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I'm here to...
Build a strong online community of believers to help me in times of need with my Christian walk...
fitness, health, nutrition, *FASHION...I know...but its true*, art, music, COOKING, BAKING, reading and writing, helping others
I'm passionate about...
Singing, cooking and baking....and fashion....hahahaa
My story with God
It's been a rocky one...off and on for 30 years...but its on now...it is so ON....
Other stuff about me:
I'm a really cool person, and even when deep in sin, I have tried to place values on helping others as Jesus would...now that I have re-committed my life, I can see areas and reasons why I let God go...its not something that you are aware of...the wrong person here...the wrong scene there...and you are back to a lifestyle that is far different from the one that you WANT to be living...so you look for reasons to try to get back there because you know in your heart that you should...but, somehow, you never truly make it, or if you do, your root is not allowed to sink in and then you're swept off again and back in the same situation...a sheep amidst wolves is a very lonely place...safety is definitely in numbers...

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  • PoiemaDei

    Welcome, Tere, to the Prayer Room. I thank God for the usefulness of the experiences you have been through in helping others become established in the Lord. Let us pray one for another. God bless you.
  • Julia - Woman's Group Leader

    You're invited to join the group "For Women Only." Stop in to ask questions, give feedback, and receive support from other women. Click Groups in the top nav bar and then "For Women Only." Then click to join the group. I hope you enjoy this network! ~Julia
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href="http://bit.ly/dg4vGg">http://bit.ly/dg4vGg</a>