Angela Warren

59, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
unemployed, disabled
I'm here to...
fellowship, find friends
reading andgetting online
I'm passionate about...
My story with God
I was raised in church from a very young age and came to know christ as saviour at a young age and I love Jesus very much
Other stuff about me:
I love animals. they are my passion. have about 40 dogs. we breed and sell dogs. I love dogs

Comment Wall:

  • Carla

    Hi Angela,

    Greetings and Blessings! This is Carla, one of TheNET moderators here. Welcome to this wonderful family of Jesus followers! We're glad you are here.

    I have included a link to help you navigate around the site. . Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ. Please be encouraged to check it out

    Please also be encouraged to personalize your page by adding music, photos and videos. This is your personal space, made by you, for Him!

    Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

    I look forward to getting to know you.
    God Bless!
    Carla/NET moderator
  • Nienie

    HI Angela
    Wow 40 dogs, how on earth do you cope with all!!! But my daughter will like to chat with you for she is fond of animals and believe they've got rights!
    Glad to have you as part of our internet family, enjoy the fellowship.
    Blessings Nienie
  • Dale Fletcher

    Welcome to the Health and Healing group Angela.

    Anything in particular you'd like to see us address?

    Happy 4th of July!

  • Kayode Yinka Olufemi

  • kathleen aldea

    I asked God…

    I asked God to take away my pain
    God said, No
    -it is not for me to take away,
    But for you to give up.
    I asked God to make my handicapped child whole
    God said, No
    -Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary.
    I asked God to grant me patience
    God said, No
    -patience is a by-product of tribulations,
    It isn’t granted, it is earned.
    I asked God to give me happiness
    God said, No
    -I give you blessings, happiness is up to you.
    I asked God to make my spirit grow
    God said, No
    -you must grow on your own
    but I will prune you to make you fruitful.
    I asked for all things that I might enjoy life
    God said, No
    -I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things
    I asked God to helped me LOVE others,
    as much as He loves me
    God said…..
    Ahhh, finally you have the idea.

    God loves You!
  • melanny manuputty

    hi how are you May God Bless you

    greetings in jesus name my dear sister

    wow that's excellent 40 dogs , i went to the pet shop on wednesday to buy a puppy for my daughter aand gosh i tell those are very expensive they wanted R2900.00 just for one pup.pleasure is all mines to accept you as a friend,may you feel blessed and encouraged as all of us has been here in this wonderful net ,thank you for inviting me.

    god bless
  • kathleen aldea

    One Step At A Time

    One step at a time is the best way to go
    When going through life and traveling in the direction of your dreams
    The best way to get ahead is the simpliest way:
    Take one step at a time
    Don’t look over your shoulder
    If you do, you’ll feel the weight of all your yesterdays upon you
    And don’t worry about what lies ahead
    By the time you get to the bend in the road or the crest of the hill
    You’re going to be better and stronger than you ever were before
    Just go one step at a time
    One day at a time
    And you’ll find a rich, thankful life you never thought you could afford….
  • Chiranjib Chatterjee

    This is Mr. Chiranjib Chatterjee from India. I am working in Campus crusade for Christ as a full time worker from June 1999. I love to serve God and help the needy.
    I would like to be your friend.
    Please reply soon.
    Ending with love and prayer.
    Yours in Him
  • nirmal

    Dear Sister Angela

    Greetings from India

    I am Bless to know about you and to have you as a friend in Christ Jesus
    my prayer is that we would build a friendship that would be of good value and encouraging for us in our daily walk with Christ.

    Have you been to India ? which church you attend back home

    Past 14 years I was with Ywam but God has led on my heart burden for my own people right now Iam in church planting ministry reaching to the unreached in our state of maharashtra its difficult but God is at work we have house churches called King of kings fellowship it’s a non-dinomination faith ministry but by Gods grace its growing

    If you like I will let you know more about the ministry later

    Iam looking forward to hear from you and what God is doing in your life

    May God bless you

    Nirmal India
  • Chiranjib Chatterjee

    Dear Friend,
    Greetings in His holy name!
    Thank you for your reply. I am staying in North-east part of India. My home town is Siliguri. In my family 4 members. I myself, my wife(Runa), my daughter(Lidia) and my daddy(Anil). All of them are believers. My daddy accepted Christ, when he was 62 years from Hindu back ground. I accepted Christ at the age of 18. As we changed from Hindu to Christian, our uncle and other relatives hate us and neglect us. I have joined in Campus Crusade for Christ in June 1999.
    Our place is close to Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh border. Our organisation Campus Crusade for Christ is also working in Bhutan with so many risk factor.
    In your place, Campus Crusade have any activity or not?
    Last Saturday (26/7/08) I went to Jalpaiguri (45 Kms from Siliguri) for field ministry. We taught some small songs to a children of Red Light Area (Prostitute's area), apart from that area we taught some general informations about Jesus Christ with small group of children in 4 different places.
    Rest is fine. Hope to get your early reply.Please write about your life and ministry.
    Ending with love and best wishes.
    Your friend
  • Ashley


    greetings in jesus mighty name my dear sister

    thank you for your words of encouragements,i went to visit my wife today and she has got this attitude towards me almost every weekend and when it suits her to talk to me nicely she does and when ever she needs some things to be done for her the first person she phones is me eg like going to the library,she talks to me nicely,i feel like i am wanted but not needed and whenever she is around her mother she gets this arrogant way of talking to me,she just starts shouting at me for no apparent reason. well i pray and hope that you have had a very blessed day filled with the love of god.please pray for me as my court case is on wednesday

    god bless

    greetings in jesus name my dear sister

    just recieved an email and i thought that i should share it with you

    It Is Hard For A Prodigal When -

    Nothing I say or do seems to shock or upset you.

    "I forgive you" is uttered as often as my name.

    "Don't worry about it" is your answer to everything I have done.

    You let me talk about you-know-who and you just smile.

    I see you growing spiritually when I am living in sin.

    You build me up to our kids so they still love me.

    You have zipped your lips.

    You are content living with almost nothing.

    You agree to anything and everything I ask.

    You depend on Jesus, and not on me, to be your provider.

    I can't push your buttons like I once did.

    You make it impossible for me to hate you, or even to dislike you.

    You seem to remember all the things I like.

    You remind me that you will be waiting until you die.

    I know the home I left could always be my refuge from the storms
    of life.

    I suspect everyone is reminding you how I will never change, and
    adding how old dogs don't learn new tricks. I am not a dog and I
    am not out to learn tricks. I set out to be happy without you,
    but every time you show me unconditional love, instead of anger
    and attempting to get even, something is being changed in my
    heart, one small bit at a time.

    People are also probably telling you not to be a doormat for me,
    but they have it all wrong. You are not being a door mat, but a
    welcome home mat.

    The prodigal said:
    "I never loved you."
    The Lord said:
    "I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)

    The prodigal said:
    "You never satisfied me."
    The Lord said:
    "You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living
    thing." (Psalm 145:16)

    The prodigal said:
    "I am never coming back."
    The Lord said:
    "He who goes out weeping carrying seed to sow, will return
    with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him." (Psalm 126:6)

    The prodigal said:
    "Stop praying for me!"
    The Lord said:
    "Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat
    you." (Luke 6:28)

    The prodigal said:
    "I hate you."
    The Lord said:
    "Everyone who does evil hates the light for fear that his
    deeds will be exposed." (John 3:20)

    The prodigal said:
    "You act so holy."
    The Lord said:
    "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy
    life." (I Thessanlonians 4:7)

    The prodigal said:
    "You are a hypocrite."
    The Lord said:
    "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." (Matthew 7:1)

    The prodigal said:
    "I don't know what to do."
    The Lord said:
    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, and I will make you fishers
    of men." (Mark 1:17)

    These words are being written at 6 AM. Charlyne will find them
    on her vanity as a good morning greeting. How do I know all
    those things wayward spouses say? Sadly, they have each been
    uttered in our home. Today, as you prepare to face another day
    without your spouse serving the Lord look through the eyes of
    faith at the morning note your mate will leave you, in God's

    Because He lives,I can also live

    God bless