AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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Administrate TheNET
Writing articles and FAQ's for TheNET
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Administrating TheNET

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  • Pastor Bob B

    Greg, I would like to start a group dealing with spiritual abuse. I have written a comprehensive article dealing with spiritual abuse that is 27 pages. I really believe this is a real big issue that many Christians have or are dealing with. My question is , Is 27 pages to much or should I carve it down? Or is this a good place to for this?
  • smalltownpreacher

    I think perhaps you have misinterpreted what I posted. However, since my posting has generated such a response, I have removed it.
  • Janet

    Hi Greg, I am glad I am doing better as well .. and Yes! there are many great friends here on AllaboutGod.net I am very blessed!
  • Pastor Bob B

    In my city a authoritarian abusive church raised up about 20 years ago. I was suduced into this church with half of the church I had been envolved with since i was a teenager. Many other Good churches lost alot of thier people too. At first it seemed wonderful, almost to good to be true, then about 8-10 year into it things began to change when it grew to over 300 people. The Pastors extorted, manipulated, spiritually abused people, broke up families, etc. What I have written up is for Pastor, and church leaders, to help them understand what it means to be a spiritually abused person, and give them some guidence in ministering to them. This problem is huge and there is very little help for those who have gone through this stuff. I think it is a good Idea to break it up. It can be done because it deals with alot of different issues. I will begin to set it up if I get the go ahead from you. God bless Bob
  • jhaz

    Hi Sir.. Im from Philippines too.. just saw your message from one of the members. GOdbless!
  • Michael Daniel

    hi Greg

    Gud morining in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

    Greg hwz going? thank for the suggestion you gave me on Apocrapha. it help me a lot. Thanks
    Greg i want to ask you something, please guide me

    One of My friend here in Allahabad is working in the Diocesan Christian School as the English Teacher. The school has two branches (Main and Girl branch). The principal is on extention (Main Branch), His wife was Head incharge of the Girls wing, But she died in the starting month of Jan. this year ( May God Rest her soul in Peace). The post was vaccant. But God know, the principal (main branch) make his son the Head incharge in the palce of his Wife. The son is just 30 yrs old, with 4 yrs teaching experience. He is superceeding all senior teachers, because of the will of his father. He announced the Girl's Wing to be co-ed ( as it is compeletly girls institue) He has spoken againt the Bishop also. He said that i don't care about anyone. nobody can do anything. He spoked many things about Bishop, He discrediting the Bishop, Judges, and other in a privated conversaiton with my friend. My friend hasthe recording of all the conversation. Now Greg, tell me that what should we do, if we see Bible, we have to be honest to our Bishop. We are puzzled. Tell us what to do.

    God Bless us all

    In christ
  • Pastor Bob B

    Thanks Greg, I understand the privacy issue and will honor them. Thanks for your help and have a wonderful evening
  • jhaz

    honga pu.. enjoy nga poh sa site na toh.. Others will help you heal,, and you can help them heal their wounds either.. Thank you poh ha.. hehe Godbless pu!
  • robert

    Thank you for the greeting. The Spirit is working so diligently and quietly in my life today and peace as I have not known in a long time is with me because of what Christ has done for me. I will take advantage of the studies you offer. In Christs' Love Robert
  • Pastor Bob B

    Greg I just finished putting the Healing from spititual abuse forum up. I have already been getting feed back and I pray that as we all bind together we can see God do something wonderful through this group. God bless
  • Phabs

    Hi Greg
    can we have different text colors for the forum? and emoticons? and cookies? okay maybe not cookies but definitely a little color would help... I think...

    God bless
  • Sean

    Hello greg, i must say that this is truly a wonderful site and I do think there was a reason that I sumbled upon this site. I feel that the people here are geniune and it gives me joy to no that there are people in this world that may be facing sum of the same thing that im am going threw. I wanted to thank u from the very bottom of my heart.
  • Phabs

    Hi Greg
    Forum of course, I don't have a chat ID...BTW what happened to it?
  • jhaz

    graduating na poh dis march.. hehehe!
  • Michael Daniel

    hi Greg
    Good morning in name of Christ

    Greg i want one more help, Could you guide me from where i can get the scholarship for theology studies.

    Michael Daniel
  • Timothy Lambright

    Thank you so much for the nice welcome,i will be here from time to time but i do not get on my computer very much anymore since finding the Lord,I will be checking out the Genesis Group im thinking,Thank you Again and Thank you Jesus for allowing me to come into your circles,Timothy.
  • Phabs

    Hi Greg
    Understood...I guess I'll have to settle for the cookies. Macadamia nut chocoalate chip please... thank you!
  • Yoel charan

  • maha

    Thanks Greg for welcoming me in,
    I do respect your believes, which is not that much different than mine.
    I knew only 6 or 7 christians in my whole life from work and they were very nice people. I thought that christians hates muslims specially after 9/11 but I guess I was mistaken...
  • Timothy Lambright

    A Fine Sunday at y Church,My wife was sick and could not attend but i was there and recieved my certificate of Baptism from our Church(was Baptised on Feb,10th) Jesus is King!!!
  • Nadialyn Saraza

  • jon lutz

    ThankYou for taking the time to write. I look forward to exploring this site.....best regards,

  • Timothy Lambright

    Thank You ever so much,I feel life has changes for me everyone in my family has noticed the change and they say it is good,It feels great to be one of Jesus desciples.
  • maha

    In Quran, surah [5:82 - 83]: Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, "We are Christians": because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant
    And when they listen to the revelation received by the Messenger, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: "Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses.”
    I really do believe that believers are seekers of the truth whether they are Jews, Christians or Muslims, and by God’s will they will find it “Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imran above all people, Offspring, one of the other: And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” Thus and as you said May Allah bless us all and show the right way
  • Phabs

    Greg I don't know what I did but i'm unable to sign out and view my messages and view friend requests and send messages. I don't have the "NING bar" and I think I can only reply to original threads not to a replying post. I tried clearing temporary files/cookies but it does not work... I don't know what I did
  • Phabs

    Gred when I click the sign out button, it does nothing. It's being quite a rebel but that's really not a big deal, I'll just be on forever and ever and ever

    The problem is not being able to see my messages and send message and my requests and request...
  • Phabs

    i've figure out that it has to do with my PC and not my NING account. i loggged on at work today, everything was fine, I recently added a new program, my guess is that somehow someway it's disrupted something....
    thanks for your help,
  • Michael Daniel

    hi Greg
    Sorry for not be in touch for last 3-4 days. Actually our head office team came for evaluation. i goes well. you know, my cheif offered me full financial support to go for Theology studies. He said Michael i always noticed that you are smart and have talent. you should not waste it. when he hears that i want to go for Theology, he feel very happy in addition he said, if Organization is will not support, i will support you from my pocket, either i have to go for a debt. I am glad that God gave me such a beautiful chance. But now, i am confusing in earthly things (leaving job, going for 4 years, all friends, money). Please pray for me. As he said also that when you will come back i will give a higher post.
    Please help me through prayers

  • Michelle Diedrich

    Hi Greg,
    Great site! I'm enjoying looking around and seeing everything on it. Would love to connect on how things are going with ARC. Go Big Red!
  • john courage muyeyero

    Cre..,it is a wonderfull thing to discover that GOD grants people that care about others and thats one reason i everyday appreciate GOD for HIS LOVE that left HIM with no choice bt to let XST come that we can be a ONE FAMILY.thx 4 da welcome msg.hope to keepup with u and "in the begining "GODZ GRACE.john
  • Pastor Bob B

    My brother Greg I have been learning more about what it means to wait upon the Lord, it means to keep coming be fore Him so he can do a restoritive work in our souls. I pray for you that God will bless you as you keep coming before Him giving you the strength to do His will.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Greg!!
    "He who pursues righteousness and love, finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs:21:21
    The body of All About God:" The body is a unit, though it is made of many parts; thoughall its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one spirit, into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free-and we were all given one Spirit to drink". 1 Corinthians 12:12,13.
    "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27
    Thanks Greg for all you do!!
  • Ramon

    Hello Greg! Since I joined allaboutgod, I have been blessed with all the spiritual feeding I get specially in the forums where various subjects are discussed. However, I was wondering if all these discussions could be made more interactive. I noticed a lot of members have enlisted into the chat but not many participate. It could be a wonderful venue to exchange views, pray together and even a place of refuge for those who hurt and need someone to talk to. I am not sure how to go about this, but I am volunteering my time to a group that may be established that will require my assistance for the purpose of an interactive venue. I would appreciate your views and guidance on this regard. God bless....
  • Pastor Gill

    Hi Greg and thankyou for the welcome! I am glad to be a part of such a great community meeting with the Family in Christ as we love and help one another to know Jesus. Thankyou for following the Lord's lead and creating this site. I know many will be blessed and find encouragment and a deper walk with the Saviour. God bless, Gill x
  • Sue

    Greg, thanks for the welcome. I was glad to get the email from The Outlaw's at Mountain Springs Church announcing the site. It is great to see Christians using the net to furture the Kingdom. Glad to be a part of it, and most definately will be spreading the word.
  • john courage muyeyero

    Hei Cregy,hop all is fyn..,having a worhty sunday!mine has bn awesome..,bn out for a prison ministry and GOD has bn exalted.however these friends needed bibles and pray with me about this bcos they expect much from GOD & without bibles..it hurts their daily spiritual growth.GOD's favour Creg thru the week.
  • jesslmurry

    Thank you for the warm welcome and I look forward to getting to know this site as well as the people......
  • Martin

    Not that i know you yeat, but its nice with freands.
    Take care and never forget the book of revelations.

    /Martin from sweden "the former Vikings"
  • maha

    Hello Greg,
    I'm really enjoying my time exploring and learning about Christians and I’m thankful for all of your patience answering my questions
    What I always asks God for is to forgive us all, and I don’t mean only Muslims, I’m not lying, but I think that people from different religions has humanity and goodness, and I feel so bad when I think that many will go to hell. That’s why I always ask God to show all of us the right path to Him and forgives us all
  • Laisa

    Bula Greg,
    Thanx so much for the greeting, I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to meet and getting to know people who share the same interest as I am. I cannot wait to get started. Finally I found what I've been looking for; a net that has Christians meeting and getting to know other Christians from any part of the world. Thank you my friend and we shall thank our Good LORD for that.

    GOD bless you.
  • Alfred

    Thanks for the warm welcome Greg. I look forward to what God has instore for us all through this fellowshiping tool. Blessings to you and your house.

    Thanks for the welcome message Greg,

  • Michelle Diedrich

    Hi Greg, would love to chat on ARC and your experience - I understand what you're saying, although I've been told there are reasons we do it that way. Anyway - if I have a question about the site - do you have a tech support? For example, i'm getting all these friend requests, but I dont' know the people who are sending them.
  • Megan Dowske

    I would really like to join this group. Question is how do I do that. I am really interested in knowing more about the bible and what it can teach me. email me back and let me know what I have to do.
  • Mariam

    Hi Greg,
    Just added my pic today,i love it here because it brings my life back.
    I dont regret joining this Net,thanks to you all for being there for us,God bless you.Just want to know how do i join a chat room over here and whats required,

    hello friend Greg thank you for adding me as your
    friend. May God Bless You and your family.
    yours friend. Amit
  • Pastor Bob B

    I am all set finally and have gone through all the imf. so far. Just let me know if i can be of help to you. God bless Bob B
  • Steve Lanning

    Thanks, Greg,
    I appreciate your comments. And will do what I can to participate. I would really like to gain some help and insight in developing my business to business ministry of Tentmakers Support, Int'l. I feel a tug from our Lord of praying for and helping develop and deepen both the personal and business life of Christian business owners. Any input to that end would be very much appreciated. I am still VERY much of an Internet Klutz when it comes to Website building!
    Christians in business are the 'engine' of the local church to missions worldwide and they need our prayer on a regular basis.
    Thanks again so much for writing, Greg.
  • Megan Dowske

    "Can I know that I will go to heaven when I die?" Where in the bible does it talk about this. Is there some bible verses that talk about this. If there is can you tell me where to look.