John 15 and Jesus' words on the vine and us the branches.
    I find the Lord really bringing home to me this truth of resting in Him. Each day something new opens up on the same theme.
    I have remembered a time earlier in the year when I was greatly blessed by watching Todd Bentley on God TV. Then I was greatly surprised when the Lord very strictly told me to sit down and be quiet. To be absolutely still. Took me a while to accept it but when I did I found the Lord starting to minister to me in wonderful quiet blessing and the whole room filled with the presence of the Lord.
    I have remembered this because what is happening to me now is a move on from there. Now He wants to fill in some blanks in my understanding of how He wants to work within me, and what He wants to do with me.

    It has become such a blessing each day that I am have to write it down so that I don't forget it.

    Sat 27th Psalm 1 "Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night. he is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ... For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, ..."

    Sunday 28th Resting in the truth that in the Lord tomorrow is going to be just as good as today. This may seem strange to you, but for me it has been a real heart revelation. I trust in the Lord for salvation now. I am justified by faith. I know that I have a place in heaven in Christ. I rejoice in Him and His blessings now. But I had never thought of it in the way that I have come to see now. If God is blessing me today, will He stop blessing me tomorrow? Of course not! Tomorrow there will be new work, new challenges, new experiences, a further walking in relationship with my Saviour, in revelation from His word, further growth, more fruit, why? Because I am a planting of the Lord in His house which He tends and nurtures, and which basks in the sunshine of His presence, drinks in water from the streams which come from under the throne of God, and feeds on the true food which God gives.

    The Lord bless you today, together with your family, providing for all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus,

    In His love

  • Dave

    Thank you for your welcome. I look forward growing in Christ with you and this group. I pray that I will be able to add to and enrich others as much as I know I will learn from you all.
  • Alet

    Thank you dear brother in Jesus. Bless you.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Lucas Barrows

    Dear All,

    I Lucas Barrows fellow AAG.NETworker would love to say, God bless you all for 2009 and I pray that all of your Ministries and Missions go off well in the eyes of our Great King Jesus.

    I love you all my family in Christ
    God bless.
    Lucas Barrows HPA – Hoxton Park Anglican.

    Christian Myspace Layouts

    Christian Myspace Layouts
  • Allan Knight

    Thank you for your kind welcome. I am so thrilled to be messaging with people from around the world, all through this connection with Christ. I feel that finding this medium is yet another blessing that has come to me since my salvation. I am hungry for knowledge of God and this will become another source for my spiritual growth.
  • aleenah

    hey I am good. How are you? God has pull me out of the hole that I was in. I am doing better. thank you so much for the prayers. God bless you love in Christ Aleenah.
  • Theresa

    God bless you too and remember that God loves you so much!
  • TERE

    thank you very much...its refreshing to be so embraced...I hope that making connections with people who believe as i do will help me be the best believer I can possibly be...I hope you has as wonderful a day as I did...but I hope God allows tomorrow to be better....xoxoxox
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thank you for your prayers brother. Yes I also pray that the light of life in Christ Jesus will shine out of our live. Light always overcomes the darkness and we can be sure that the light will show others the path to life. Praise God that we have the been given such a wonderful salvation and that we have the Holy Spirit as the seal that it is truly ours. My hope and prayer for you is that in all things and at all times you will have all that you need to be the man of God that you have been called to be, a ambasitor for Jesus Christ.

    In the love of Jesus

  • Dr. Ramona L Hyman

    Indeed, and I shall pray for you also. Continue to be used by God.

  • kathleen aldea

  • Wally

    Thank your for your invitation and prayers. The spiritual renewal in my life has been a long time coming and it is good to know there are people praying for me. I have been seeing a Christian counselor for about 5 months and he has been helping me understand the grace God freely gives. It is hard to believe that in 50 years I never understood this gift. I have burdened myself with guilt and doubts for years over sin from my teens and early 20's which let to doubts about God and his forgiveness. This self hate and doubt has let to more sin and trouble during my life as well as negatively effecting my marriage. Through counseling I am coming to accept this Grace, accept God's forgiveness and forgive myself, though I still go through times of doubt and and wonder how God can love me after all the hurt I have caused him and others. Thank you for your prayer. Grace and Peace to you through our Lord Jesus. Wally
  • Jesse James

    Hi Brother,
    Thank you for your response. It is always good to contact brothers and sisters that you have never met in the physical. It is very hard to meet everyone since the family is so large and spread out all over the world.
  • Jesse James

    Glad to hear from you. I believe that there is a real need for the body of Christ to take a stand in being a real voice in this world.
    I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where abouts are you from? It has been cold here for a few days, but today it is -13Celcius, and it feels warm now.
  • Sandie

    you know being a friend to the unseen and knowing takes a lot of courage and grace of the Lord Jesus! Thank you for being here at that right time and place of my life Bless you!
  • Tina

    Hello Poemia, Thank you for the message, I am looking forward to this group.
  • Sandie

    I know that the Lord has guided me in directions to keep his word. When I am down and not feeling so good he definitely lets me know
  • sabrina spears

  • Jennifer Valerie

    Thanks for the compliment on how my page looks.
  • Lee

    Thanks a lot my dear.
  • Kabula

    Shalom, am so happy to join this wonderful group of people of God.
    Dar es salaam is hot and sunny. I am worshiping at Tanzania Assemblies of God - Magomeni All Nation Christian Centre. I believe that my spritual life will be lifted up through this site. lets come together and pray hard so that the annointment of God may touch every soul of believers worldwide, the anointment of God will lead believers to endless prayers, through prayers am sure we can touch the whole world. Be blessed brother.
  • Alet

    I am well my dear brother PoemiaDei. The Lord is blessing me so abundantly with this site - I´m growing daily by reading and taking in all the truths I find in your comments, and those of all our dear friends on here. Thank you for your prayers, I sincerely appreciate that. I am aware and am experiencing the powerful results of your prayers - please continue with that! God bless you! I now pray for you and all the precious souls on this program. With love in my Lord Jesus
  • aleenah

    hey how are you? I just wanted to thank you for your comment. I really enjoy working for the Lord. and its the blessing to know that poeple are blessed by my minstry. God bless you. have a blessing weekend. love you in Christ.
    sister Aleenah.
  • Tina