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I'm here to...
meet fellow Christians
Jesus, studying Gods Holy word, My relationship with Christ, My family, My Brothers and Sisters,My cats, reading, writing, singing, dancing, laughing, spending time in Gods glorious creation, meeting new people, helping others, living life each day by giving the glory to God. *We are all here, by his mercy & grace, let us be thankful*
I'm passionate about...
Jesus,My Family, People, LOVE, Kindness,Peace and learning to be thankful in everything and leaning more on God. I really am striving to understand what it means to be a child of the most high God. I am passionate about being compassionate and reaching out to lost souls and to those who are broken and lost. I want to be a true servant of God in all that I do (daily) and a true follower of Christ.
My story with God
*This is hard to sum up in one box and my story is not complete, but until now this is how it has been*

God has always been a part of my life. I can remember being a small child and feeling his presence in the field & woods where I spent most of my time. I was also raised Catholic and delighted in learning about him. My mother spent some time teaching us the importance of Jesus, but I never truly understood that I could know him on a personal level. As a teen, I strayed due to many hurts in my life at that time, I became confused and longed to know the truth. I explored many different religions and never felt peace with any of them.


God always led me back to him, no matter how far I strayed.I would feel Him tugging on my heartstrings and I would occasionally visit different churches seeking him.

I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am to HIM for my life. For alot of my adulthood I abused alcohol and focused on only the negative aspects of my life. I would cry out to him to save me from my terrible habits but it wasn't until I had nothing left of myself to love or take comfort in that I realized I absolutely NEEDED him.

This past winter after desperately seeking Him I found him once again, he showed me my sins the way he saw them and I found myself on my knees in total despair for what I had done.(living apart from him for so long) I begged his forgiveness and humility carried me back to that cross. In a instant I knew that he was my CREATOR/Father and I his creation/child, I felt so much love and peace, and finally reborn. I now no longer crave alcohol and I choose to focus on the positive. Sometimes my old self likes to creep in and remind me of those past hurts or even present ones, I am learning (and also by everyone here) that I need to always trust God and surrender everything to him.

I do not look to the world any longer for gratification, only Jesus. I am constantly searching my heart to make sure I am living out his will. Life is tough, and this path a narrow one, but NOTHING could ever lead me off of it again, I am here to finish this race. I give all the glory to God.

Praise Jesus our Glorious King!! My God my one and only Maker, my Father, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Restorer, my Rebuilder, my Rewarder- I give Him all the Praise!!! amen.
Other stuff about me:
I am a mom to my two beautiful daughters, Hannah and Sophie, my gifts from God. They have taught me how to laugh and be silly again. To dream and love unconditionally. Being a mother has shown what true love is and I know this is how God must feel towards us. Perhaps this is why God gave them to me, as I had a hard time understanding what love really was, before I had my children.

I also looove to read, write and listen to and play music (guitar) I love learning about Gods Holy word and being out in nature. I love to swim (it reminds me of being a kid and it makes me feel free) and relax by the lake. I love great conversations and to laugh ALOT.My fiance makes me laugh everyday!! I am getting baptized this summer and I am very excited. I long for the day when I can see my makers face again.(I had a dream once when I was fifteen, where Jesus came to me and held out his hand and asked me to take his hand and follow him-I did and I felt pure bliss, happiness,love, like fireworks lol) a *feeling* I had never or have never felt. Anyways it seemed very real and I sometimes wonder if it was.... either way I do long for that day and I pray that many of my family members who are unsaved will see his face too.

and thats about it for now.

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  • Christy Gabriel

    I am being made aware that Jesus is coming sooner than many think. Many will not be ready for His return. We need to be ready, wise virgins, keeping oil in our lamps.

    With much love in Christ: Christy Gabriel B
  • Alicia Carpenter

    My gift for you:I found this place for Christian affirmations.All we have to do is replace the bad thoughts with good thoughts..simple,isn't it? <a href=""></a>
  • Christy Gabriel