AAG Netguy

, Male

Colorado Springs, CO

United States

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Administrate TheNET
Writing articles and FAQ's for TheNET
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Administrating TheNET

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  • Pastor Bob B

    I want you to know how blessed I have been, I am disabled due to a neuromuscular condition that really limits me in getting out and ministering like I use to. This site is giving oppertunities to use my gift of encouragement every day. I have have a burden for Africa for many years and I have been able to connect with Brothers from Africa and am so blessed to agree in prayer and encourage them. Have a God blessed day.
  • Winson Gan

    Thank you Greg.
    God is Love.
  • Donna

    Thanks Greg, It is great to find a site like this. I will definitely check out the bible study and other areas. I am just learning how to "travel around" on theNet. Is your sister-in-law on this site? I would love to converse with her about Nicaragua. Thanks for the information! God be with you.
  • Dan

    Thanks Greg. Keep up the good work!
  • Moomins

    mmm, let me think.....mmmm, how about every page, that would mean we can work on our profiles, read others, work on discussions, groups etc, and still be able to share the word, support and interact with our new Christian family.

    Have a wonderful day in Jesus

    Less demanding, more persuasive :)
  • Nienie

    Thanks for the warm welcome Greg, I will defintely check out all these interesting groups and forums. surely it will helps us grow and deepen our relationship with our God.
    Blessing to you!
  • Cindy

    Dear Greg:

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I rejoice every time I get the weekly report of how many are coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior through All About God.

    I am currently in a valley. My mom has cancer. She has been battling various forms (originally in her colon, then her lungs, her adrenal glands and now in lungs again and liver). She struggles to breathe. I am glad has had me working on my coping patterns so that I can stand in this storm.

    I am a mother to two sons under age 12. I currently work in their school kitchen. We are an active family and I am trying to stay anchored to Christ as well as encouraging others in their walk with Christ.

    In Him,

  • Moomins

    Two months and already I feel like i've known you guys forever.
    I have made so many new friends and found a new family.
    TheNet is now part of my life and has a place in my heart, as you all do.
    Thank you for making it all possible.

    His Love Is Eternal

  • regibiz

    Thanks Greg. I was saved in 1978.
    I love the site. It's good to meet other sisters and brothers in Christ.


  • Joyce Hicks

    Thanks Greg Love this site.Only on main page I think. Easier that way. God Bless Joyce
  • Diana

    Hi Gregg.. Soo sorry it's taken so long to get back .. blah been busy with work & activities, so havent been on much .. I'm involved with local missions.. clothes/misc. drives & give aways in the spring .. and right now I'm trying to get all of our Churches involved ( very small town) in a Winter blanket & coat drive/giveaway .. I'm so excited then theres always .. the food pantry to keep up and welcoming new people to town .. checking on their Church activities .. here in lil towns .. lol we dont push which church .. as long as it's bible based .. well theres lots more .. but it'll take up your whole page .. I get to excited and tend to go on and on .. but it's great .. we have a great group of people who love to Get out there and do Gods work ..anyways .. thanks for dropping bye to say hi .. again .. sorry for the delay .. Diana
  • BigMamaRuth

    Thanks Greg for your prayers. I am glad to be your friends. If you need me for anything. Please let me know. I would like for GOD to use me to help my fellow man. Big Mama
  • Daniel

    God Bless you. Thnaks for alll the information. I know it would be of great blessing to me and my family. We need to stay strong in the Lord because this world is very tough to live without God. God Bless :-)
  • Mandy

    Dear Greg; I am missing allot of messages. How do I go to my Inbox? Have a blessed day.
    O, Lord, you never forsake those who seek you!
  • Ron Payne

    Thank you for your prompt reply Greg. I attempted to send message using the "private message Box, to three firends, one by one, to test it out. Your name Greg, was one of them. I have tried this in their own Pages and On My Page - No Joy, But will try again
  • Jan Ostrander

    Hi Greg,
    Thank you for inviting me to be a friend. I love that this is created for Christians of all levels to meet and greet. May God continue to bless you in all you do for HIm. I will have to look into the options more, but will get back to you on studies etc... I spend so much time on a computer for work that I do not usually spend a whole lot of time on my home computer. I actually am inside sick today, and finally checked my emails, and that is where I got started on this site. I hope that all is well with you, and will keep you posted.
    Jan Ostrander
  • soni

    Thanks a lot Greg. I am already feeling the presence of God as I brownse. I am convinced it shall be a lot of joy in the Lord. Please keep the good work going,and may the almighty continue to replenish you amen. Remain blessed. Soni
  • Alicia

    Hi Greg, thanks for the greeting! I love the site, there's a LOT to see and do here. I can tell there's a great group of people here too. I look forward to becoming a part of the community here!
  • Barbara

  • Munchiesmommy

    Hey!!! Happy Monday. All is well and blessed in the Lord. Hope you have a wonderful week and many souls will be saved for Him!!! I am happy to be in His presence daily.
    Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com

  • Fig

    Hi Greg!
    Thanks for becoming a friend! I am adding you & your family to my daily prayer list. God Bless You! I look forward to sharing Christ with you! -Rina :)
  • Nienie

    Thanks Greg appreciate!!!
  • GraceCharm

    Hi Greg, thanks a lot for your warm welcome! I'm so glad to be a part of this. May the Lord bless you always!
  • Merle Ryytel

    Thank you, Greg, for your check up! I do not feel I'm getting a better understanding of God's love for me but I'm working on it :) and keep doing it until I'll get to experience least some of it...

    How do yo understand the word "family" considering the congregation?

    By the way, you've got absolutely beautiful wife!!!

    Have a nice day!!!

  • Ken

    Bless you brother Greg on this glorious day.

    "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” David - Psalm 51:10
  • Bill

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for thinking of me. Things are going pretty good. We have to just trust and obey. God has a lot of things to do, and our ways are not God's ways, so we listen and wait. We have many friends in our missionally minded church. We are blessed.

    Your friend,
  • Paige Robertson

    Praise God!!!!
    Thank you for all your prayers!!! They are powerful!!! I thank you and everyone here who have taken the time and heart to help me overcome fear and step out in faith!!!! I finally went to a church up here and I tell you, I am not kidding, I felt a joy, and peace I had not felt for a long time!!!!! Wow! I knew God was prompting me too for a long time after I moved, but I just couldnt do it. But I finally went with my new neighbor who is a Christian,(Praise God) and I was introduced to the greatest people in Ministry and Childrens ministry topossibly be thier in house muralist and have a chance at ministering to others regarding body image. Praise God!!! I hope and pray that that oppurtunity really happens, but all that matters is that Im there and I am soo happy I cant stand it!!!! Its just another example how God works, and if you are afraid, step out in faith and "do it anyway"! Oh, I feel so refeshed and excited about my new friends and oppurtunities for me and my kids. There is a awesome Christian school there too ! Missle school to High school which I really want my kids to go to. Thank you for you and allaboutGod.com. Thank you!! Keep up the prayers!!! Paige
  • Venetia

    Thanks a lot for your comments. First of all Greg I am not from India I am from Pakistan. I pray that I get time to come frequently on this website.
  • Carl

    I have recieved Jesus as my savior, but right now I feel like I'm been attack by somethings. Feel like those old ways are trying to come out of me again. What do you do when you feel the lord is not speaking to you any more
  • Kerwyn

    hi greg,its me, how are u and ur family doing? I must tell u what happened, during this week, there where i fellowship our church had a fasting period of 21 days, while i was at work, i collapsed and i passed out, one of the trainee manager actually prayed for me and i revived again. I just ant to thank God for my health, word for an encouragement,WHEN U WALK IN THE FIRE THERE IS A 4TH MAN WITH U, some how God tests us to see how much faith do we have. Have a great week, and i love u with the love of the lord. God bless, i will pray for ur country, IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED MY NAME, WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES, SEEK MY FACE TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND I WILL HEAL THEIR LAND, think about that statement. God bless, keep the faith.
  • Yahya

    I appreciate the site... great medium for other believers to connect. Thanks. YEBH
  • journeyman

    I believe when I have trouble sleeping, the Holy Spirit is trying to have me understand somethingabout my life. I am praying for you Greg. At this moment. When I'm like this(not able to sleep) I open my Bible. God's word will bring you the patience you need for yourself. God is right by your side. Hold his hand. Pray.
    May God Bless you my friend;
  • Robert

    Thank you Greg, i look forward in meeting people who want to know more about Christ. And learning new things, so I will keep on looking at this page from time to time, thanks
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Greg!!!!
    Thanks for the compliments on the pictures. These were taken on my moms wedding day here in Utah at a beautiful place called The Homestead. I love the gardens,the little lakes with all the ducks and animals. They have cutr little gazebos everywhere and there are cabins that you can stay in overnight. Well they look more like new homes than "cabins". Anyway, there is a nice lodge with a pool and hot pots. A hot pot is a natural mineral hot spring that people can sit in. Anyway, its a nice place. Perfect to bring your wife on a trip! Its right in the mountains. Ooooh Romantic!!! Anyway, I love nature. It brings me soo close to the Lord.
  • Marti

    Greg, Yes indeed it is my husband of 10 months. We feel so blessed so have found each other at this stage of our livesl. He is a wonderful God loving man. I am so excited about joining a Bible study. I travel a lot in my work and would like to grow while on the road. Thanks for your email. God bless. Marti
  • Sony

    Thanks for the welcome, Greg! I look forward to getting settled in and making new friends. It looks like there is a lot to do here, it may take me some time.
  • Dean Clark

    Hi from Dean at MissionPossibleCard.com - congrats on the launch of this ministry...I am on it daily and have almost 90 friends...amazing! Are you working with AAG full time? If not, where else do you work? Are you interested in partnering on a custom MissionPossible card for this ministry? If so, is there a way to promote internally? God bless,
  • lorna namara

    Hi Geg,

    Praise Jesus!!
    So sorry that you missed me online yesterday. the funny bit is that I am most of the time online as iam working but i do not know how to chat on this chat. everytime i try during my luch break i t fail so i gave up though i see other people chatting.

    Otherwise I am fine and i hope you too.
    your good friend. Lorna.
  • bryan

    HI Greg, cool site you've set up here, great for getting plugged in...thanks
  • Ian

    Thank You Greg for your message, sadly my life is full of issue's all kinds of things, so it is hard for me sometimes to respond to people or even get invovled, however I try to make small efforts from time to time. Most of the time I think I just send video's that might encourage christians. Thank you Greg for you concern, I do appreciate it. May God be with you and your family, may he help you in your daily life. Ian
  • Merle Ryytel

    Thanks! As my day is just to begin we'll see how it will turn out :)

    Why are you not sleeping????


  • Absent Minded

    Thanks Greg, I have been trying to decide which operating system to keep on my computer so I have been busy reinstalling things. I think I am going to stick with Debian Linux now though so I should be here a little more often.
  • Pastor Bob B

    I was so blessed with a vidio this morning that I have pretty much shared it with every one of my friends on the allabout God net. I hope it blesses you too.
  • Paige Robertson

    Hi Greg!!!
    Thanks for everything. I just wanted to say "hello" and tell you "God loves you".
    I am kind of struggling again with my son, so keep me in prayer. I will talk to you about it later.

    god bless you for inviting me to be your friend online i just found this sight yesterday and so glad god lead me here i have talked with several christians already and have been so blessed thank you and god bles you and your family
  • Travis

    Yeah, I'm doing fair. Just working all the time with little time but anything but sleep and a hotel room!!!! Ah, the joys of the railroad life. Things are about the same family wise. I just keep plowing along and hope one day it will change. but I'm about ready to give her her freedom. I don't know what else to do. Thanks for asking about me. It is nice to know people really care.
  • Orangetree

    Hi Greg, Thank You for leaving an invitation. I came to this site a couple of days ago, I received a message from the Holy Spirit to come here. I am not online enough to even know what to do here yet, so I need to learn how to get around and investigate things, any help would be appreciated. I was told
    by Him to go as far south as I can. I felt that He meant South
    America, but then He said to go to AllaboutGOD.net so here I am. I am patiently waiting for His guidance, maybe that is through you, this is where He led me??
  • Janet

    Hi Brother Greg,

    Thank you.. and no i have not met them yet.. and yes I would be interested in meeting them. I am slowly coming out of this pit I placed myself in. With your prayers and support and everybody elses I am finding the strength In Jesus to pull myself back to where I should be.

    Love you all.
  • David Burnett

    hey Brother Greg nice to hear from you life has been tough for me because I go to a Seventh Day Adventist School and I am in the Band I am the Band Pastor so this coming sabbath ( Saturday ) I have to preach at the Hamilton church in Toronto Ontario and my parents have been badgering me so much that I have a splintering head ache right now so I ask that you keep me in your prayers please Thanks Bye
  • Pastor Bob B

    Bless you greg in all your good work you are doing with allaboutgod.net.