AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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I'm here to...
Administrate TheNET
Writing articles and FAQ's for TheNET
I'm passionate about...
Administrating TheNET

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  • David

  • journeyman

    Hello Greg,
    Thanks for the info. Much appreciated!
    keep up the Good work.
    May God Bless you
  • Sarah78

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks, its good to be back even though I was only gone for a few days lol....

    God Bless you,

  • GraceCharm

  • Pastor Bob B

  • The Shearer.

    Hi,Greg,my youngest daughter Emily 8,has asked me if she could become a member of AAG.net.I think it would be wonderful if she could but I and other members of the family are concerned if it would be safe to do so,with the world being as it is you have to be ever mindful of hidden dangers that is one reason why I made a prayer up for AAG.net,see my blog.Emily won't have an E-mail adress so that is something we won't have to worry about and I am sure you would be hard pressed to find a more loving site than AAG.net .If she wants to start somewhere this is where I would like her to be,what do you think, kind regards and Gods speed ,Andrew.
  • Mandy

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Pastor Bob B

  • Mandy

    Hello dear friend; thanks for stopping in on my page and saying hello. I have been incredibley busy latley and had little time to spend here. But the Lord is blessing me. Fri night I volunteered for Compassion Int. at Michael W. Smith concert in Houston. We achieved allot of sponsorships for children in desperate need. They showed a film before the show of Michael in Africa; that showed the worst slums of Africa. People literaly had to build there huts right up against other huts due to over population. Sanitation is terrible. No plumbing or running water, no electricity. A family is lucky to get enough food to get by on. They said they average in one week, about how much one American eats in one meal! Of course no health care or education.
    I have been sponsoring two children from there that are orphans due to AIDS epidemic. I am involved in their HIV/AIDS program. I am appling for their Level I Advocate position. It is a volunteer position; however they require an application, references and two interviews. If accepted you go through training. Since this is a Christ centered organization, they require their applicants to be Christ centered. They send you to many christian educational classes to train you as an Advocate.
    I have not begun my application process though; I have a child coming from Dallas who needs to come to Houston to recieve treatment from MD Anderson cancer institute. They come from my brother-in-laws church; and they don't know anyone in Houston. You can visit her at CaringBridge and lift up a prayer request. Her name is Laurren Smith.
    Many blessings to you, take care my dear christian friend.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Nancy Mazzei

  • Yoel charan

    Hello brother Greg, Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ. How are you? My comment is not appearing on brother ron's page.I saw one message that it must be approved.Why this message came? Please make it clear. God bless you. yoel charan
  • Pastor Bob B

    Love your new picture!
  • Carla

    Nice Pic! Very fun!
  • Phebe

    Thanks for responding Greg. It worked as it should.
    Your passion and mine are the same in that, we both want to see someone come to know Jesus Christ by the testimony of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Every day I pray: "Lord, lead me to someone today that I might tell about You". And when there is a prompting fo the Holy Spirit to talk to someone it's best to DO IT! I share with you an incident that happened just a little over a year ago. On May 27, 2007 our beloved son went home to be with Jesus. And while we were away making plans for the funeral a young man who went to school with our sons called to locate our other son. So, I called him and told him to come over and visit and I would get hold our son and let him know that Dana was trying to reach him. During our visit I learned that this young man was a recovering alcholic and had spent a few years in prison for (I believe killing a woman while driving drunk). To make a long story short I talked to him about his eternal destination and when I asked him if he knew where he would go if he were to die today. He responded, "Oh no, I sin every day" to which I told him that he was in good company. I told him that he could know forgiveness and know that he was going to heaven when he died all he had to do was ask Jesus into his heart and ask for forgiveness. Which he did. My husband and I both rejoiced at the goodness of the Lord. And exactly two weeks to the day my husband picked up the news paper and said "honey, Dana is dead". Oh, I'm so greatful to my Father that I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit. His mom said that he was dead before he even hit the ground of a massive heart attack. Only 46 yrs old. I tell you all that to say, don't credit me for anything for had it not been for the Holy Spirit prompting me and had I not talked to Dana, I know that today I would have very deep regrets. But, I know that one day we will see him again. Praise the Lord. Oh, Greg, God is soooo good. Keep walking with Him, the journey is so exciting even though we go through so many heart aches and so much pain God still has a good plan. God bless, dear brother, and thanks for allowing me to share with you. If I never see you here I know I'll see you in Heaven. My favorite verse is in 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. PTL
  • Yoel charan

    Thanks for your reply. It is nice to see your new picture. yoel charan
  • Phebe

    Thanks Greg, I'm kind of new at this and so I will learn little by little. Every little bit of info helps.God bless.
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Nienie

    Just LOVE your new profile picture!!!
  • Phebe

    Good afternoon, Greg, Just checking to see if you got my comment on July 1 @ 11:33 a.m.I'm not sure I'm soing this right. Thanks, God bless, I hope you're having a Spirit-filled day.
  • Wendy

    U R so cute, Hammy!
  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

    Dearest Br Greg
    Thank you for the privilege of asking me to be your friend. I accept with a big THANK YOU.

    You do indeed have a beautiful wife, but you don't look too shabby yourself (smile - just my way of teasing)...

    I do not have a blog and I am too scared to try.. Perhaps one day I will give it a go.

    I just want to share the love of Jesus with all my friends. Tell me, do I go to the Group Section and then give my "Comments".

    I am an old lady but I am so enthusiastic about learning about people who have had a complete and radical change in their lives and then follow Jesus. I feel also that we should warn our brothers and sisters in Christ about the dangers of ignoring God when He speaks to us.

    I evangelise wherever I go and I am supposed to be an "introvert"??? My daughter says : Nay! You are so friendly. (She is married to a lovely hard working pastor and she is absolutely his helpmeet in every way.

    By the way, HAPPY 4th of July even though we do not celebrate this in SA. But every day, to me, is a celebration, just knowing Jesus and loving Him.

    Fond love in Christ to you and your loved ones and be blessed
    Ramona P. (hugs and kisses for all).
  • Yoel charan

  • MaryAnn

    Hi Greg. I know you sent me the enrolment key for 'Life in Christ Trek' but I finally managed to sign up and lost the key. Could you please send it again. Thanks!

    PS By the way, you are doing a terrific job!
  • Pastor Bob B

  • Ramona P. Jacobsz

  • Mary

    Greg: Thank you for sending me the email about a banned member. I pray that God will reach out to that former member and love on that person. May God bless you as you continue the work God has called you to do, Greg. In His Love and Care, Mary West
  • Pastor Bob B

    Greg the following song is called, "Healer".
    I will leave the story behind it also.
    Since Carla put this up last week, I have watched it every day. May the Holy Spirit minister to you also.
  • Yoel charan

  • Ramona P. Jacobsz


  • brateng

    Hello Greg,

    A thousand apologies my dear for I can't actually remember when I last wrote to you.

    This is just to let you know that though absent in writing, you are always in our prayers and we thank God for all that you are doing for His cause.

    May God invigorate and replenish you and all that you hold dear...amterially and spiritually.

    In His joint service-Pst. Bernhard C.
  • Ron Payne

    My Dear friend and brother,
    Thank you for your kind words and sharing my grief.
    I am still not quite ready to come back, I find myself staring at the keyboard with nothing to say. I am sure this will pass as the Lord continues to comfort me.
    The Lord Bless you and your family.
  • Leonard T

    I would have to say that yours is......well, unique :-)
  • Lourdito

    Hi Bro. Greg, Wow talaga! It’s nice to hear that. By the way you can call me bro. Lito, married w/ one treasure from the Lord (it’s a boy name Joseph Isaac). My Sister wife name is Phoebe (she's pregnant).

    Sana ma-meet ko dn sila. Maraming salamat. God Speed po…
  • Rose

    Thank you for adding me as a freind. I look forword to my new freinds and pray the Lord will speak through us as we grow more like him.
  • Carla

    Hi Greg,

    Just sending a quick hello fro Nova Scotia. I'm not officially back yet, but I miss you all terribly. God Bless, Carla
  • Carla

    Hi Greg,

    I have returned safe and sound. Thank you for your prayers. It is great to be home!

    Love in Christ, Carla
  • Pastor Bob B

    Hi Greg, you must have been away last week or i just missed seeing you around. I have to share with you my new favorite worship song.
    In the love of Christ.
  • Lourdito

    Unto the end!

    "Having loved His own who were in the world
    --He loved them to the end." John 13:1

    The most wonderful thing in the universe, is
    our Savior's love for His own people. Christ
    bears with all our infirmities. He never tires
    of our inconsistencies and unfaithfulnesses.
    He goes on forever forgiving and forgetting.
    He follows us when we go astray. He does not
    forget us--when we forget Him. Through all
    our stumbling and sinning, through all our
    provocation and disobedience, through all
    our waywardnesses and stubbornnesses,
    through all our doubting and unfaithfulness
    --He clings to us still, and never lets us go.
    "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake
    you." Hebrews 13:5

    "I give them eternal life, and they will never
    perish—ever! No one will snatch them out of
    My hand!" John 10:28
  • Dotsy

    Thank you very much for the wonderful welcome in both 'Miracle Golow' and TheNet. I feel very blessed already and hope to share more with you. God bless
  • Pastor Humberto

    Greetings in the name of the Lord. Thank you for accepting the network. I know that emotionally I know many brothers and fellow mission in this website. God bless you.
    Humberto Velarde
    Pastor and Missionary
  • Nancy Mazzei

  • Carla

    Hey ..nice hat Cowboy!


    How was the holiday? Hope you had a great vacation.

  • Carla

    You are welcome.....Yes everything is going well! I am reading a new book "The Shack", it is really excellent. I recommend it highly.

    I love Arizona, I have been to Scottsdale and Phoenix, Scottsdale is particularly beautiful. That was the one time I have been on a horse... (I threw my back out due to my lack of coordination). That was many years ago. Glad to have you back!
  • Nancy Mazzei

    Things are getting better. When my Mom passed away in April I was so heartbroken. Coming to Christian Networking I have been blessed so. Somehow I know that through it all our Lord will carry me. And He is.
  • Pastor Bob B

    Love the Hat! Great picture.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Awww, ya mean, you really arn't a merecat from the islands!?! Oh well, I guess the womenfolk do have more confidence in cowboys, than merecats. Ha, ha! Thanks for adding me as a friend. God bless you brother!
  • Phebe

    Hi Greg, on July 1st you sent me some good info in response to my questions. I haven't been on for some time. So, thanks, for the good info.
  • Deborah Sue Schenfeld

    Hi Greg,
    Well, I sat up a little straighter. I was usually Debra Sue when my mom was mad at me! Ha, ha! Deborah is fine, or Debbie. After my mother died, the Lord told me to start using Deborah from the Bible. That's what my dad had wanted me named, but I only weighed 3 lbs. at birth, so my mother thought the name was too long. Wow, a guy asks a simple question! LOL! Sorry, I guess I'm one of those gals with the extra words. (Maybe if I use them all by lunchtime, I'll get another 'download'!) Ha! Hope that nice hat comes with a horse! It just wouldn't seem right overwise. (I guess a jeep or 4 by 4 would do. God bless you!)